
Fomatec Our efficient solutions to boost profitability and ecological sustainability of forestry harvesting business. Säästä 20% työajastasi. Save 20% in working hours.

Laadukkaat palvelumme ja tuotteet tehostavat urakointiasi. Lajitteluun soveltuva kuormatila

Fomatecin lajittelupankko on tehopankko harvennusten ja avohakkuiden puunajoon ja lajitteluun metsässä. Lajittelumekanismi parantaa tuottavuutta ja helpottaa ajamista. Ja on täysin integroitu pankkoon, joka takaa kestävyyden ja helpon käytön tilanteessa kuin tilanteessa. Pankko on osoittautunut miellyttävä

ksi ja helpoksi käyttää. Se on ennen kaikkea kestävä ja hinnaltaan kilpailukykyinen. Pankko parantaa oleellisesti metsäkoneurakoitsijan työn tuottoa konetuntia kohden. Urakoitsija säästää arviolta 1–2 työtuntia kymmenen tunnin työvuorossa. Kuormatilan tarkoitus on parantaa ja tehostaa puun lajittelua ja nopeuttaa etenkin sekapuumetsien puunajoa. Eri puulajit voidaan ajaa harvennuksilta samassa kuormassa. Tämä vähentää turhaa edestakaisin ajelua. Lajittelun helpottuminen korostuu varsinkin hankalissa lumiolosuhteissa. Lajittelupankon nerokas ratkaisu ei kerää likaa eikä roskaa rakenteisiin. Kun lajittelutoiminto on ala-asennossa, se ei vie kuormatilasta kuutiosenttimetriäkään pois esimerkiksi tukinajossa. Pankko on erittäin kestävä ja luotettava kovillakin pakkasilla laadukkaiden valmistusmateriaaliensa ansiosta. Annamme tuotteelle täyden kestävyystakuun. Fomatec Oy teroittaa ja huoltaa teräketjusi

On muistettava, että suomalainen työ kilpailee laadulla ja tehokkuudella. Oikein ja täsmällisesti sahaava teräketju on kannattavinta kunnostaa juuri sille tarkoitetuilla teroituslaitteilla ja hiontamateriaaleilla. Teroitamme teräketjusi nestejäähdytetyillä teroituslaitteilla. Teroituksen laatu vastaa lähes uuden teräketjun luokkaa. Nestejäähdytyksen ansiosta hammas ei kuumene teroittaessa ja näin lopputulos on korkeatasoinen. Tee terähuolto sopimus kanssamme se kannattaa! Noudamme teräketjusi
Kuntotarkastamme ja huollamme tarvittavat viat
Puhdistamme ketjun
Teroitamme ja laskemme tarvittaessa purupiikin
Öljyämme ketjun ja pakkaamme sen
Tuomme ketjusi koneellesi taikka toimipisteeseesi


Kuopion myymälästä öljyt, rasvat, merkkausvärit, uudet laipat ja teräketjut edullisesti kotiinkuljetuksena. Kysy tarjous suuresta taikka pienestä toimituserästä ja säästä selvää rahaa! The bunk makes log sorting more efficient and speeds up forwarding, particularly in mixed wood forests

Bunk with compartmentalisation mechanism

Fomatec’s compartmentalised bunk is a bunk designed for efficient log sorting and forwarding. The grouping mechanism improves efficiency and simplifies log forwarding. The mechanism is fully integrated in the bunk. This means the construction is strong and easy to use in all situations. Users have praised the bunk for being simple and easy to use. Above all, it is reliable and competitively priced. The bunk significantly increases the productivity of logging. For every ten hours of logging, the logger saves approximately one to two hours of work. The purpose of the bunk is to make log sorting more efficient and speed up forwarding, particularly in mixed wood forests. Different types of timber from thinning sites can be forwarded in one go. This minimises the number of forwarding trips required to transfer the logs. The advantages of the novel bunk mechanism are particularly well appreciated in difficult snow conditions. The ingenious sorting mechanism in the bunk prevents the collection of dirt or debris. When the sorting mechanism is not needed, it can be turned to the off-position so that it doesn’t take up any space in the bunk. The bunk mechanism is sturdy and reliable, even in extremely low sub-zero temperatures thanks to its high-quality materials. We offer the product with a full guarantee.


Lumitie 1


Maanantai 08:00 - 16:00
Tiistai 08:00 - 16:00
Keskiviikko 08:00 - 16:00
Torstai 08:00 - 16:00
Perjantai 08:00 - 16:00




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Our Story

The idea of establishing the company was first born when its founder Marko Korhonen had for years worked abroad at storm-ravaged sites in severe and varying conditions. The initial product idea was a cargo compartment for a forestry tractor where it would be possible to sort the timber by type already at the loading stage. The compartmentalised sorting bunker was Fomatec Oy’s first commercial product. After that the firm has been steadily developing new products launching them one after another. As the product range widened the need for services became evident and today services constitute one of the pillars of Fomatec Oy. The first service offered for customers was saw chain maintenance; today the range of services has widened and developed so as to cater for the needs of the modern forestry harvesting business. Fomatec Oy has solid experience and skilful operators. Corporate acquisitions have brought along more expertise and know-how for the company. Experts and professionals from other countries have also contributed into the company’s development efforts. The operations of the company rely on good cooperation partners who are willing to participate in shaping the forestry harvesting business for the future. In addition to home markets, today the services and products of Fomatec Oy are targeted at international markets as well. We have set our cooperation partners the task of developing and investigating the origin of their own products and their environmental impacts. After careful testing and consideration the most efficient and environment friendly products have been selected to the Fomatec Oy’s green trade platform. The foundation for our operations has been developed ecologically and with respect towards natural resources in the long run. We are constantly searching for new solutions for present challenges with a view to ensure application of environment friendly practices in both our services and products, as well as in our own operating methods. In future we strive to be seen as a benchmark in the development of more ecological forestry technology. We share the story of our company with determination, and we have carefully selected the underpinning values that inspire and help us to achieve our vision and mission. We have ended up with these basic values by listening to our clients at worksites, and by interacting with our cooperation partners across the world. We expect of ourselves, as well as of our cooperation partners sustainable development that is based on advancement of green and ecological technology.