Your Birth with Satu

Your Birth with Satu Empowering women achieve their right birth on the day with all the tools you need. I am a Doula and Wise Hippo Birthing Instructor among few other things.

This page is to promote positive birth experiences and to empower women to see that it does not matter how you give birth, what matters is how you feel about your birthing experience. Being prepared and informed, you can make the right choices for you and your baby on the day. I specialise in antenatal education. Supporting families throughout pregnancy, birth, and beyond. I can teach you and your

birth partner how to access the tools to achieve 'the right birth on the day', a calm, relaxed, and positive experience. No matter what curve balls life may throw at you. If you like to know more about what I do please visit my page


Lasten tunnekasvatus voi olla vaikeaa jos omatkin tunnetaidot ovat puutteelliset. Asiantuntija sanoo, että aikuisten on aika ottaa vastuu omista tunteistaan ja kertoo, miten se tehdään. Juttu on julkaistu huhtikuussa 2018.


Charter on tunnetaulukko, jossa kirjoitetaan auki yhdessä laadittuja emotionaalisia päämääriä.


Throughout 2020, Maddie's Miracle has been supporting families during the pandemic with online services provided by qualified Breastfeeding Counsellors.Some ...


A majority of menstruating women have experienced changes to their cycle over the last year, surveys suggest. One of the main culprits? Persistent stress


The chemicals to blame for our reproductive crisis are found everywhere and in everything





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