Travelling Provence

Travelling Provence Your private chauffeur and guide for tailor made tours through wonderful Provence!

Your private chauffeur and guide for tailor made tours through the wonderful Provence! Votre chauffeur privé et guide pour un tour sur mesure dans la merveilleuse Provence! La vostra guida per un tour personalizzato nella meravigliosa Provenza!

It's so hot in Provence right now, I thought this picture of a beautiful fountain might be refreshing!

It's so hot in Provence right now, I thought this picture of a beautiful fountain might be refreshing!

I did a tour yesterday with the sweetest lady, and when we stopped in this sunflower field, she offered to take my pictu...

I did a tour yesterday with the sweetest lady, and when we stopped in this sunflower field, she offered to take my picture. I first said no. I don't like myself on pictures, like most people, I guess. And then I thought that it was so silly! For once I had an opportunity to have my picture taken in a gorgeous place!
Obviously I don't like myself on this pic 😅 but it's such a sweet memory from the tour and the time I shared with my guest. And I really really love sunflowers, so why not post it? 🌻

House goals.This is actually a restaurant, but how lovely would it be to live in such a pretty house 😍. One little thing...

House goals.
This is actually a restaurant, but how lovely would it be to live in such a pretty house 😍. One little thing though: price wise I'm sure it would be out of reach. We'll keep dreaming, I guess 😌

It's the most wonderful time of the year. I'm obviously not talking about Christmas, but about lavender season!Always wo...

It's the most wonderful time of the year. I'm obviously not talking about Christmas, but about lavender season!
Always wonderful to see you, dear lavender 😌

Getting lost in Arles 👣 One of Provence's prettiest towns. Make sure it's on your list!

Getting lost in Arles 👣 One of Provence's prettiest towns. Make sure it's on your list!

When you visit Provence, make sure you try some lavender honey. Bees work very hard to offer you that treat, it would be...

When you visit Provence, make sure you try some lavender honey. Bees work very hard to offer you that treat, it would be just rude to them!
Ps: it's excellent on goat cheese ☺️

Getting lost in the hilltop towns of Provence. That's the life!

Getting lost in the hilltop towns of Provence. That's the life!

As we head towards the summer, markets are so much more beautiful! This vendor specifically made his produces look extre...

As we head towards the summer, markets are so much more beautiful! This vendor specifically made his produces look extremely pretty...

Spent a bit of time in the Luberon this morning, found a few poppies, many wild flowers, and then bought asparagus in my...

Spent a bit of time in the Luberon this morning, found a few poppies, many wild flowers, and then bought asparagus in my little town, 3€ for a pound. Life is good in Provence...

🇬🇧 Christmas is just around the corner ✨ I still have some shopping to do 🤭 so little time left, please send me your bes...

🇬🇧 Christmas is just around the corner ✨ I still have some shopping to do 🤭 so little time left, please send me your best shopping vibes!

🇨🇵 Noël c'est pour ainsi dire demain ✨ et j'ai encore des cadeaux à acheter 🤭 je prends toutes vos bonnes ondes shopping!

🇬🇧 I'm back after a long and much needed social media break! I probably won't post very often, but I'll make sure to sha...

🇬🇧 I'm back after a long and much needed social media break! I probably won't post very often, but I'll make sure to share my best Provence experiences!

🇨🇵 Me voilà de retour après une longue et très nécessaire pause réseaux sociaux! Je ne posterai probablement pas très souvent, mais je vais m'assurer de partager mes expériences les plus sympas!

🇬🇧 The magic of the night ✨I took this picture a week ago, after I attended the Cocarde d'Or. I always see these places ...

🇬🇧 The magic of the night ✨
I took this picture a week ago, after I attended the Cocarde d'Or. I always see these places during the day, so seeing the arena at night was kind of new to me!

🇨🇵 La magie de la nuit ✨
J'ai pris cette photo il y a une semaine, après avoir assisté à la Cocarde d'Or. C'est le genre d'endroit que je vois habituellement la journée, alors voir les arènes de nuit était une nouvelle expérience pour moi!

🇬🇧 A 12th century cistercian abbey immerged in lavender fields...this place can't get more perfect!•🇨🇵 Une abbaye cister...

🇬🇧 A 12th century cistercian abbey immerged in lavender fields...this place can't get more perfect!

