Thank you Mellakka Helsinkii, Elias Koskimies, @Samu Hapa Haber and Sunrise Avenue for trusting us with this.
Over the past decades Sunrise Avenue has taken over the world with their show on some of the largest stages in Europe. Today we were honored to work with them on this special, once-in-a-lifetime occasion, helping them convey an important decision to all their fans around the world. We were tasked with creating the dramaturgy for the event and planning and producing the internationally broadcast livestream and all it’s elements on five different social media platforms all at the same time.
A special thanks to Henri Hyppönen, Joni Tikkanen and Veikko Ruuskanen, who tied it all together on the stage, and behind it. These past weeks have been a blast 🔥
Aftermovie Jussi-gaala X Helsinking
Jussi-gaala official aftermovie by Helsinking crew. 🎬 Enjoy!
Viime vuosi oli jotain uskomatonta.
Viime vuosi oli jotain uskomatonta.
Helsinking dominoi maalla merellä ja ilmassa, sytytimme ihmisiä tuleen, rakensimme kodin veden alle, herätimme sähkön henkiin, laitoimme sipsipussit puhumaan ja rokattiin mäkimonttu.
Ainiin ja tuotettiin siinä sivussa 40 musiikkivideota.
Mitä 2019 tuo tullessaan?
Sen päätätte te.
"FIVE music videos in ONE day"
"FIVE music videos in ONE day"
Jenni Vartiainen released her new album "Monologi" with five new music videos - which HELSINKING produced in one day.
Peek behind the scenes of this crazy creative day below!
In this production we teamed up with
LA-based Director Joonas Kent and talented DOP Heikki Slåen.
Check out the full videos at Jenni Vartiainen Official Youtube channel!
Poor audio = unwatchable video.
❌Poor audio = unwatchable video.
🎧Great sound design deserves more credit:
experience Erimover's new brand film without any visuals and notice how the sound makes you FEEL!
ps. watch the full video with visuals by visiting our page HELSINKING
This brand film - ideated, directed, and produced by Helsinking - shows you what it feels like to experience Erimover, a Finnish health and wellness company.
Cheek Lahti Interludes August 2018
🔥We create videos that capture attention...
Are you brave enough to stand out?
Video production is ever about making the impossible, possible.
Take a look at how Helsinking made magic happen for Paramount Pictures. 👑
Beatboxer Rudi Rok
Recorder Player Eero Saunamäki
Magician Joni Pakanen
Chainsaw Juggler Janne Mustonen
Otto Vainio - Parkour & Freerunning
Alina Idässä x Helsinking
Audience research is simply about knowing who you’re talking to, how they like to be spoken to, and what they want to know specifically. 🧐
Yle and Aito Media partnered up with Helsinking for a travel show called “Alina Idässä”. Here are the stats!
Client: Yle + Aito Media
Digital Content Partner: Helsinking Originals
Producers: Lauri Laukkanen, Nella Rahkonen
Distribution Strategy and Execution: Nella Rahkonen, Lauri Laukkanen
HELSINKING – making of "BAE" music video
Good vibes are the secret ingredient to great video content. Here's a sneak peek at Helsinking's production of Eetu's music video, "Bae" (sound on!) 🎬 🎤 #madeinhelsinking
Helsinking Vanguard
VANGUARD // A group of people breathing new life into old ways of doing things. Their innovation is an instinct that captures the future's attention. They barely realize they're leading, as they never look back. (It turns out bravery likes company and everyone's invited.)
#helsinking #vanguard #angelia
What’s Next – thinking goes beyond a clever slogan; it’s absolutely essential to all business. One could make the case that nothing else matters, as markets define a company’s value based on future expectations, not on the basis of past feats.
#helsinking #whatsnext
Valeria on kertomus periksiantamattomuudesta, vapaudesta, itsensä hyväksymisestä ja oman arvonsa löytämisestä. Jokaisella on oikeus ihmisarvoon.
"Muutama kuukausi takaperin vietettiin pitkä päivä Turun Linnassa kuvaamassa konsepti-esittelytraileria mun, Alina Tomnikovin ja Aki Parhamaan uudelle elokuvaprojektille "Valeria". Nyt mulla on ilo julkaista tämä kaikkien teidän nähtäväksi!" -Lauri Laukkanen, ohjaaja
Suuri kiitos jokaiselle joka oli tässä projektissa mukana. Ilman teitä tätä ei koskaan olisi saatu tehtyä.
Kiitos myös Kinos Rentals, Valofirma, Artistiasu ja Whitepoint tuesta!
We love ideas and creating new ones is our strongest passion. We're proud to present you now with our first showreel - showcasing some of the awesome ideas we've had the honor of creating, in the form of epic film-productions, with exciting clients all over Finland.