Gifted Eyes Trading PLC

Gifted Eyes Trading PLC GIFTED EYES TRADING PLC is a company working in different business sectors including import and expo


Specialty Coffee Expo 2024

McCormick Place, Chicago, IL

Steps from the beginning until end!

Steps from the beginning until end!

ROASTERS: How Does Processing Method Impact Coffee Chemistry & Flavor?……. Let’s take a closer look at what happens.* Ger...

ROASTERS: How Does Processing Method Impact Coffee Chemistry & Flavor?

……. Let’s take a closer look at what happens.

* Germination
Coffee cherries are harvested when they are ripe, meaning that the seeds inside are about to start the germination process. Germination activates some enzymes that metabolize polysaccharides – that is, natural sugars start to break down. There is more enzyme activity during washed processing than in natural processing.

This means that more of the free sugars and other compounds that are transformed into aroma-producing compounds in roasting are consumed in washed processing. The result is that washed coffees are sharper than natural coffees. They have fewer aromatic compounds but more acidity.

* Fermentation
Natural coffees are sweeter than washed coffees in large part because of the fermentation of sugars in the pulp. Both washed and natural coffees experience fermentation, but there is a lot less material for the enzymes to work with in washed coffees because the pulp has been removed.

During fermentation, microbes modify proteins, carbohydrates, and chlorogenic acids. More precursors to aromatic compounds are created in natural coffees. The result is not just sweetness, but fruity, floral, and caramel notes in the final cup. In comparison, washed coffees are cleaner and reveal more of the individual notes of the particular coffee.

Honey processing includes removing the cherry skin, which allows for better fermentation of the mucilage around the bean. This results in a more pronounced sweetness in honey processed coffees than in natural ones, with more buttery aromas and nut notes.

Fermentation can make a big difference to flavor, aroma, and body, but it needs to be carefully controlled. Over-fermentation can create too many acetic acids and phenolic compounds, which will make the final cup bitter or sour. And because the microflora population present in coffee is dense and diverse, fermentation can be inconsistent and unpredictable.

Beans that experience longer periods of germination and less fermentation can show worse results in the cup. Both of the transformations contribute to a good final cup.

ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ምንድነው? ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ብለን ከምንጠራው ስያሜ በስተጀርባ ያለው እውነታ!! ለቅምሻ ያህል….ሳህለማርያም ገ/መድህንስፔሻሊቲ ብለን ስንል የተለየ፣ የተመረጠ፣ ደረጃው ከፍ ያለ ...

ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ምንድነው? ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ብለን ከምንጠራው ስያሜ በስተጀርባ ያለው እውነታ!! ለቅምሻ ያህል….
ሳህለማርያም ገ/መድህን
ስፔሻሊቲ ብለን ስንል የተለየ፣ የተመረጠ፣ ደረጃው ከፍ ያለ ወይም ባለ ዝና የሚል እሳቤ ወደ እዝነ ልቡናችን ይመጣልናል፡፡ ይህን ቃል ወደ ቡናችን ስናመጣውም ትርጉሙ ከዚህ እምብዛም የተለየ እንዳልሆነ እንመለከታለን፡፡ ነገር ግን የንግዱ/commercial የሆነውን ቡና ሳይሆን (ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና) በመባል የሚታወቀው ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ቡና ከአበቃቀል ጀምሮ እስከ መሰብሰብ፣ ማዘጋጀት፣ ማጓጓዝ፣ ማቀነባበር ብሎም እስከ መቁላት እና ቅምሻ ድረስ ያለውን ሂደት ለመግለጽ/ለማመልከት የሚያገለግል ቃል ነው።
ይህ ቡና በአሁኑ ሰዓት በአለማቀፍ ደረጃ ከሚቀርቡ ሌሎች ቡናዎች አንጻር ያለው ድርሻ 15 በመቶ ሲሆን በፍጥነት በማደግ ላይ የሚገኝ ገበያ ነው፡፡ ከዋጋም አንጻር አሁን ባለው የገበያ መረጃ መሰረት በፓውንድ ከ3-5 ዶላር እየተሸጠ የሚገኝ ቡና ነው፡፡
ልዩ ቡና ልዩ መሆኑ ከሚታወቅባቸው ባህርያት መካከል፤ እንደአለማቀፉ ልዩ ቡናዎች ማህበር Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) ስታንዳርድ «ምጥን በሆነ ሁኔታ በእጅጉን የተለየ ጥፍጥና/ቃና ወይም ጣዕም ያለው መሆኑ ፕሮፌሽናል የሙያው ባለቤት በሆኑት ቀማሾች መረጋገጡ ሲታመን እና ከመቶኛ የሚሰጡት ውጤትም ከሰማንያ አጋማሽ በላይ ነጥብ ያስመዘገበ መሆን ሲችል እንደሆነ ተጠቅሷል።

ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ከሚለው በስተጀርባ ያለው እውነታ…

"ልዩ ቡና" የሚለው ቃል ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ እ.ኤ.አ በ1974 ኤርና ክኑትሰን በተባለ ሰው "የሻይ እና ቡና ንግድ ጆርናል" እትም ላይ ጥቅም ላይ ውሏል፡፡ Knutsen ቃሉን የተጠቀመው በተወሰኑ/በታወቁ አካባቢዎች በቅለው፣ ልዩ ባህርይ እና ጣዕም ኖሯቸው ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸውን የቡና ዛላ/ፍሬዎችን ለመግለጽ የተጠቀመበት ቃል ነው፡፡
ግብይቱ የተጀመረውም ስታር ባክስ በሚባል ኩባንያ አማካይነት እንደሆነ መረጃዎች ያሳያሉ፡፡
በዚያ በኋላ ባሉ ቀጣዮቹ ዓመታት ደግሞ የቡና ኢንዱስትሪው በፍጥነት እያደገ ከመሆኑ ጋር ተያይዞ የልዩ ቡናዎች ገበያ ዕድገትም በዚያው ልክ እድገቱን አስመዝግቧል። በዚሁ መሰረት የሚከተሉት ሁኔታዎችን መሰረት በማድረግ ለልዩ ቡና ስታንዳርድ ለማውጣት እና በዚያ መሰረትም ደረጃ ለመስጠት/ለመገምገም ደረጃዎች እንዲዘጋጁ ተደርገዋል፤

ሀ. የቡናው ጥራት፡- ልዩ ቡና ጥሩ ጣዕም ያለው እና ምንም አይነት/ የተጋነነ እንከን የለሽ መሆን አለበት።
ለ. እንዴት እንደሚመረት፡- ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ብዙ ጊዜ አካባቢ ጥበቃን እና ሰራተኞችም ፍትሃዊ የስራ ሁኔታ አላቸው ወይ? የሚለውን ጥያቄ በሚመልስ ሁኔታ ላይ ትኩረት አድርጎ በዘላቂነት/ sustainably ይመረታል።
ሐ. ዱካው መታወቅ፡- ልዩ ቡና ብዙ ጊዜ የጠራ መነሻ አለው፣ እያንዳንዱ የቡና ፍሬ ከየትኛው ማሳ ተመረተ፣ ምን አይነት እንክብካቤ እና ታሪክ አለው፣ የት/እንዴት ተለቀመ፣ የት/እንዴት ተዘጋጀ፣ የት/እንዴት ተጓጓዘ ወይም የት/እንዴት ደረሰ የሚለውን ጥያቄ በግልጽ ሊመልስ ይችላል።
መ. ደረጃ አሰጣጥ፤ የስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ማህበር (SCA): በልዩ የቡና ኢንዱስትሪ ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም የሙያ ድርጅት በመሆኑ የSCA አጠቃላይ የቡና ደረጃ አሰጣጥ ስነ ስርዓትን መሰረት አድርጎ ደረጃ አሰጣጡ ይከናወናል፡፡
ሠ. ማሸግ እና ነጥብ መስጠት፡- ቡና ደረጃውን/ስታንዳርድ በጠበቀ ሁኔታ መጠቅለያ ዘዴ/እሸጋ ተጭኖ ከ100 ነጥብ መለኪያ ሲመዘን ስፔሻሊቲ ቡና ነው ለመባል 80 ነጥብ ከረገጠ እና ከዚያ በላይ ከሆነ እንደ ልዩ ቡና/ specialty ቡና ይቆጠራል።

We have all types of:-•Red Kidney beans, •Red Sparkling Beans, •White Sparkling Beans

We have all types of:-

•Red Kidney beans,
•Red Sparkling Beans,
•White Sparkling Beans

Finally Ready for packaging and Export to coffee lovers around 🌎

Finally Ready for packaging and Export to coffee lovers around 🌎

Our Specialty Coffee From Jimma!

Our Specialty Coffee From Jimma!

Coffee from site….

Coffee from site….

Best quality TYRE

Best quality TYRE

 Special Coffee to Special you!

Special Coffee to Special you!

From Oil Seeds

From Oil Seeds


New Crop Coffee Coming From Farm

New Crop Coffee Coming From Farm

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil



Your Perfect Roast Awaits! Whether you crave a bold kick or a smooth delight, we've got the ideal coffee just for you. V...

Your Perfect Roast Awaits!
Whether you crave a bold kick or a smooth delight, we've got the ideal coffee just for you. Visit us today, and our expert roasters will guide you to find the roast level that satisfies your coffee cravings.

Coffee from forest to the entire world by keeping its own taste…

Coffee from forest to the entire world by keeping its own taste…

JAMES QUINCEY is CEO of Coca-ColaHe earned total compensation Of 10.2 Million dollar in 2017From Coca-ColaWARREN BUFFETT...

is CEO of Coca-Cola
He earned total compensation
Of 10.2 Million dollar in 2017
From Coca-Cola

is Investor in Coca-Cola
He earned 592 Million dollars
Just in dividend income in 2017
From Coca-Cola


Coffee after packaging and when it’s ready for EXPORT

Coffee after packaging and when it’s ready for EXPORT


Incredible starting…

Prepared for Export to Middle East

Prepared for Export to Middle East

Imported tires waiting you…

Imported tires waiting you…




Africa Avenue, Kirkos Sub-City
Addis Ababa

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00




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