Tigrai: The Open Air Museum

Tigrai: The Open Air Museum Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Tigrai: The Open Air Museum, Tourist Information Center, Tigrai, Mekelle.

Why is Aksum so special in the ancient Horn of African civilization? ==========================================Aksum ren...

Why is Aksum so special in the ancient Horn of African civilization?

Aksum renowned for its historical significance as an ancient civilization that flourished in the region of present-day Tigrai and Eritrea. Among the many reasons, here are some key reasons why Aksum is known for:

and Commerce:

Aksum served as a major trading hub in antiquity, strategically located on the trade routes linking Africa with the Mediterranean world, the Middle East, and South Asia. A thriving trade in goods like ivory, gold, incense, and exotic goods from far-off places contributed to the kingdom's prosperity. Aksum's control of trade routes enriched the kingdom and facilitated cultural exchange and economic growth.

and Heritage:

Aksum was a significant center of early Christianity. It is believed to be one of the first regions where Christianity spread, and the Aksumite Kingdom officially adopted Christianity as its state religion in the 4th century CE. The iconic obelisks, churches, and religious artifacts in the kingdom serve as evidence of its Christian heritage because they combine indigenous traditions and Christian influences.


The Aksumite civilization is famed for its unique architectural achievements, including monumental stelae or obelisks that served as grave markers, religious symbols, and expressions of power. These towering structures, some of which still stand today, showcase the technical prowess and artistic sensibilities of the Aksumites.


Aksumite culture left a lasting imprint on the region, influencing art, architecture, language, and societal practices in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The kingdom's royal inscriptions, coinage, and iconic monuments symbolize a rich cultural heritage that continues to fascinate archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts worldwide.


Aksum was a powerful and influential kingdom in the ancient world, with a legacy that extends beyond its borders. It played a pivotal role in regional politics, diplomatic relations with neighboring states, and interactions with distant empires like Rome and Persia. The Aksumite civilization's diplomatic prowess, military strength, and economic prosperity contributed to its prominence in the ancient world.

World Heritage Site:

In recognition of its outstanding universal value, Aksum's archaeological sites, including its stelae fields, royal tombs, and ruins, have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This prestigious status underscores the global significance of Aksum as a cultural treasure and a testament to the kingdom's enduring legacy.

In summary, Aksum is known for its vibrant trade networks, Christian center, architectural marvels, cultural legacy, historical significance, and designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, making it a captivating subject of study and admiration for scholars and visitors alike

Read and Share Please: https://new-faces-new-places.com/2017/04/17/tomb-raiding-in-axum-aksum-travel-blog/?fbclid=IwAR23wsTq2Q3KWO5wuKYsFrLRPZ5p5rt-mAhK1-CDH5iGbUJYTcKErq74YbM

Visit Tigrai: The Open Air Museum
Visit Tigrai Culture and Tourism Bureau

Gidey Gebreegziabher
March 18/2024
Warsaw, Poland

Unleash your inner Indiana Jones among these ancient wonders.

"ይኾኖ" ልዕሊ ቃላት!!

"ይኾኖ" ልዕሊ ቃላት!!

Ethiopian Music : Mulubrhan Fisseha (wari) Yihono ሙሉእብርሃን ፍስሃ (ዋሪ) ይኾኖ : New Ethiopian Music 2024(Official Video) Ethiopian Music: Check Out Ethiopian New Mu...

ይሓ ውረሲ ስልጣነ ፑንት፣ይሓ ማእከል ሕላገት፣ይሓ ድኣማት፣ይሓ ሳባ፣ይሓ ህንፃ፣ይሓ ታሪክ፣ይሓ ሃይማኖት፣ይሓ ሓድጊ ከይድኩም ርኣይዋ!!© Gidey's Perspective            22...

ይሓ ውረሲ ስልጣነ ፑንት፣
ይሓ ማእከል ሕላገት፣
ይሓ ድኣማት፣
ይሓ ሳባ፣
ይሓ ህንፃ፣
ይሓ ታሪክ፣
ይሓ ሃይማኖት፣
ይሓ ሓድጊ ከይድኩም ርኣይዋ!!

