
visitlo_katja Yhteystiedot, kartta ja reittiohjeet, yhteydenottolomake, aukioloajat, palvelut, arvostelut, kuvat, videot ja ilmoitukset visitlo_katja, Matkailupalvelut, Rovaniemi :ltä.

�Wilderness Tour Guide

� Virtual Tour Guide

�Go on a virtual tour at



It is Friday.  It's time to take a breather.  Stop, look around, sit, close your eyes, touch the ground around you, smel...

It is Friday. It's time to take a breather. Stop, look around, sit, close your eyes, touch the ground around you, smell the scents in the air and listen to the sounds around you! Breathe in and out! You are here and now! You are precious! Have a great weekend everyone!

**e #

Wilderness & virtual tour guide shared a post on Instagram: "It is Friday. It's time to take a breather. Stop, look around, sit, close your eyes, touch the ground around you, smell the scents in the air and listen to the sounds around you! Breathe in and out! You are here and now! You are precious!....

Such a nice resting place was found during today's excursion.

Such a nice resting place was found during today's excursion.

Many times when I walk in the forest, I remember amazing childhood imagination trips that I had. When I was some kind of...

Many times when I walk in the forest, I remember amazing childhood imagination trips that I had. When I was some kind of creature or animal and I explored the land and the environment on my own in a near by forest. I find food, I built huts and nests, I run and jumped around. I observe, I was creative, I learned. I felt safe as I was hiding under tree, touching the ground, mud on my face. As an adult I have realised that on my adventures I learned a great lesson about the my nature and infinity ✨️. Now as an adult I know I am divine, one with all this. This knowledge gives me an peace. In the circle of busy society, it is difficult to keep this peace in you. That's why my daily trips in the forest are important to me. Possibility to use skills I learned as a child r keeping me grounded.

Today I challenge you to go for little imagination trip, let your inner child take a lead. Stop for moment, observe and feel 💚.

Tell me Where did your adventure take you today?

Have a beautiful day 🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️

Wilderness & virtual tour guide shared a post on Instagram: "Many times when I walk in the forest, I remember amazing childhood imagination trips that I had. When I was some kind of creature or animal and I explored the land and the environment on my own in a near by forest. I find food, I built hut...

Autumn is a busy time.  I have to do my best to prepare for the coming of winter.  We store firewood in order to stay wa...

Autumn is a busy time. I have to do my best to prepare for the coming of winter. We store firewood in order to stay warm, we collect natural food, we fish and hunt so that we can be as self-sufficient as possible. Moving in nature is a natural place for me to do these chores and I enjoy it. However, today I decided to go to the forest just to be, breathe and rest. I consciously stopped to sense my surroundings. I feel alive again 💚

These reindeer had the same direction as me in the middle of forest.  They looked at me for a while before they decided ...

These reindeer had the same direction as me in the middle of forest. They looked at me for a while before they decided to take some running step.

Wilderness Guide shared a post on Instagram: "These reindeer had the same direction as me in the middle of forest. They looked at me for a while before they decided to take some running step. ...

We were at the mercy of the weather this weekend.  Its been cold, raining and trong wind all weekend.  That limited the ...

We were at the mercy of the weather this weekend. Its been cold, raining and trong wind all weekend. That limited the berry picking and fishing. However, we had a little lingonberry trip today near by woods and got some berries. The warm cabin, sauna and candlelight was what I needed more this weekend. Sometimes good like that ❤️

Every encounter with an animal is special. We stop, we try to be quiet and not move 💚Feeling grateful that I get to admi...

Every encounter with an animal is special. We stop, we try to be quiet and not move 💚

Feeling grateful that I get to admire this beautiful rabbit for a moment. I stop, I breathe, I was living in this moment, I felt love, I was one 🤍

Which animal encounter do you remember? What kind of feelings does the meeting evoke in you?

Wilderness Guide shared a post on Instagram: "Every encounter with an animal is special. We stop, we try to be quiet and not move 💚 Feeling grateful that I get to admire this beautiful rabbit for a moment. I stop, I breathe, I was living in this moment, I felt love, I was one 🤍 Which animal en...

I rarely walk paths, but today I found a path on the outskirts of the city of Rovaniemi, which I set out to follow.  The...

I rarely walk paths, but today I found a path on the outskirts of the city of Rovaniemi, which I set out to follow. The path branched off in several directions. The path I followed led me to the reindeer enclosure. Such an exciting end to this trail. I didn't expect it to end like this. Anyway I decided to sat and closed my eyes in front of the enclosure. The enclosure was empty but I could feel the wild energy of the reindeer galloping through my body. This huge energy was released out from my body. In my mind, at the same time letting the reindeer loose from the enclosure and running forward with determination... I open my eyes, it was time to choose my own route back home and leave the others paths behind.

Even if our path in life is rough, rocky and uneven, it doesn't take away the grandeur and beauty that awaits us at every step along the way. Be grateful for the journey of life, with all its twist and turns, detours and diversions. Accept its lesson. It is always better to choose your own path than following the others. It's your path you are choosing to live 💗✨️.

