Good morning from the Turku Archipelago. We had a cold night - but is has not been snowing yet❄️
The Sun and moon together🥰 #visitturkuarchipelago #visitturku #visitfinland #sunisrising #bellafinlandia #naturafinlandese
Pargas is like a Venice in Italy. Many bridges and a nice atmosphere. And not too many peole😊. From Turku by boat 35 minutes
Now it is time to enjoy Forest super foods #foodfromfinland #finnishnature #finnishberries #superfood #lingonberries #chantarelle #finnishsuperfood #archipelagofood #visitturku
Food from the forests, superfood
Summer weather has been fresh and very pleasant. Now is the season for berry picking in the forests and I'm waiting for my apples😊
#thisisfinland #purestairintheworld #freshair #finnishsummer #finnishnature #finnisharchipelago #archipelagoofturku #visitturkuarchipelago #loveturku❤️ #berrypicking #superfoodfromfinland #organicappletree #wishiwasinfinland #everymansrightinfinland #welcometoturku #greennature
Mother taking good care of her babies in the Archipelago of Turku
Amazing Full Moon #fullmooninfinland #fullmoonnight #enjoyfullmoonview #visitturku #visitturkuarchipelago #loveturku❤️
Turku is the oldest town in Finland and the most beautiful😍#visitturku #visitturkuarchipelago #turunoppaat #turkucathedral #riveraura #springinturku #turkuoldtown #loveturku❤️