© Gidey's Perspective
****Warsaw, Poland****

Desa is a great example of what Tigrai: The Open Air Museum looks like in terms of natural resources. : The Open Air Mus...

Desa is a great example of what Tigrai: The Open Air Museum looks like in terms of natural resources.

: The Open Air Museum

@ Gidey's Perspective
Warsaw, Poland

Melazo is a pre-Aksumite and Aksumite archaeological site located in the northern part of Tigrai Region of Ethiopia. It ...

Melazo is a pre-Aksumite and Aksumite archaeological site located in the northern part of Tigrai Region of Ethiopia. It contains various uncountable Heritages and unrevealed history as well as ancient Ethio-Sabe’an inscriptions.

!Visit Tigrai: The Open Air Museum

@ Gidey's Perspective

እህም ዶ በለ ጣፍ ዝሃንከተ!!        🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄ናይ ዓድና ነገር እኮ............."ናይ ኣድየይ ነገር'ስ እሲ ነደይ ፋሕታ'ስ እያ ኣደይ ብትን የውገዐአን" ኮይኑ ኣሎ።ንሕጊ...

እህም ዶ በለ ጣፍ ዝሃንከተ!!

ናይ ዓድና ነገር እኮ............."ናይ ኣድየይ ነገር'ስ እሲ ነደይ ፋሕታ'ስ እያ ኣደይ ብትን የውገዐአን" ኮይኑ ኣሎ።

ንሕጊ ተፈጥሮ፣ ንህዝበይን ንእምነተይን እምበር ንውልቀ ሰባት ኢለ ርእሰይ ኣዲኒነ ክከደሉ ዝክእል ዋላ ሓደ ምክንያት የለን ክህልው እውን ኣይፈቅድን እሞ ኣይትድከሙ/ማ።

ሀዚ እውን እንተኮነ ኣብ ባህሊ፣ ታሪክ፣ መንነት ህዝቢ ትግራይ (ትግራይና፣ ኢሮብን ኩናማን) ሰሜን፣ ምዕራብ፣ ደቡብ ይኩን ምብራቅ ፍፁም ዘይደራደርን ኣዘዉቲረን ኣብሊፀን ክቅፅለሉ እየ። ከባብያውነትን ሃይማኖትን፣ ሃፍታምን ድካን ንዓይ ጉደየይ ኣይኮነን። ናተይ ጉዳይ ኣብ ባህላዊ፣ ታሪካውን ተፈጥራውን ሓድግታት ኣብ ምፍላጥን ሞያዊ ፅሑፋተይ ካብ ምልጣፍ ዘቛርፀኒ ዋላ ሓደ ሓይሊ ይኩን ምክንያት የለን። ነዚ ኣነ ዝፅሕፎ ፅሑፍ ኣቛርፆ እትብሉ ሰባት: - ወይ ምሕሳብ ጠጠው ኣቢልኩም ኣለኩም ጥዕናኩም ተመርመሩ ወይ ከዓ ክትሰርሑ ዘይምክኣልኩም ንዝሰርሕ ሰብ ንምትዕንቃፍ እዩ።

ብዛዕባ እቲ ዝልጥፎ ፅሑፍ ጌጋ እንተሃልይዎ እውን ህዝበይ፣ ናይ ሞያ መሓዙተይ፣ መምህራነይ፣ ናይ ሃይማኖት ኣቦታተይን ዓበይቲ ዓድን መእረምታ እንተሂቦምኒ በቀሊሉ ክእረም ዝክእልን መዓልታዊ ተምሃራይን መምህርን ድኣ እምበር ፍፁም እየ ክብል ኣይክእልን ምክንያቱ ክጋገ ዝክእል ሰብ ስለዝኮንኩ። ስለዝኮነ ድማ ክትፈልጥዎ ዝግበአኩም መገልገሊ ህዝበይ እምበር ናይ ውልቀ ሰባት መገልገሊ ኣይኮንኩን። ለባማት እንተኮይንኩም ኣብ መድረክ ንራከብ ፍልጠተይን ፍልጠትኩምን ንህዝቢ ነቅርቦ እሞ ብድሕሪኡ ህዝቢ ይፍረደና። ሓሳብ ብሓሳብ እዩ ዝስዓር ብህልክን ብሽሽቅን ኣይኮነን።

