ሰዎችን ከጥቃት፤ብዝበዛና እንግልት መጠበቅ የእያንዳንዳችን ሃላፊነት ነው!
ላይቭ-አዲስ የሚደግፋቸውን ወገኖች ከማንኛውም ጥቃት፡ብዝበዛና እንግልት ለመጠበቅ ቁርጠኛ የሆነ ድርጅት ነው፡፡ይህም መላው የድርጅቱን ደጋፊዎች፤ የበላይ ሃላፊዎችን፣ ሠራተኞችን ፣ ሌሎች ባለድርሻ አካላትን ፣ በጎ ፈቃደኞችን ፣ እንግዶችን/ጎብኝዎችን፣ አማካሪዎችን እና ሌሎች ከድርጅቱ ጋር ውል የሚገቡ አካላትን በሙሉ ይመለከታል፡፡
It’s everyone’s responsibility including y
ours! LIVE-ADDIS is committed to safe guarding programs/project Participants from all forms of exploitation and abuse and expects all staff and third Parties (Volunteers, Visitors, Consultants or other contracted parties to share the same commitment
The indent of the LIVE-ADDIS reflects the following themes; Tree, growth, people, community, road to a better life and future, coming together as one, growing outward, prosperity, pathways to a better future
YELLOW, Represents the sun, which, in many cultures, illustrates youthfulness.
BLUE, associated with the sea and the sky, blue represents knowledge, coolness, peace, contemplation, loyalty, justice, and intelligence. GOVERNANCE
The organization has three major tiers, the General Assembly, the Board, and the Secretariat. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body and meets once a year to discuss and approve major strategic issues of the organization, External audit reports, and in fact annual activity and financial report and approves next year's activity and budget plans. The reports and plans are prepared by the Secretariat and presented to the Board prior to the General Assembly. The Board, which consists of 7 members, (with a minimum of two females) is elected among the general assembly members and serves for a period of two years. The Board appoints the Executive Director as the LIVE-ADDIS secretariat and provides support to the management in policy matters, strategic directions, and technical issues. The secretariat is responsible for programs/projects development, implementation, and follow-up of the day-to-day affairs of the Charity. MEMBERSHIP AND VOLUNTARISM
Membership and volunteering are open to all Ethiopian residents who are willing to abide by the bylaw, principles, and values of the Organization. The main criteria for membership and volunteering are the commitment to share professional knowledge and experience with members of the target community. VISION
LIVE-ADDIS aspires to see vulnerable Women, Children, and Youth in Ethiopia become socially and economically empowered, their lives improved and free from Poverty
The mission of LIVE-ADDIS is; to enhance the capacity of vulnerable Young Girls, Women, Children, and Youth in Ethiopia through community-based interventions in collaboration with other development actors
LIVE-ADDIS has the following key goals to achieve in its efforts:
1. Enable Women and Youth in Ethiopia to become Productive, competent, confident, self-supportive, and self-reliant.
2. Enable Children in Ethiopia to become competent and confident future generations. Livelihoods
Youth Employment and
Women social and Economic Empowerment
2. Health
Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV & AIDS prevention and control
3. Impact Migration
4. OVC support
5. Education
6. Voluntarism and
7. Good governance
Environment: - Responsible and responsive approach to the care of the environment and proper management of the ecosystem in all our works
Gender: - Equality and non-discrimination based on gender are fundamental for LIVE-ADDIS. VALUES AND PRINCIPLES
LIVE - ADDIS has core operating values that it aspires to hold itself accountable to and which offer guidance about how it behaves in carrying out its mission. Core operating values influence the culture and public image of the charity as an effective and vibrant non-governmental organization serving particularly vulnerable groups of society. A number of core values have been identified by LIVE-ADDIS to promote effective teamwork, improve program/project quality and effective management of resources, and address fairness, and position LIVE-ADDIS as a charitable organization. These values, which shall serve the charity as a springboard for all its actions, are as follows:
• Respect for people’s dignity
• Participation
• Commitment
• Promoting Voluntarism
• Trust and Transparency
• Responsibility and Accountability
• Equity and Inclusion
• Partnership and Networking
• Innovation
• Integrity and Sustainability
LIVE-Addis is governing by certain Principles that manifested from its strategic design and program implementation. Some of them are;
• All human beings need access to opportunities contributing to the development of their livelihood,
• All people have strengths and assets
• It is possible to make a positive difference in the lives of vulnerable groups
• People thrive/succeed when they make their own choices and they are capable of doing so
• People deserve better opportunities to participate in their community for equal access to services
• It is impossible to bring meaningful changes to the nation without ensuring the full participation of the community. Engagement and participation enrich their lives and make positive contributions
• Designed Support and services are only for the target group
• LIVE-Addis recognizes that the importance of the role of CBOs, State, and non-State actors in the development of support to vulnerable groups.
• Well-trained and motivated staff and volunteers make a difference in the lives of the target group. LIVE-ADDIS has 16 years of proven record of successful implementation of community-based development projects working in partnership with various development actors including but not limited to Government of Ethiopia at Federal, Regional, Sub-City and Woreda level, Concern Worldwide Ethiopia, Goal Ethiopia, Voluntary Service Oversees – Ethiopia (VSO –E),Martial Wace Asset Management ( MWAM), Eureka Charitable Trust ( UK), KKID Germany ,Cord Aid the Netherlands , Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA ), British Embassy Civil Society Support Program ( CSSP) ,African Union through NEPAD/ Spanish Fund ,Spain Embassy Ethiopia,, World Bank through Management Agency , Irish Aid ,Ford Motor Company ( Fellowship Program) , European Union through IFRC/ERC ,CAFOD Just One World ,CSSP2,British Council, The Freedom fund ,Addis Ababa University School of Social Work, Boston University USA, Sapir University of Israel, CISP, KKS/BMZ, PICDO, HIDO, New life , Endurance Youth Association and Meseret Bego Aderagot etc. LIVE-ADDIS has strong program management, Monitoring, Evaluation and learning, personnel and financial management, procurement and store management systems, and organizational working procedures. On top of these; it has gender, child safeguarding and protection, staff safety, and security policies and we are going through a transparent and accountable grant management system. LIVE-ADDIS has successfully implemented projects which aim to support vulnerable and unemployed women, Children, young girls, and boys in the project areas. Through gaining paramount experiences and by improving its approach and methods, LIVE-ADDIS is being able to achieve remarkable results. Its innovative intervention approaches had significantly contributed to bring about notable achievements. In accordance, LIVE-ADDIS has been offered livelihood empowerment support to the most vulnerable group of the society which includes not limited to single mothers, unemployed /under-employed young women and men , orphan and vulnerable children, migrants, potential migrants, volunteer and forced returnees and enables its project participants for improved their livelihoods
It also established strong links with local and international development actors within and outside of the country. It is believed that LIVE-ADDIS as a local charitable organization has contributed a lot to the national poverty reduction efforts. These all activities got testified by various awards and letters of thanks from various entities.