Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency

Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency Visit a country located in the horn of Africa famous for being the LAND OF ORIGINS!

Another UNESCO recognized annual celebration in Ethiopia!Timkat is the Ge’ez expression for the traditional celebration ...

Another UNESCO recognized annual celebration in Ethiopia!

Timkat is the Ge’ez expression for the traditional celebration of Epiphany, commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ in the hands of John the Baptist at River Jordan. Epiphany (Aster’eyo in Ge’ez) denotes the manifestation of the mystery of the Trinitarian God in which God the Father testified the sonship of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit revealed itself as a dove right at the Jordan River when Jesus was baptized. Timkat is also the religious practice that initiates a child to Christendom. Timkat celebration, held annually on the 19th of January, is primarily a function in the purview of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, a church possibly as old as Christianity itself. As indicated in the Bible, an Ethiopian eu**ch was the first person to be baptized when he was on an official visit to Jerusalem. (Acts 8:26-40)

The first mystery of the Christian faith rests in and around Epiphany, which traditionally calls for grand annual celebrations among Christians in Ethiopia. The annual ceremony led by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Ethiopia on January 19 is a very colorful one. The whole city – especially areas along the path to the baptismal pool – is adorned with flags of Ethiopia. Adherents of the faith, especially women, wear clothes with green, yellow and red signifying the Ethiopian flag as the symbol of the rainbow, which in itself means the covenant between man and God. Timkat is a very colorful annual event in the city of Gondar (the capital city of Ethiopia from the early 17th to mid-19th century), a city known as the Camelot of Africa. It is usually the choice of many tourists coming from within the country and from abroad to celebrate the annual festival of the Epiphany. Located in northwestern Ethiopia, Gondar is also known for its age-old castles, some dated back to the 17th century. Gondar draws important annual revenues from tourism, largely through the Timkat festival which is considered the single most passionately celebrated event in Ethiopia.

The Fasiladas Bath, where Timkat celebrations occur in Gondar, represents the Jordan River. At the Ketera marking the eve of the Timkat celebration, eight of the 44 Tabots of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church within the city flock towards the Bath from all directions. At the center of each parish church is the Tabot, the wooden slab believed to be a replica of the Ark of the Covenant. This is the holiest object that has to be carried on the head of the arch priest of the parish church with much reverence. The hymns of St. Yared and other religious songs, as well as worldly songs, accompanied by Eskista, traditional dances both religious and worldly, highlight the festive mood of the day. It is believed that if there is not enough festivity and songs, traditional hymns sung by Debteras (seasoned church educated elites) accompanied by sticks, hand sistra and elegant drums, the Tabot would exert pressure on the priest carrying it and force him to stop from walking farther. The parishioners of each church are dressed up in their finest traditional costumes; the boys and girls dress to their best, using the festival as an opportunity to find their mates. All eight major parishes converge at the pool, respectively resting the Tabot in a tent of their own until the next day when the actual celebration begins.

After Mass is served and the reading from the four Gospels is consummated, the blessing of the water in the pool takes place by the Abun, the Bishop of the city. At this instance the ceremony centers on the pool of water. The morrow then is filled with much jubilation and Elelta, ululation of the womenfolk. With this festivity, the Tabots, surrounded by the enthusiastic faithful, begin to return to their original parishes while more joyous moments are shared by the parishioners, dancing and singing to the best of their performance. This takes almost the whole day.

The pool water is important for several reasons. It symbolizes the importance of water baptism; it is also believed to be the source of healing through the blessings of the water by the ecclesiasts. As soon as the Abun and other high clergy bless the water in the pool with the cross, the youth jump into the pool and swim. Those who enter the pool help sprinkle the water on the faithful who are eagerly waiting aside for the showering of blessings. Many take the blessed water in containers for their sick relatives and to keep in their respective homes for protection and good luck.

Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all our page friends and followers!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all our page friends and followers!

Great Blue Heron!Goliath Heron!Debre-Selam, Gondar, EthiopiaThis species usually breeds in the wet season in colonies in...

Great Blue Heron!
Goliath Heron!
Debre-Selam, Gondar, Ethiopia
This species usually breeds in the wet season in colonies in trees, reedbeds, or cliffs. It builds a bulky stick nest and lays 2–4 eggs.