Life follows its own path.  There will be moments that need strength.  Moments you would never trade for anything else. ...

Life follows its own path. There will be moments that need strength. Moments you would never trade for anything else. We have grown together as individuals and our gift is love!

Autumn evenings get darker and the sun sets even earlier. This is good right now!

Jams, purées, juices and berries... in the freezer.  Preparation for winter is in full swing here.  Winter here in Lapla...

Jams, purées, juices and berries... in the freezer. Preparation for winter is in full swing here. Winter here in Lapland is long and sometimes even cold 🤣. We have a long tradition of walking in the forest in summer and autumn and collecting nature's gifts for winter savings. This way we get versatility and vitamins in our winter diet as well. Today I made lingonberry juice, which has been my children's absolute favorite since they were little. Lingonberry also has many health effects.

How do you prepare for winter? Do you store any natural foods?


Hillot, soseet, mehut ja marjat... pakkasessa. Talveen varautuminen on täällä täydessä vauhdissa. Talvi täällä Lapissa on pitkä ja joskus jopa kylmä 😂. Meillä on pitkät perinteet kulkea kesällä ja syksyllä metsässä ja kerätä luonnon antimia talvisäästöön. Näin saamme monipuolisuutta ja vitamiineja myös talven ruokavalioomme. Tänään valmistin puolukka mehua joka on lapsieni ehdoton suosikki ollut ihan pienestä asti. Puolukalla on myös paljon terveysvaikutuksia.

Miten Teillä varaudutaan talveen? Säilötkö sinä mitään luonnon antimia?

Have you ever wondered why swans don't fly in summer here in Finland?  Well... The feather harvest of an adult swans tak...

Have you ever wondered why swans don't fly in summer here in Finland? Well... The feather harvest of an adult swans takes place in the summer, at the beginning of July. The female starts it a little earlier than the male. The feathers fall off in a few days and the bird is unable to fly for 5–6 weeks during the heaviest feather harvest. However, this does not cause harm to the bird, as there is plenty of food available during the feather harvest. In autumn, they are ready to move south to warmer waters.

Have you ever found bird feathers in the forest?


armah_rah • bloody Samaritan cover by officialloud_

Here I am again... this little hidden cabin in the middle of the wilderness has become one of the most important places ...

Here I am again... this little hidden cabin in the middle of the wilderness has become one of the most important places for me. I come here to stop and dream. I feel at home here. The cabin is modest, there is only what is needed to sleep and cook with fire. I find myself thinking again that I live here and I'm so happy. For years I have struggled between the wheels of society and my dream, looking for a golden middle road. I know that my journey is still unfinished and I will continue the journey. It's time to hit the town...

"My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature."

Do you have a place where you always dream? Do you want to share your dreams with us?


Taas olen täällä... tästä pienestä piilomökistä keskellä erämaata on tullut yksi tärkeimmistä paikoista minulle. Tulen tänne pysähtymään ja haaveilemaan. Täällä tunnen olevani kuin kotona. Mökki on vaatimaton, sieltä löytyy vain se tarpeellinen nukkua ja tehdä ruokaa tulilla. Havahdun jälleen ajatukseen, että elän täällä ja olen niin onnellinen. Vuosien ajan olen kamppailut yhteiskunnan pyörien ja unelman välillä etsien kultaista keskitietä. Tiedän että matkani on vielä kesken ja jatkan matkaa. On aika lähteä kaupunkiin...

Onko sinulla paikkaa missä sinä aina haaveilet? Haluatko jakaa haaveesi kanssamme?

The wind blows gently on the skin, the leaves and waves move, making nature's own melody.  I could feel the rain coming....

The wind blows gently on the skin, the leaves and waves move, making nature's own melody. I could feel the rain coming. I stop, breathe and merge with the dance of leaves and waves with every cell in me. Let it rain...This is good here and now.

Wilderness Guide shared a post on Instagram: "The wind blows gently on the skin, the leaves and waves move, making nature's own melody. I could feel the rain coming. I stop, breathe and merge with the dance of leaves and waves with every cell in me. Let it rain...This is good here and now. ...

My daughter and I spend quality time visiting different cabins in the forest.  This picture is from our last evening at ...

My daughter and I spend quality time visiting different cabins in the forest. This picture is from our last evening at Taaveti's cabin. Taaveti's sky is so beautiful and varied. the sun is now setting just behind the pond, changing colors during the evening. I sit by the pond, watching my daughter's activities, exploring nature. I am full of love.



Nature is my happy place.... what's better than tasting delicious cloudberries, sitting on the soft hummock of a swamp and listening to the sounds of nature. It's cloudberry season here in Lapland now. We call this berry the gold of Lapland. Have you ever eaten Cloudberries?

A fallen tree in the forest works well as a highway for ants. It's always been fascinating to watch this go. As a little girl, I imagined that ants were like a crowd of people in big cities, moving purposefully from place to place and acting efficiently according to their goals. I wonder what it would be like to be one of them in the big world. That is the way this society wants us to operate. I tried life in a big cities and worked like a ants from my childhood but soon I desired back to my roots to the nature. I got to go true my fight as a part of this society to become me again. Today, I admire the ants going and am amazed by the vigor of these warriors of our ego system. They have only one common goal for the benefit of our diverse nature.

