Included in this weekend’s program: Christmas Markets, museum Friday and so much more! 🧸 🎄
🎄 FRI 13.12. 10 AM to 5 PM, SAT 14.12. 10 AM to 4 PM & SUN 15.12. 10 AM to 2 PM Lappeenranta Christmas Market at Kansalaistori square. The doors of the familiar red cottages open once again! From the Christmas market you can shop for gifts for Santa's sack or treats for the Christmas table, while enjoying the festive atmosphere and program for the whole family. The event is free of charge.
✨ FRI: 12 PM Kimpinen school’s elf-choir
✨ SAT: 10 AM to 12 PM Elf chase for children & Christmas dances at 12 and 1 PM with H-Hetki Houseband
✨SUN: 1 PM Starboys of Kimpinen school.
🖼 FRI 13.12. 11 AM to 5 PM Museum Friday. Dive into the world of art and history! Free admission to the museums in the fortress.
❄️ FRI 13.12. 3 PM onward PalmaRillo’s pre-Christmas party! Welcome to decorate gingerbread cookies 3-6 PM. Naughty Santa will visit Las Palmas and will host Santa’s singing hotline from 9 PM to 2 AM.
🐱 FRI 13.12. 4 to 6 PM SAT 14.12. 2 to 5 PM Animal welfare center Miu’s café day. Coffee, tea, cold drinks, and pastries are served. Beautiful and useful endorsement products on sale. You can get to know more about the animals looking for home in Kotipesä next to the café.
🎈FRI 13.12. 5 PM Opening of Katri Kuparinen’s, Tiina Marjetta’s and Juan Kasari’s exhibitions in Lappeenranta Art Musem. The exhibitions will be opened by provincial director Satu Sikanen. The opening has free admission.
🎹 FRI 13.12. 6 PM Organ concert in Lappee Church of St.Mary. Irina Lampén and Jaanajokimies -duo performing. Free admission. Hand program 10€.
🎼FRI 13.12. & SAT 14.12. 6 PM The most dreadful Christmas songs vol.2. – The gloomiest Christmas concert in Laurtisala Church. In these Christmas songs, joy doesn't resound, and the festive spirit is certainly not at its peak. The most dreadful Christmas songs include tracks by Jarkko Martikainen and Leevi and the Leavings, not forgetting Klamydia and Hassisen Kone. Free admission, hand program 10€.
🎷 SAT 13.12. 9 PM Emma Salokoski & Ilmiliekki Quartet Joulu, joulu, jul -tour 2024 in Cultural Venue Nuijamies. In the Emma Salokoski & Ilmiliekki Quartet ensemble, the finest talents of Nordic jazz join forces with one of Finland's leading vocalists, Emma Salokoski. This acclaimed group has taken Christmas songs as their material, approaching them from various perspectives. The setlist includes both Christmas classics and entirely new music that explores the spirit of Christmas in modern times. Tickets 32€/29€
🎤 FRI 13.12. 10.30 PM Live in Lamppu: No Name Band. The South Karelian band has played in concerts since 2008 and now take over Lamppu’s stage. Free admission, welcome!
🍎 SAT 14.12. 7 AM to 2 PM Monthly market at the Market Square. Season’s produce on sale.
🌟 SAT 14.12. 10 AM Ice skating show in Kisapuisto arena. The skaters of Lappeenranta invite you to enjoy this Christmas-themed skating show. The café is open at the hall and there is also a Christmas market. Santa Claus has also promised to visit. The event has voluntary admission.
🎀 SAT 14.12. 10 AM to 3 PM Säihke the Seal’s Christmas celebration in Shopping Centre Galleria. Santa Claus is giving out candy, glögi and Christmas pastries. 5M music class of Kimpinen school perform Starboy shows. Program also includes decorating gingerbread cookies, coloring books and elf hats for children.
🛍 SAT 14.12. 10 AM to 2 PM Christmas market at EKKO’s building (Pohjolankatu 27.) Lots of DIY handicrafts, pastries and art on sale. The students of EKKO entertain visitors with different performances and the café is open. Warmly welcome!
😋 SAT 14.12. 10 AM to 2 PM Food from nearby in South Karelia – Festive season’s treats from the region in shopping centre Galleria. Showcasing the Karelia á la carte D.O Saimaa -certified products and selling Kesämäen leipomo bakery’s Christmas bags and festive drinks by Päivi-Angervo. Taste Saimaa’s food ambassador Ulla Liukkonen will be at the event, representing year 2024’s Karelia á la carte company “Taipalsaaren Wanha kunnantupa”
⛄️ SAT 14.12. 10 AM to 5 PM & SUN 15.12. 9 AM to 3 PM Fortress Christmas Market 2024. Almost 100 merchants, artisans and local producers are selling their products. The market has diverse activities and of course Santa Claus.