It often feeds in shallow water, spearing fish or frogs with its long, sharp bill. It will also hunt well away from water, taking large insects, small mammals, and birds.

Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata

Merry Christmas and Happy New yaear!Ethiopia is a birding paradise and make sure it is on your bucket list.

Merry Christmas and Happy New yaear!

Ethiopia is a birding paradise and make sure it is on your bucket list.

አውራምባዎች በሞራል ልእልና በተግባር በሚገለጥ እምነት ዘርና ሀይማኖት ይልቅ ሰውነት ይቀድማል በሚል ግልጽ አቋማቸው ይታወቃሉ።በአውራ አምባወች ምድር በደ/ጎንደር አስተዳደር ፎገራ ወርዳ ይገ...

በሞራል ልእልና
በተግባር በሚገለጥ እምነት
ዘርና ሀይማኖት ይልቅ ሰውነት ይቀድማል በሚል ግልጽ አቋማቸው ይታወቃሉ።

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ክቡር ዶክተር ዙምራ ኑሩ እንዲህ ይላሉ:- እምነታችን ስራ፤ ሀይማኖታችን ፍቅር ነው። አንሰርቅም፣ አንገድልም፣ አንዘሙትም። ጥላቻ የለም፣ ፍቅር ብቻ፤ ህግ አለ።

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ገንዘብ ቢጠፋብህ እንኳን አትደነግጥም ያገኝው ሰው ወደ ዙምራ ወስዶ ይሰጣቸዋል፤ አንተ ወደ እሳቸው መሄድና ያንተ መሆኑን አስረድተህ መረከብ ብቻ ነው።

ከእነሱ ወገን ያልሆኑ አቅመ ደካሞችን ጠዋሪ ቀባሪ የሌላቸው ከሆነ ወስደው ከውራምባ አርጋውያን መጦሪያ በመቀላቀል እስከ እልፈታቸው እየተንከባከቡ ይይዟቸዋል።

ወፎችወፎች በምድር ላይ ከሚገኙ እንስሳት በላባቸው ይለያሉ፡፡ ከ9,800 በላይ የወፍ ዓይነቶች ሲኖሩ፣ መጠናቸውም ከ2.1/4 ኢንች ከምትሆነው ሂዩማኒንግ አንስቶ እስከ ዘጠኝ እግር ርዝመት እ...


ወፎች በምድር ላይ ከሚገኙ እንስሳት በላባቸው ይለያሉ፡፡ ከ9,800 በላይ የወፍ ዓይነቶች ሲኖሩ፣ መጠናቸውም ከ2.1/4 ኢንች ከምትሆነው ሂዩማኒንግ አንስቶ እስከ ዘጠኝ እግር ርዝመት እንዳላት ሰጐን ይደርሳሉ፡፡ ክብደታቸው ቀላል ቢሆንም፣ ጠንካራ አጥንት አላቸው፡፡ መደባቸውም የጀርባ አጥንት ካላቸው እንስሳት ነው፡፡

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Ethiopia is also a country of great lakes.The major Lakes Of Ethiopia are located inside the Rift Valley. There are more...

Ethiopia is also a country of great lakes.

The major Lakes Of Ethiopia are located inside the Rift Valley.

There are more than 15 lakes in Ethiopia which include some of the world's oldest, deepest, and largest lakes.

The Ethiopian Rift Valley, also referred to as the Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia, is situated between the Ethiopian Highlands, in the central part of the country.

The lakes within the Ethiopian Rift Valley support great biodiversity and are of significant importance to the Ethiopian economy.

The main lakes of the Great Rift Valley in Ethiopia include Lake Abaya, Lake Chamo, Lake Zway or Ziway, Lake Shalla, Lake Langano, Lake Abijatta, and Lake Awasa or Hawassa.

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What more interesting staff you can discover in Ethiopia? The Ethiopian Orthodox church has not only preserved the Chris...

What more interesting staff you can discover in Ethiopia?

The Ethiopian Orthodox church has not only preserved the Christian faith in Ethiopia; it has also contributed to the development of a wide range of aesthetic values and religious symbols, which in turn have generated a variety of arts.

Visit Ethiopia!Interested in seeing some of Africa’s most incredible endemic birds, from Stresemann’s bush crow and Prin...