My limit is beyond the sky. Last night sky was on fire... the wiew under the arctic sky on the lake while we were fishin...

My limit is beyond the sky.

Last night sky was on fire... the wiew under the arctic sky on the lake while we were fishing with my mom and daughter ❤️.

Cruising on the lake... ☺️💭This ride brought back memories of when I lived in northern Italy by the Garda Lake. During a...

Cruising on the lake... ☺️💭

This ride brought back memories of when I lived in northern Italy by the Garda Lake. During a siesta or in the evening, my friends and I often go for a ride on a big, nice boat and spend time on the lake, sometimes jumping into the lake for a swim to cool off or dining in a small villages... beutiful moments and memories 💭🙏🏼.

I was my twenties. Italy was third country I was living independently. I was working there beside my studies. And I was free, young and full of hunger to experience things. As a young lady, my motto was always "Live life to the fullest now, so as you get old there are stories to tell". And the other one was " I live the way now that if I would get a chance to change the past one day I wouldn't change a thing " That's what I did. Having seen so much of the world at a young age, I learned to respect things learned from home. I had healthy self-esteem, I knew my roots, I had suporting family, I learned to reserve and give love and I was humble for life... These things guided me in my adventures in the world, distinguishing between right and wrong. Staying in a good path. Those things I am hoping to teach also for my own children . Not to stop them to experience life around them that will open their eyes and have their own adventure but to be able to live fullest 💗.

My son just turned 14 year old and he is about to travel by him self to London to visit his family. It's a big step for him and for me. His adventure is about start. I know that. As a mother I am thinking, have I been able to teach him values ​​and things that are needed to keep him in the right path now on. Time is just running so fast. I know there is safe adults looking after him. He is smart young boy and have courage to make his own decisions. He knows what is right and what is wrong. I know He's going to be fine. My baby boy 💗.

Do you have experiences to let your child open his/her wings yet?

The forest spoke to my soul in the language I already knew; a distant lullaby from the womb of peace and solitude.- Angi...

The forest spoke to my soul in the language I already knew; a distant lullaby from the womb of peace and solitude.
- Angie Weiland-Crosby-

Worship of the midnight sun and beutiful nature, campfire flames, good food, sauna, fishing and spending time with the f...

Worship of the midnight sun and beutiful nature, campfire flames, good food, sauna, fishing and spending time with the family.That was my midsummer. How did your Midsummer or weekend go?

Today I sow my thoughts in a green forest.  Middle of the Lappish wilderness. Air is fresh, the scents of the forest tak...

Today I sow my thoughts in a green forest.  Middle of the Lappish wilderness. Air is fresh, the scents of the forest take over my senses.  The birds sing their beautiful tunes. Wind blows softly on my face. I hear the forest whispering the wisdom of our ancestors and I feel safe and so full of life.  I'm part of it all.

I have often heard that people are afraid in the woods.  Where do you think this is due?

Today I sow my thoughts in a green forest.  Middle of the Lappish wilderness. Air is fresh, the scents of the forest tak...

Today I sow my thoughts in a green forest. Middle of the Lappish wilderness. Air is fresh, the scents of the forest take over my senses. The birds sing their beautiful tunes. Wind blows softly on my face. I hear the forest whispering the wisdom of our ancestors and I feel safe and so full of life. I'm part of it all.

I have often heard that people are afraid in the woods. Where do you think this is due?

Magnic of the sumernight. Nightless nights, moon and sun, mist above the pond.  The sounds of birds in the middle of sil...

Magnic of the sumernight. Nightless nights, moon and sun, mist above the pond. The sounds of birds in the middle of silence. Dancing flames in the campfire and me. Me, I just breathe. This is life 🤍

Magnic of the sumernight. Nightless nights, moon and sun, mist above the pond.  The sounds of birds in the middle of sil...

Magnic of the sumernight. Nightless nights, moon and sun, mist above the pond. The sounds of birds in the middle of silence. Dancing flames in the campfire and me. Me, I just breathe. This is life 🤍

Food for the table 😋... It's a great feeling to be able to work for your own food. Mother Earth offers only as much as w...

Food for the table 😋... It's a great feeling to be able to work for your own food. Mother Earth offers only as much as we need 💚🌱.

I lie on the soft, fresh moss and watch the sky as the clouds hover over me.  The birds are singing and the first insect...

I lie on the soft, fresh moss and watch the sky as the clouds hover over me. The birds are singing and the first insects of the summer are in contact with my body. This moment is perfect 🥰

Today I have graduated as a virtual travel expert.  Producing the entire tourism product from start to finish has been a...

Today I have graduated as a virtual travel expert. Producing the entire tourism product from start to finish has been an interesting opoque journey. The product received nice reviews and reportedly a finished product for sale. So proud of myself that I was able to pull all the strings together and do something so great. Let see what the future will bring ✨️✨️✨️😘. Where is the next virtual trip going? Anyone interested?




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Muut Matkailupalvelut Rovaniemi :ssa

Näytä Kaikki