ብሓምየት፣ በለካን ለከዐካን ትግራይ ኣይትልወጥን፣ ኣይትዓብን። ትግራይ እትዓቢ ብተግባር ዝሰርሐላን ተተጋግዩ እውን ካብ ጌግኡ ተኣሪሙ ዝሰርሐላን ሓዱሽ ወለዶኣ ዝሃንፀላን እምበር ኣብ ኔትወርክን ምጥልላፍን ዝነጥፍ ፍፁም ኣየድልያን።

Tsegay Gebremedhn Henok Ony Daniel Asmelash Abrahaley Belete Solja Boy Difen Wedi Tigrai Goshu Tefera ውቅያኖስ ጉዕሽ Abel Guesh ሰብና ዝሓስቦ ዝጠፍኦ ይመስል እሞ ንገሩልና እባ።

ልቢ ተሃልይኩም ግን ክነግረኩም ትሕቲ እቲ ኣእምሮ ዘለዎ ሰብ ምዃንኩም ደጊመ ክነግረኩም።

ደጊመ ኣይትድከሙ ምናልባት እንተሃሊክን እውን ኣይትድከማ።

ኣቱም/ትን እተበረታቱዑኒ ሞራልን ሓቦን እትህቡንን/ባንን ግና ካብ ልቢ የመስግን የቅንየለይ!!! Atsbha Gebreegziabher (PHD) ትሰምዕ ዶ ኣለካ!!!

© Gidey's Perspective

ክፋል 24======መቓብራት ኣፄ ካሌብን ኣፄ ገብረ መስቀልን===========================መቓብር ሃፀይ ካሌብ ካብ ኣክሱም ንኣንፈት ምብራቕ ኣስታት 2 ኪሎ ሜትር ርሒቑ ዝርከብ ...

ክፋል 24

መቓብራት ኣፄ ካሌብን ኣፄ ገብረ መስቀልን

መቓብር ሃፀይ ካሌብ ካብ ኣክሱም ንኣንፈት ምብራቕ ኣስታት 2 ኪሎ ሜትር ርሒቑ ዝርከብ እንትኸውን ፍሉይ ዝኾነ ጥበብ ስነ ህንፃ ኣክሱማውያነ ዝተርኣየሉ መቓብር እዩ፡፡ እዚ መቓብር ዓበይቲ አእማን ነንርእሶም ብምድርራብን እቲ ሓደ ምስቲ ካሊእ እናተኣሳሰሩ ብዘይምንም ስሚንቶን ጭቃን ዝተሰርሑ እዩ፡፡

መቓብር ሃፀይ ገብረመስቀል ድማ ኣብ ጎኒ መቓብር ኣቦኦም ሃፀይ ካሌብ ካብ ምዕራብ ናብ ምብራቕ ኣብ ዘለዉ 19 ኣስካላታት ወሪድካ ዝርከብ በዓል 5 ክፍሊታት መቓብር እዩ፡፡እዚ መቓብር ምስ መቓብር ሃፀይ ካሌብ ተመሳሳሊ ጥበብ ስነ ህንፃ ዝረኣየሉ ኮይኑ ኣብ ውሽጡ ካብ ሓደ እምኒ ዝተቐረፁ 3 ፍሉያት ሳንዱቋት ሬሳ ዝርከብዎ እዩ፡፡
መቓብር እዞም ኣቦን ወድን ዝርከበሉ ከባቢ ጂኦግራፍያዊ ኣቀማምጥኡ ኣዝዩ ወሳንን ሰሓባይን ኣብ ዝኾነ ቦታ ዝተቐመጠ ብምዃኑ ብምብራቕ ጎቦታት ዓድዋ፣ ብሰሜን ኤርትራ፣ ብደቡብ ጎቦታት ሰሜንን ካልኦትን ብግልፂ ዘርእን ንህይወት ዝስማዕማዕ ፍሉይ ስምዒት መንፈስ ዝፈጥር ፅቡቕ ኣየር ዘለዎን ከባቢ እዩ፡፡
...................ክቅፅል እዩ!!

