Menagesha Suba Forest: The Oldest Park In Africa - about 45kms from Addis Ababa:
Dating back to the reign of Emperor Zera Yacob, from 1434 to 1468, when he first designated it as a "crown forest. "
Absolutely a tranquil scene reigns over the area. It is full of life capable of refreshing bodies and souls of visitors. That is what visitors of the Menagesha - Suba forest, located some 45 km west of the capital - Addis Ababa, would say.
The giant old trees in the forest have resisted time, lasting for 500 years. The Menagesha - Suba natural forest, which started to exist in the 17th century, had defiantly passed through such a long period of time. It still exists well protected and preserved. The forest itself has "responsibly" been a sanctuary for wild life including those rarest ones. It has not only sheltered them well but also fed them with its own leaves and parts.
The forest is home for numerous endemic as well as common natural trees and flowers. Black and white colobus monkey, menelik’s bushbuck, duiker, Anubis baboon, bush pig, warthog, leopard, and serval cat are among the animals of the park. The majestic beauty of the Mogli peak and surrounding scenery makes Menagesha forest an ideal place for nature lovers, hikers, trekkers, sight seers, forest explorers, scenery admirers and so forth.