What you think about selective fishing?
Mitä mieltä olet valikoivasti kalastamisesta?
#neiden #galddoaivisafaris #fishingguidelife #dryflyfishing #grayling
🇬🇧Making fishing holes the early season way.😃🪓
🇫🇮Pilkki reikiä alkukauden tyyliin.😃🪓
#inariicefishing #galddoaivisafaris #fishinginfinland #fishingguideinari #laplandfishing #inari #inarifishing #fishinininari #icefishing #fishinghole #ice #lakeice #wonderfullapland #wonderful #axe #axeskills #squeaky #snow #snowy #snowylake #winterwonderland #wintervibes #winter2023 #exploreinari
Holding about 13kg salmon on dry fly🤩 The fish fell off after 20min fight, but left no regrets. This is what salmon fly fishing is about!🙏 🎣💯
Holding about 13kg salmon on dry fly🤩 The fish fell off after 20min fight, but left no regrets. This is what salmon fly fishing is about!🙏 🎣💯
Harjuksen näköpilkintä on niiin hauskaa! Kalat voi kierrellä pitkänkin aikaa vain metrin päässä sinusta, kunnes viimein ottavat kiinni. Paras kala perhokalastaa talvella!🙏🎣
Sight fishing for grayling is soo fun! They move fast and sometimes spend loong times swimming under you, before the take. Best fish to fly fish in the winter!🙏🎣
Big female salmon going back😊
Iso naaraslohi menossa takasin.😊
#salmonflyfishing #catchandrelease #neidenriver #neidenelva #galddoaivisafaris #dryflyfishing #dryfly #salmon #atlanticsalmonfishing #pintaperhokalastus #pompero #pomperointionparasta #lohenperhokalastus #lohi
Many times our visitors are trying ice fishing for the first time. It feels awesome for a guide to see the excitement and smile that fishing is supposed to give, coming already from drilling the hole and feeling the lure in the end of the line. And there we have reached the goal for the day. Lucky ones also catch a delicious lunch at the same.
But when you've been ice fishing for years, you can't wait to hit a good hole and start pulling the fishes up. Here's one of the best holes Atte found last season. Enjoy and welcome to join!
Usein meidän vieraat tulee pilkille ensi kertaa. Oppaana on huikeeta nähä, miten jo pelkkä reiän kairaus ja pilkkivavan pitely saa hymyn kasvoille ja päivän tavoitteen täytetyksi. Joku onnekas saattaa päivällisenkin saada siinnä samalla.
Mutta kun pilkkijäillä on kulkenut vuosia, niin tavoitteena on löytää kohta, josta tärppejä riittää ja kalaa nousee jäälle kokonaisen parven verran. Tässä Aten yksi paraista reijistä viimekaudelta. Nauttikaa ja Tervetuloa nauttimaan!
71cm #atlanticsalmon with sealice and lots of spots. Might be spawning already second time in #neidenelva
#dryfly #salmonflyfishing #galddoaivisafaris #atteikkala #lohenperhokalastus #pintaperhokalastus #neidenelva2019 #catchandrelease #laxefiske #lax #fluefiske #torrfluga
Sad to post this video, but it needs to be shared.
Our fishing guide caught today this 2kg farmed salmon from Neidenelva. The fish had several wounds and bad infection all over it's body.
This has been big problem in Southern Norway, but now it is here too. Especially in the rivers near by fish farms. Let's hope this was the only one we meet in Neiden.
The fish was delivered to further exams and diagnoses.
Summer and salmon season 2019 at it's best now here at Neidenelva, Norway. #summer #neidenelva #neidenelva2019 #salmonflyfishing #catchandrelease #atlanticsalmon #flyfishing #norway #fishingguidelife #galddoaivisafaris #atteikkala #lohenperhokalastus #pyydäjapäästä
Over kilo perch is always a day maker. 1087g/42cm #fishinginfinland #fishingguidefinland #perchfishing #atteikkala #galddoaivisafaris #icefishing #laplandfinland #fishinginlapland #guidedfishing #guidedicefishing #fullservicesafaris #fishingsafari