Hei nuori luonnon ystävä!🌿 Tervetuloa tutustumaan eurooppalaisten nuorten yhteisöön ja vahvistamaan viestintätaitoja! Hae mukaan Kuusamossa järjestettävään valmennukseen "Pact for Impact I: Communication & Action". Koska Suomen Retkeilyliitto on jäsenenä Naturefriends International - ja IYNF-järjestöissä, myös Järvenpään retkeilijät ry:n jäsenet voivat osallistua heidän kansainvälisiin valmennuksiinsa ja muihin tapahtumiin. 🤩
Dear Naturefriends🌿
Are you ready to strengthen your communication skills, challenge disinformation, and create real change in your community? 👀
Then, apply for the first training course "Pact for Impact I: Communication & Action" of the 2025 cycle "Embrace the best in you" that will take place from the 10th until the 15th February 2025 in Kuusamo, Finland🤩
🎯16–30 years (limited spots for people over 30)
🎯Motivated young people, youth leaders and youth workers involved in youth organisations, civil society, or political activism who are ready to deepen their skills and make a difference.
🎯A good level of English language is required.
🎯Countries of residence: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, UK.
🎯Attending the second part from the 05-10th May (place tbc)
🗣Participation fee: 50€ for members and 75€-100€ for non members.
🗣Food, accommodation and travel costs are 100% covered 🍞🏨.
Deadline: 01/12/2024❗️
Apply here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bGy7s74JjU-BW1nwHugrvb_VliHkqC1Jj-AwIg6s0g5URDJPWEJHRUNMRFBSRUhIWlVWMEhGU05FSC4u