Visit Ethiopia!

Interested in seeing some of Africa’s most incredible endemic birds, from Stresemann’s bush crow and Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco to Rouget’s Rail and Spot-breasted Lapwing?

What about the rugged mountains of the ‘roof of Africa’, the continent’s most extensive highland forests, endless bird-rich savannas, and some of Africa’s most spectacular archaeological sites?

If so, then Ethiopia is your destination.
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Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency

Ethiopian Orthodox church Musical InstrumentsMequamia/Prayer StickThe wooden prayer stick is known as Mequamia in Amhari...

Ethiopian Orthodox church Musical Instruments
Mequamia/Prayer Stick

The wooden prayer stick is known as Mequamia in Amharic. It can be used for guiding and supporting. In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in regular daily life, one can recognize the priests by the mequamia and hand crosses.

In the Church, as the services are lengthy Mequamia serves as a support for the clergy and elderly people to lean upon but the most important use of it is to serve in the song of St. Yared known as “Zemarie”. It could be used with or without the accompaniment of kebero and tsenatsil/sistrum, particularly during Lent.

Mequamia is a symbol of the Cross. At the time of singing known as “Zimame” the cantors, Debteras in Amharic, raise it up high, bring it down, and move it sideways, to the right and to the left. This demonstrates Christ’s incarnation and carrying on the Cross.

The ups and downs of the mequamia commemorate:

The coming down of the Son of God from heaven to save the world, the ascending to and descending from the Cross, and the rod on top of which the few put a sour wine mingled with gall and put it to Jesus to drink.
They beat Christ’s head with a stick.

As beating on the floor and raising up expresses the fall of Jesus Christ on the ground and standing up while carrying the Cross. It also signifies His death and burial.

•Moving back and forth, left and right reminds the pushing and pulling of the Lord by the crucifiers.

The entire movement of the Mequamia is associated with the crucifixion story. Christ’s incarnation, crucifixion, death, resurrection, ascension, and second coming.

Get to Know some of the Musical Instruments of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church:-Kebero (Drum)The drum called, Keb...

Get to Know some of the Musical Instruments of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church:-

Kebero (Drum)

The drum called, Kebero in Amharic is a hymnal instrument used to praise the Almighty God. “Praise Him with the drum and sistrum and dance/rhythmical movement” (Psalms 150:4)

It is made of a light, big wood having a hollow cylindrical hemisphere, with leather parchment stretched over the open sides. The outer part is covered with colored textile material, tightly fastened with strong leather strings, and wound with a scarlet hanger to carry it on one’s shoulders.

Kebero itself symbolizes the incarnate Lord Jesus Christ. The wider side tells the omnipresence(the state of being widespread or constantly encountered) of God. The narrow side signifies the incarnation(a person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit, or quality). The covering piece of material is Christ’s scarlet robe. The leather strings – show the strips of flagellation left on Christ’s body. The hanger is the whip (scourges and rope with which they bound Christ’s hands; the Beat – the smack on Christ’s face with the palms of the soldiers. The full picture of the drum/Kebero demonstrates the pain and agony of the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency
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Plan to visit the Land of Origins!Ethiopia is the cradle of humanity, where humans first walked on two legs. It is also ...

Plan to visit the Land of Origins!

Ethiopia is the cradle of humanity, where humans first walked on two legs. It is also the source of the Blue Nile, the great river whose power and fertility nurtured the origin of civilization itself. And it is the origin of one of life’s greatest pleasures – coffee, Ethiopia’s gift to the world. So come to Ethiopia and be enchanted by her extraordinary past and share in her dynamic present. Come, and you will discover why Ethiopia is original in so many ways.

Ethiopia is endowed with various combinations of tourist attractions:- cultural, historical, natural, and man-made. Ethiopia is blessed with impressive scenery, suitable, climate, rich flora & fauna, and recognized archaeological find sites.

Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency
Call us at:- +251922123250
email:- [email protected]

“Abyssinian remains almost unexplored even to this day.  It is regarded by modern Europeans much in the same way as anci...