👯♀️ SAT 14.12. & SUN 15.12. Dance performances as part of the Fortress Christmas Market. The Lappeenranta Dance College is honored to be part of the Market’s program. The performances take place in the dance school’s Sonja-hall. Performances: SAT at 1 PM, 2 PM and 3 PM & SUN 12 PM, 1 PM and 2 PM. Tickets 5€.
💫 SAT 14.12. & SUN 15.12. 10 AM to 1 PM Christmas ornament workshop at Lappeenranta Art School. Welcome to enjoy the joy of crafting Christmas ornaments for free! Students’ own exhibition consisting of festive art pieces is also on display. The workshop operates on non-stop, meaning you are welcome to join in whenever there is space.
🏑 SAT 14.12. 11 AM Women’s bandyleague Veitsiluodon Vastus - Wiipurin Sudet in Kisapuisto. Free admission. Welcome to enjoy the treats from the café.
🎅 SAT 14.12. 11 AM to 3 PM Santa Claus, festive treats and animals’ Christmas in IsoKristiina. Come meet Santa Claus, decorate gingerbread cookies and try the activity track with the elves. You can also take part in decoration of the homeless animals’ Christmas tree and leave presents for homeless animals. At 12 PM there will be a Starboy performance by students of Kimpinen school.
🎁 SAT 14.12. 11 AM to 3 PM Lauritsala Christmas Market at Lauritsalan työväentalo. Atmospheric Christmas market where in addition to gift ideas, you can find a children’s bouncy castle, café and Santa Claus will visit 12-2 PM.
🎨 SAT 14.12. & SUN 15.12. 11 AM to 5 PM Open art studio at Lappeenranta Art Museum. Come try collage technique to an independent workshop. Multiuse-space Muusa offers equipment and written tutorial to making art. You can get inspiration from Katri Kuparinen’s new exhibition.
🐻 SAT 14.12. 1 PM Drawing workshop with Bear Journalist in Mai Art Galleria. In Bear Journalist’s workshop you will learn how to draw your own bear character with pencil. Mai-Art provides the equipment. The workshop is free of charge and has space for 12 participants. Sign up here: [email protected]
⛸ SAT 14.12. 1.30 PM Women’s bandyleague Porvoon Akilles – Veitsiluodon Vastus in Kisapuisto. Free entrance. Welcome to enjoy the treats from the café.
🏆 SAT 14.12. 4 PM Women’s bandyleague Wiipurin Sudet – Porvoon Akilles in Kisapuisto. Free entrance. Welcome to enjoy the treats from the café.
🪄 SAT 14.12. 5 PM Unbelievable Magic Show in Cultural Venue Nuijamies. The Unbelievable Magic Show offers entertainment and amazement for the whole family. The show carries on with the collaboration of Magician Aatu and Mentalist Jari. The duo’s show is mix of magic, mentalism, illusions and good comic. Welcome to enjoy the world of magic! Tickets 22€/16€.
🏒 SAT 14.12. 5 PM SaiPa – Ässät in Kisapuisto.
🎵 SAT 14.12. 7 PM Women’s Choir Resonanssi’s fall semester’s ending concert in LUT University’s Viipuri-hall. Can a choir concert in December include anything else besides Christmas songs? Of course it can! The repertoire includes student songs, pop-music, rock and couple of Christmas songs. Free entrance, hand program 6€/4€.
🥏 SUN 15.12. 9 AM to 1 PM Children’s sportsland in Kourulan palloiluhalli. The sportsland offers diverse set of activities for children aged 1-12 to enjoy sports and games. In addition, there will be a a peaceful session from 9 to 10 AM, aimed for example at children with neurodevelopmental disorders or children with mobility and sensory limitations. Price is 2,60€/child.
🤸♀️ SUN 15.12. 12 PM & 3 PM LOMA Cheerleaders Christmas Show at the Sports Building. The show is split into two parts, first is at 12 PM and second at 3 PM. Competitive teams perform in both parts, while hobby teams perform in only one. Each part lasts approximately 2 hours. You can buy tickets for both parts (€10) or just one part (€7). During the intermissions of both parts and between the parts, there will be a café available.
🎶 SUN 15.12. 4 PM Joulurauhaa-Christmas concert in Lappee Church of St. Mary. Traditional Christmas concert of Lappeenrannan Naislaulajat. Repertoire includes classics and new songs! Hand program 15€.
🪔 Christmas Road at Pappilan piha (Yläpappilantie, 54100 Lappeenranta). On the Christmas trail, you'll find 8 stops where you can reflect on the message of Christmas. At each stop, familiar Christmas songs are featured. You can sing along or read the lyrics from signs placed at the stops. If you have a QR code reader on your phone, you can also listen to the songs on your device.