🇨🇵 Une abbaye cistercienne du 12e siècle immergée dans les champs de lavande...cet endroit c'est la perfection !

🇬🇧 Yesterday I attended a bull race called la Cocarde d'Or. It took place in the roman arena of Arles, and was such a fu...

🇬🇧 Yesterday I attended a bull race called la Cocarde d'Or. It took place in the roman arena of Arles, and was such a fun and beautiful event. The best part for me was the Arlésiennes, with their gorgeous dresses.
Provence keeps amazing me. There is so much pride in keeping the traditions alive.

🇨🇵 Hier je suis allée à une course camargaise appelée la Cocarde d'Or. Ça se passe dans les arènes romaines d'Arles et c'est un spectacle à la fois divertissant et beau. Ce que j'ai préféré était toutes ces Arlésiennes, avec leurs incroyables costumes.
La Provence est vraiment incroyable. Il y a une telle fierté à garder les traditions vivantes.

🇬🇧 I get to see lavender every year, several times from June to August. It's been my summer routine for 10 years now. An...

🇬🇧 I get to see lavender every year, several times from June to August. It's been my summer routine for 10 years now. And you know what? It's wonderful! I can't get tired of it, I'm always blown away by Mother Nature's show. What a blessing...

🇨🇵 Je vois de la lavande tous les ans, plusieurs fois entre Juin et Août. Ça fait 10 ans que c'est ma routine estivale. Et vous savez quoi? C'est fantastique ! Je n'arrive pas à m'en lasser, je suis toujours émerveillée par ce spectacle de Mère Nature. Quelle bénédiction...

🇬🇧 Hilltop towns never disappoint!•🇨🇵 Les villages perchés cette valeur sûre !

🇬🇧 Hilltop towns never disappoint!

🇨🇵 Les villages perchés cette valeur sûre !


🇬🇧 This time of the year...

🇨🇵 Cette période de l'année...

🇬🇧 Ah the Provence perfect blue sky 😍•🇨🇵 Ah ce ciel bleu parfait de Provence 😍

🇬🇧 Ah the Provence perfect blue sky 😍

🇨🇵 Ah ce ciel bleu parfait de Provence 😍

🇬🇧 Dream house 😍 it's everything I love: white limestone, blue shutters, honeysuckle all over it, and gorgeous neighborh...

🇬🇧 Dream house 😍 it's everything I love: white limestone, blue shutters, honeysuckle all over it, and gorgeous neighborhood. What's your dream house like?

🇨🇵 Maison de rêve 😍 c'est tout ce que j'aime: les pierres, les volets bleus, le chèvrefeuille qui grimpe sur la façade, et le quartier canon. Et toi, ta maison de rêve elle ressemble à quoi?

🇬🇧 The world need more poppies...•🇨🇵 Le monde a besoin de plus de coquelicots...

🇬🇧 The world need more poppies...

🇨🇵 Le monde a besoin de plus de coquelicots...

🇬🇧 Just a very small piece of a roman aqueduct, not a big deal...•🇨🇵 Juste un petit morceau d'aqueduc romain, pas de quo...

🇬🇧 Just a very small piece of a roman aqueduct, not a big deal...

🇨🇵 Juste un petit morceau d'aqueduc romain, pas de quoi en faire tout un plat...

🇬🇧 Market day! With my guests we bought so many wonderful things : olives, goat cheese, olive spreads, pickled garlic, n...

🇬🇧 Market day! With my guests we bought so many wonderful things : olives, goat cheese, olive spreads, pickled garlic, nougat, dry sausage,strawberries...and fresh bread of course! Then they went kayaking under Pont du Gard and we had a picnic there. One of the many fun activities I can help you plan for your trip in Provence! Link in bio!

🇨🇵 Jour de marché ! Avec mes clients du jour on a acheté plein de petites gourmandises : olives, tapenades, ail confit, fromage de chèvre, nougat, saucisson, du pain frais bien sûr ! Ensuite ils sont aller faire du kayak au Pont du Gard et on y a fait un pique nique. Une des nombreuses activités sympas que je peux vous aider à planifier pour vos vacances en Provence ! Lien en bio!

🇬🇧 Cute little house where I definitely can picture myself reading a book and having rosé with friends...•🇨🇵 Une jolie p...