© ግደይ ገ/ሄር

Part 24

The Kaleb and Gebremeskel Tomb

The tomb of Emperor kaleb and his Gebremedkel is located about 2 kilometers east of Aksum. This tomb is made of large stones stacked on top of each other and connected to each other without any cement or mud.

The tomb of Emperor Gebremeskel is a five-room tomb located on 19 steps from west to east next to the tomb of his father Emperor kaleb.

The graves of these father and sons are located in a very crucial and attractive geographical location, east of the hills of Adwa, north of Eritrea, south of the hills of the north and others.
....................WILL CONTINUE!!!

© Gidey's Perspective

ክፋል 15======ሓድግታትን ስልጣነ ትግራይን===================ሓድግታት ስልጣነ ኣክሱም ንኡስ ክፍሊ ፸===========================ሰሜናዊ ቐፅሪ ግቢ ሓወልቲ ===...

ክፋል 15

ሓድግታትን ስልጣነ ትግራይን

ሓድግታት ስልጣነ ኣክሱም ንኡስ ክፍሊ ፸

ሰሜናዊ ቐፅሪ ግቢ ሓወልቲ

ሰሜናዊ ቐፅሪ ግቢ ሓወልቲ 4 ዝተመላኽዑ ሓወልቲታት ዝሓዘ ኮይኑ ሓወልቲ ቁ-4- ዝወደቐ ኮይኑ 6 በዝሒ ርሻናት፣ 58 ቶን ክብደትን 19 ሜትሮ ቁመትን ዝወነነ እዩ፡፡ ሓወልቲ ቁ.5- እዚ ሓወልቲ ወዲቑ ዝተሰበረ ኮይኑ 6 በዝሒ ርሻናት፣ 75 ቶን ክብደትን 15.8 ሜትሮ ቁመትን ዝሓዘ እዩ፡፡ ሓወልቲ ቁ.6- እዚ ሓወልቲ እቲ ዝነኣሰን ወዲቑ ዝርከብን ኮይኑ 4 በዝሒ ርሻናት፣ 45 ቶን ክብደትን 15.22 ሜትሮ ቁመትን ድማ ኣለዎ፡፡ ሓወልቲ ቁ.7- እዛ ሓወልቲ ኣብ ቅድሚትገፃ ዓንዲ መሳሊ ነገር ኣብ ድሕሪት ገፃ መረባዕ ገዛ ዝተቐረፀላን ካብቶም ካልኦት ሓወልትታት ብዝተፈለየ ምምልኻዕ ዘግየፀት ኮይና ቁመታ 9.78 ሜትሮ እያ፡፡

...........ክቅፅል እዩ!!

ትግራይ ንፍለጣ!!!

©ግደይ ገ/ሄር

Part 16

The Heritage of Tigrai and Civilization

The Heritage of Aksumaite Civilization, sub-part of 6

The Northern Stelea field

It has four decorated stelea. Stele number four measures 19m tall, 58tone weight and have 6storeys. Stele number five is the largest out of the four stelea which are found in the northern stelea field and has the meamurement of 15.8 meters high, 75tone weight and 6storeys. Stele number six is the smallest in size and it measures 15.22m tall, 45tone weight and have 4storeys. Stele number seven has unique decoration in comparison to the other decorated stelea of Aksum. On the front side, it represents a finely carved pillar and capital supporting what seems to be a stylized house , made of two rectangles one inside the other , surmounted by a triangle resembling a gable roof. A smaller but similar house is carved alone on the backside. The stela has a total length of 9.78m and it is rectangular in the cross- section.
................WILL CONTINUE!!

Let's visit Tigrai!!

© Gidey's Perspective
Photo © Layn Mawcha Gebrehiwot

Tigrai, Aksum the land of heaven and Magisty!!📷📷                    © Gidey's Perspective                  17/10/2015   ...

Tigrai, Aksum the land of heaven and Magisty!!


© Gidey's Perspective





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