🔹 The Cavalry Museum
🔸 Christmas at the Wolkoff House Museum
🔹 The Railway Navvies, South Karelia Museum
🔸 Juan Kasari – Absence III, Katri Kuparinen ja Tiina Marjeta, Lappeenrannan taidemuseo
🔹 Story of South Karelia, South Karelia Museum
🔹 In the world of color everything is possible, Galleria Pihatto
🔹 Zonta-Club’s exhibition, Lappeenranta main library
🔸 Monthly exhibition: Emma Kailio - Metsäläiset, Cultural Venue Nuijamies
🔸 New members of the Artists' Association of South Karelia - Halki myrskyn kaikuu, Kaakon Taidelainaamo
🔹 Vitti ku on vielki vaikee olla ihminen, Luukkaan Liekki
🔸 Täky’s Design Autumn: Hemmo Honkonen - Audible, Täky Galleria
🔹 Wonderland Art Exhibition, Art Juna Gallery
Keep reading to see some tips in Finnish!
💕 Pe 13.12. klo 18 Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri: Exän uus ja vanha. Hervoton parisuhdekomedia ei jätä katsojaa kylmäksi! Yllätyksiä ja nauruhermoja kutkuttavia käänteitä vilisevän farssin on käsikirjoittanut Kumman kaa -TV-sarjasta tuttu Minna Koskela.
👀 Pe 13.12. klo 19 & la 14.12. klo 13 Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri: Ennusmerkkejä. 12 erilaista tarinaa, 12 ennusmerkkiä tulevasta. Suurin osa maailman ongelmista alkaa pienten arjen konfliktien kuten pelon, kärsimättömyyden, muukalaisvihamielisyyden, rasismin ja nationalismin murusista. Ennusmerkkejä tuo teatterin näyttämölle koronan jälkeisen yhteiskunnan, jossa maksimaaliseksi jännittynyt maailmantila on työntämässä koko maapalloa sotaan. Lyhyttarinoihin ja novelleihin perustuva näytelmä yhdistää elokuvaa ja teatteria, joista syntyy kokeilevaa, visuaalista tarinankerrontaa.
📝 La 14.12. klo 10–16 Stooritaim 2 - nuorten kirjoituskurssi Taidekoulu Estradilla. Kaakkois-Suomen kirjoittajayhdistys Paltta ry järjestää 15–20-vuotiaille nuorille kirjoituskurssin. Päivän aikana kirjoitetaan erilaisilla tekniikoilla ja menetelmillä mahdollisimman paljon tarinamateriaalia, josta syntyy päivän päätteeksi runo, novelli tai pätkä säeromaania. Ilmoittautumiset: [email protected]
☕ La 14.12. klo 14 KiVa Perhekahvila Lehmuspuu Lappeenrannan Yhteisötalolla. Tervetuloa Kiintymysvanhemmuusperheet ry:n avoimiin Lehmuspuu-perhekahviloihin. Tällä kertaa vietetään pikkujouluja! Vapaa pääsy.
🌹 La 14.12. klo 18.30 Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri: Ritari Siniparta. Ritari Siniparta kertoo suuren laman seurauksena työttömäksi jäävästä pankkivirkailija Henri Verdoux´sta. Hän pyrkii kekseliäästi elättämään itsensä ja perheensä viettelemällä varakkaita naisia ja huijaamalla heidän omaisuutensa.
🤗 La 14.12. klo 19 Lappeenrannan kaupunginteatteri: Tyttö ja Varis. Sirkku Peltolan käsikirjoittama ja Markus Järvenpään ohjaama Tyttö ja Varis on pieni suuri tarina odottamattomasta ystävyydestä. Se kertoo ihmisistä, joiden ohi niin helposti kuljemme ja joiden ongelmat eivät kosketa meitä. Näytelmä muistuttaa, että näidenkin ihmisten ympärillä on äidit ja lapset sekä elämänkokoiset kysymykset siitä, miten täällä eletään.
🎭 Su 15.12. klo 11 Lastennäytelmä "Herra Suden Maagillinen Teatteri" Lappeenrannan Tanssiopistolla. LATE-kiertueteatterin valloittava ja hervoton lastennäytelmä. Tarinan nimihenkilö on teatterinjohtaja, jonka ohjelmisto on kyltymättömän ruokahalun vuoksi supistunut monologeiksi. Teatterista irtoaa kuitenkin työpaikat kahdelle lammasneidolle, ja samaisessa teatterissa työskentelee myös ylityöllistetty ja useita ammattinimikkeitä kantava Rudi Rotta. Tervetuloa koko perheen voimin katsomaan, millainen sekametelisoppa tästä kaikesta kehkeytyy! Liput 5€.
📆 Katso kaikki maakunnan tapahtumat Etelä-Karjalan ja lisää oma tapahtumasi mukaan! https://tapahtumat.ekarjala.fi/fi-FI 📆