🇬🇧 Cute little house where I definitely can picture myself reading a book and having rosé with friends...

🇨🇵 Une jolie petite maison où je me vois très bien bouquiner et boire du rosé entre copains...

🇬🇧 The french art of doing nothing 💕•🇨🇵 L'art de ne rien faire 💕

🇬🇧 The french art of doing nothing 💕

🇨🇵 L'art de ne rien faire 💕


🇬🇧 10 seconds of birds chirping, fountain flowing and people chatting 🌼

🇫🇷 10 secondes d'oiseaux qui gazouillent, de fontaine qui coule et de gens qui bavardent 🌼

🇬🇧 Another perspective on Gordes...•🇨🇵 Un autre point de vue sur Gordes...

🇬🇧 Another perspective on Gordes...

🇨🇵 Un autre point de vue sur Gordes...

🇬🇧 Rainy days in Provence...almost exactly 2 years ago we were in lockdown, not knowing yet that it would last 2 months....

🇬🇧 Rainy days in Provence...almost exactly 2 years ago we were in lockdown, not knowing yet that it would last 2 months. The weather was incredibly warm and sunny ☀️. I spent the whole time in my hammock, devouring books.
And here I am 2 years later, free as a bird but litterally frozen by the ice cold wind that been blowing all day long 🥶

🇨🇵 Jours de pluie en y a presque 2 ans jour pour jour on commençait le confinement, sans se douter qu'il allait durer 2 mois. Il a fait incroyablement beau et chaud ☀️. J'ai passé tout ce temps dans mon hamac à bouquiner.
Et me voilà 2 ans plus t**d, libre comme l'air mais littéralement congelée par le vent glacial qui a soufflé toute la journée 🥶

🇬🇧 Did you know that the sunflower is Ukraine's national flower? I stand with you, Ukrainian people, now and always 🇺🇦 W...

🇬🇧 Did you know that the sunflower is Ukraine's national flower? I stand with you, Ukrainian people, now and always 🇺🇦 War shouldn't be an option, Europe had its fare share of it over the last century....
I also stand with the people of Russia who is suffering from the war too. Let's hope for peace and have faith in the future 🕊️

🇨🇵 Est ce que vous saviez que le tournesol est la fleur nationale de l'Ukraine? Je te soutiens, peuple ukrainien, aujourd'hui et toujours 🇺🇦 La guerre ne devrait pas être une option, l'Europe en a eu sa dose au siècle dernier.
Je soutiens aussi le peuple de Russie, qui subit la guerre aussi.
Espérons que la paix revienne, ayons confiance en le futur 🕊️

🇬🇧 Bonjour dear followers! It's been a long while! I've decided to take a little break from social media, but I'm happy ...

🇬🇧 Bonjour dear followers! It's been a long while! I've decided to take a little break from social media, but I'm happy to be back!
I'm not gonna lie, these are tough times. Just when we thought we were done with covid Ukraine is going through a war. The only thing in our power right now is to keep hoping for better days very soon 🕊️
Here's a picture of a café in Provence. Hopefully it will bring you a little bit of joy in the middle of all these bad news...

🇨🇵 Bonjour chers followers! Ça fait un moment! J'ai fait une petite pause réseaux sociaux mais je suis contente d'être de retour!
Ce sont sans mentir des moments compliqués. Juste quand on pensait en finir avec le covid l'Ukraine traverse une guerre. La seule chose en notre pouvoir est d'espérer des jours meilleurs 🕊️
Voici la photo d'un café provençal. Avec un peu de chance elle vous apportera un peu de réconfort au milieu de toutes ces mauvaises nouvelles...

🇬🇧 Red tiles, winding streets, an old church, an incredible view...welcome to the Luberon !•🇨🇵 Tuiles rouges, rues sinue...

🇬🇧 Red tiles, winding streets, an old church, an incredible view...welcome to the Luberon !

🇨🇵 Tuiles rouges, rues sinueuses, une vieille église, une vue dingue... bienvenue dans le Luberon!


Place Du Palais Des Papes


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Who I Am

Your private chauffeur and guide for tailor made tours through wonderful Provence! Votre chauffeur privé et guide pour un tour sur mesure dans la merveilleuse Provence! La vostra guida per un tour personalizzato nella meravigliosa Provenza!

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