Omo Valley Tours offer unique local-led tribal and ethnic visits, exclusively exploring the southern Omo region of Ethiopia. Fitsum Ashebir, the founder of ‘Omo Valley Tours’ was born and raised in the heart of the Omo Valley. Thus, apart from our reliable services we provide, we pride ourselves on our deep knowledge and understanding for the tribes and cultures of the people and their communities
. This offers travellers an intimate insight and enriching Omo Valley cultural exchange. The guides have a unique fluency in the languages of the different tribes; Omo Valley Tours sensitivity and respect for the tribal chiefs and their families has secured a trusting relationship with the people, resulting in a beneficial experience for all. We’ve guided a range of travellers through these regions including researchers, anthropologists and photographers. We will assist you in discovering the most ethnically diverse cultures, customs and ceremonial events, including the most isolated areas of the Omo Valley. Discover the farmers, artesian and skilled craftsmen maintaining their ancestral traditions and workmanship. Using our local knowledge and experience, we consult and design remote and less travelled routes to meet your specific needs.
“Welcome home, we all are human, we all are African