“Abyssinian remains almost unexplored even to this day. It is regarded by modern Europeans much in the same way as ancient Britain was regarded by the Romans in the days of Julius Caesar.” Antiquity 1 {1927} p. 355

In ancient times around the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and also between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, a high civilization developed which has had great significance for our planet. The people of this area were the first people who recorded history. They undoubtedly contributed greatly to world civilization as such. If we examine the geographical location of these countries, we find that they were located either near big rivers or on the sea coast.
As we know, Ethiopia has a favorable geographical position that fulfills these conditions, it is near the Red Sea and the great river, the Blue Nile, has its sources in this country. We can therefore classify Ethiopia among those countries that developed an ancient civilization.

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Addis Ababa, the new flower, is a beautiful city in Ethiopia.  Hosting the headquarters of the African Union and many UN...

Addis Ababa, the new flower, is a beautiful city in Ethiopia. Hosting the headquarters of the African Union and many UN agencies including the Economic Commision of Africa, there are so many attractions one deserves to see and wonder.

Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency
Call us at:- +251922123250
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The Da’emat CivilizationEthiopia is the cradle of humanity and one of great ancient civilizations. Ethiopia would be not...

The Da’emat Civilization

Ethiopia is the cradle of humanity and one of great ancient civilizations. Ethiopia would be noted as the epicenter of politics culture, religion and civilization.

The Axumite kingdom, one of the four ancient civilizations ever flourished on the globe, is centered in Ethiopia. Though Axum is the most famous, there was a pre-Axumite civilization known as Da'emat.

Daʿemat was a kingdom located in Ethiopia that existed during the 10th to 5th centuries BC. Daʿemat ended as a civilization before the Kingdom of Aksum's early stages. Ancient towns like Yeha, Metera, Hawelti-Melazo, Addis Sagla and Qohayto have remnants of the Da'emat civilization. It is a civilization with monumental architecture, writing and sculpture which could remind us of the 3,000 years of mesmerizing Ethiopian history.

The capital of the Da'emat kingdom was called Yeha. It is located about 25 km north of the town of Adwa and it contained heritages that could depict its ancient glory.

Yeha is now known by its magnificent temple which is called the Temple of Yeha. The Temple of Yeha is the oldest standing structure in Ethiopia & Sub-Saharan Africa. It is believed to be built during the 8th and 7th centuries BC. The Temple is a rectangular building with 18.5 by 15 m width. Regular rectangular slabs of up to 3 meters length were used to build the wall. A great perfectionism was exercised to beautify the external parts, edges and corners of the wall.

Ethiopia is ancient nation which is endowed with plenty of breathtaking heritages and untold history. It has several natural and man-made heritages that could lure tourists from different parts of the world.

For more information, you may contact us at: -
Eyasu Tesfu
Tel. +251922123250
email: - [email protected]

Plan an exciting Bird watching tour in Ethiopia!Over 863 species have been registered, representing approximately 9.5 pe...

Plan an exciting Bird watching tour in Ethiopia!

Over 863 species have been registered, representing approximately 9.5 percent of the world's birds and 39 percent of birds in Africa. 18 of these birds are endemic to Ethiopia, and 14 share with Eritrea, while further 61 are regional endemic and broadly accessible from Ethiopia than neighboring countries.

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The right time to visit   is now.All the flowers are in blossom.  The colorful birds are all over the trees and flowerin...

The right time to visit is now.

All the flowers are in blossom. The colorful birds are all over the trees and flowering plants. They sing the song of plenty-of-food and freedom.

The butterflies which once used to live in all our nebourhood have moved here, at Gullele Botanic Garden.

The natural view of the greenery is perfect. At the gate of the Botanic Garden you will pay an entry fee of 10 Birr per person, and in case you bring your car they will charge you extra 15 Birr.

You will have a day filled with trekking, relaxing and learing names of trees, shrubs, birds, and flowering plants for just 10 Birr.

How long you can stay at Gullele Botanic Garden could strech from half day to Camping Nights with the luxury of the Birds Sound Truck.

There is no any serving cafe, restaurant or bar to provide you any food or drink, just bring your groceries with you .

I leave you with some image I took today.

Visit the Land of Origins!Please like and follow our page!

Visit the Land of Origins!
Please like and follow our page!

Visit the land of Origins which is famous for its cattle population!Have you ever guessed Ethiopia has over 65 million c...

Visit the land of Origins which is famous for its cattle population!
Have you ever guessed Ethiopia has over 65 million cattle?

Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa, with 65 million cattle, 40 million sheep, 51 million goats, 8 million camels, and 49 million chickens in 2020 (Central Statistics Agency, CSA, 2020a).
Visit Ethiopia with us:-


Discover one of the most active Volcano in the World!

Erta Ale is one of the few volcanoes in the world that have an almost persistent lava lake as GVP, Smithsonian Institution describes. Erta Ale (a smoking mountain) is an isolated basaltic shield volcano, 50 km wide, rising more than 600 m from below sea level in the barren Danakil depression.
The volcano contains a 0.7 x 1.6 km elliptical summit crater with several steep-sided pit craters, one of them containing a lava lake. Another larger 1.8 x 3.1 km wide depression, elongated parallel to the trend of the Erta Ale range is located to the SE of the summit and is bounded by curvilinear fault scarps on the SE side. Fresh-looking basaltic lava flows from these fissures have poured into the caldera and locally overflowed its rim. The summit caldera is renowned for one, or sometimes two long-term lava lakes that have been active since at least 1967, or possibly since 1906. Recent fissure eruptions have occurred on the northern flank of Erta Ale.


Lake Afrera is a hypersaline lake in northern Ethiopia. Located in Administrative Zone 2 of the Afar Region, it is one of the lakes of the Danakil Depression. The lake has a surface area of 100 km².
You are strongly encouraged to visit Afar with Daemat Ethiopia Tour and Travel Agency.


Erta Ale is a shield volcano in the Afar region of Ethiopia. Erta Ale is a remote and rarely visited volcano that is known currently to have an active lava lake in its summit crater.
Erta Ale has undergone seven eruption events in the past 125 years.
I am around this extraordinary site of amusement and wonder.
Just have a look at the fascinating activity in just few seconds.
What the short video may not tell you is that it was just 48°c and the harsh wind that blows your keft and right face as you make moves.
Trusty is a condition that you will fill as you didtance yourself from any good drinks.

When planning to travel to Ethiopia and discover the Afar depression by traveling to Era Ale and see the active volcanic...

When planning to travel to Ethiopia and discover the Afar depression by traveling to Era Ale and see the active volcanic activities, here are some of the lowest depressions on planet earth to study and compare with!

Coffee, as sweat as it is, has a story as tasteful as coffee itself.  Here is one:-There, legend says the goat herder Ka...

Coffee, as sweat as it is, has a story as tasteful as coffee itself. Here is one:-

There, legend says the goat herder Kaldi(Ethiopian) first discovered the potential of these beloved beans. The story goes that Kaldi discovered coffee after he noticed that after eating the berries from a certain tree, his goats became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night.
Coffee is not a drink-and-go staff here in its origin. There is a coffee tradition that the Ethiopian society in its long history developed and kept to date.
A single coffee drink has three stages. The first drink is known as Abol, the second Tona, and the third and final is known as Bereka. Each stage has a tasty story associated with the name. A rich and captivating legend will be told at each stage.
Coffee as a traditional drink is not a shot in itself. There are things that go along with coffee. The picture below describes some of the food that will be presented along with it.

Coming soon!Surfing has been associated with water bodies like oceans, lakes and rivers. Yet, there is a unique kind sur...

Coming soon!
Surfing has been associated with water bodies like oceans, lakes and rivers. Yet, there is a unique kind surfing in the deser like the place called the Afar Triangles.


Addis Ababa

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 11:59




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A dedicated service provider for whoever wants to experience Ethiopia!

What has often impressed travelers to Ethiopia, over the ages, is the sheer beauty and variety of the country’s human and natural phenomenon.

Being the origin of the best coffee in the world; Coffea-Arabica, a country with its own alphabet (rich with age-old written history), and home to the holiest item on Earth(the Arc of the Covenant)!

Ethiopia, regarded by medieval Christendom, as the fabulous Land of Prester John, was the only country on the “Dark Continent“ to survive the European Scramble for Africa-and is now believed to have been humanity’s earliest home, for it was in the Afar desert of Eastern Ethiopia the three million-year-old skeleton of the upright-walking women Denqinesh, internationally better known as Lucy (or Australopithecus afarensis), was discovered in 1994.

Come to Ethiopia to wonder how tribal societies live like the first creatures on Earth, with undisturbed social and natural surroundings!

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