Established in 1983 as the Tourism Council of the South Pacific, the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is the mandated organisation representing Tourism in the region.
Its 21 Government members are American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna, Rapa Nui and the People’s Republic of China. In addition to government members, the South Pacific Tourism Organisation has about 200 private sector members.
SPTO mission:
“Market and Develop Tourism in the South Pacific”
Linked to this, SPTO’s goals are:
To improve air and sea access to Islands
To Enhance brand “South Pacific”
To develop capacity of Government and private sector for sustainable tourism
The Vision for Tourism
“Tourism will Inspire Sustainable Economic Growth and Empower the Pacific People”
Executive Structure
The structure of SPTO consists of the Council of Ministers of Tourism, Board of Directors and Management.
The Council of Ministers of Tourism, comprising a “Minister or his authorized representative from each South Pacific Tourism Organisation member country”, meets annually. The Council’s main responsibilities include monitoring and reviewing SPTO policies, strategies, work programme activities and budgets, providing comments, recommendations and guidance on these matters. The Council is also tasked with “using its best endeavours to secure funding from donors for the activities of the South Pacific Tourism Organisation”.
The Board of Directors consists of one representative from each of the 16 member governments, and three members representing the private sector. The Board meets a minimum of twice a year. Its main responsibilities include (i) approval and monitoring of SPTO’s annual core and work plan budgets, (ii) approval and monitoring of operating policies and strategies (iii) supervision of the implementation of SPTO’s work programmes (iv) reviewing and monitoring operating rules, procedures and regulations in the financial and administrative matters of SPTO (vi) advising on other matters as may be required by Management.
A Chief Executive, appointed by the Board, carries out the day-to-day administrative functions of SPTO and is supported by a number of professional and administrative staff as well as technical advisors.
CEO’s Office
The CEOs Office is responsible for the management of the organisation and achievement of the organisational objectives, through the development and implementation of the five year Business Plan and Annual Divisional Work Plans.
The CEOs Office is responsible for the operational and financial management of the organisation including staff recruitment and performance monitoring.
The CEOs Office is also responsible for growing the SPTO country membership base and increasing the funding base of the organisation. The CEOs Office is also responsible for advocacy, stakeholder management and Board and corporate communications.
To effectively manage SPTO as the regional tourism industry advocate and leader in tourism development and marketing
Key Functions:
Strategic Management
Human Resource Management
Stakeholder Communications
Partnership Development
Governance and Reporting
Membership Management
Division of Marketing
The Division of Marketing is responsible for facilitating the marketing and promotion of the South Pacific as a tourism destination, maintaining the SPTO online presence and leading the SPTO Private Sector Membership Programme.
Goal: To increase the awareness of the South Pacific as a tourism destination.
Key Functions:
Marketing Planning
Pacific Brand Management
Trade Show Coordination
South Pacific Specialist Program
Internet Marketing
Private Sector Membership Program
Cruise Sector Marketing
Technical Assistance
Division of Research & Planning
This Division is responsible for supporting the sustainable development of tourism in the South Pacific through the collection and dissemination of information and research and the facilitation of sustainable tourism development policy and programs.
Goal: To be the focal point for tourism related research, information and regional tourism planning
Tourism Statistics
Tourism Resource Centre
Research Publications
Ad hoc research
Planning and Policy Support
HRD Liaison and NTO Attachment
Project Design and Development
Technical Assistance
Division of Sustainable Tourism Development
This Division is responsible for supporting the sustainable development of tourism in the South Pacific in terms of the Environmental, Socio-Cultural and Economic aspects.
Goal: To provide support to the Sustainable Development of Tourism in the region.
Key Functions:
Capacity Building
Technical Assistance on Sustainable Tourism issues through SPTO Partnerships
Advisory Capacity on National Plans & Policies relative to Sustainable Tourism Development
Division of Finance and Corporate Services
The Finance and Corporate Services Division is responsible for profiling the support services function for SPTO, including accounting, ICT and human resources.
Goal: To ensure that the SPTO accounting, ICT and human resource systems enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation through accurate and timely records and reports.
Key Functions:
Accounts and Audit
Internal HRD
Board Papers/Logistics
Asset Management
ITC Support Management
SPTO Products and Services
SPTO’s goal is to develop tourism through the delivery of products and services that satisfies its’ members needs. The SPTO aims to be a customer focused international organisation, which is self-financing based on the delivery of identified value propositions. In order to achieve this, SPTO has member-driven work programs and adopts a commercial approach to the operations and activities of the Organisation. This ensures that the SPTO adds value to the activities of its government and private sector members.
SPTO offers the following range of products and services:
Regional Statistical Analysis
NTO Bi Annual Benchmarking Survey
Quarterly Market Intelligence Summary
Market Sector Studies
Membership Weekly Newsletter
Regional Branding
Overseas Representation
Travel Show/Road Show Coordination and Facilitation
Regional Collateral Material
Regional Tourism Magazine
Web site development and promotion
Internet Marketing
Lead Generation
Tourism Products Database
Internet and Marketing Training / Consulting
Membership Services
Product Promotion via SPTO ’s Website
Member Discounts
Photo Library
Banner Advertising
Database Marketing
Regional Tourism Conference
Training Facilitation and Implementation
Industry and Stakeholder Workshops
Bi-annual Regional Tourism Conference
Regional Tourism Policy and Planning
Technical Assistance
Project Management/Implementation Services
Consultancy Database
South Pacific Tourism Investment Guide
The Future
SPTO will continue to play a pivotal role in the regional co-ordination of the tourism sector. We will continue to work closely with both government and private sector members to co-ordinate regional marketing, planning, investment and human resource development activities.
The SPTO is committed to achieve the sustainable growth of the sector as encompassed in the regional Vision for tourism. We will facilitate the achievement of the regional Vision, in partnership with governments, the private sector and the donor community, for the benefit of the people of the South Pacific.