Bayeux Shuttle

Bayeux Shuttle Guided D-Day Tours of the American landing beaches and shuttle bus services from Bayeux to Le Mont Saint Michel & Paris.

The garden of the missing, in the first lights of February...

The garden of the missing, in the first lights of February...

The discovery of   by our guides was very exciting!

The discovery of by our guides was very exciting!


🇫🇷L'année 2024, marquée par l'achèvement du projet d'extension-rénovation Airborne 1964-2024 et le 80ème anniversaire, a permis à l'Airborne Museum de réaliser la meilleure fréquentation de son histoire, avec 288 000 visiteurs! Un grand merci à tous! 🎉

⌛️Place maintenant à la saison 2025! Le musée réouvrira ses portes ce samedi 1er février sur les horaires 10-18h.

🎤🎵L'édition #5 du Diptyque aura lieu le weekend des 22 et 23 mars, et ce sont la maître conférencière Elvire Guillaud, et le joueur d'harmonica émérite Greg Zlap, qui se succéderont respectivement au musée, et au château de Sébeville.

🇻🇳Le 10 avril, le musée ouvrira "Les parachutistes français au cours de la guerre d'Indochine (1944-1954)" sa nouvelle exposition temporaire, rassemblant une multitude d'objets rares, souvent nominatifs, et chroniquant ce conflit connexe à la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans l'histoire de la France.

🕊Enfin, le 81è anniversaire, qui s'il sera assurément plus compact que le précédent, aura une symbolique propre lui aussi: la cérémonie internationale se déroulera à Utah Beach, chose relativement peu courante!

🇺🇸The year 2024, marked by the completion of the Airborne 1964-2024 extension-renovation project and the 80th anniversary, saw the Airborne Museum achieve its best-ever attendance figures, with 288,000 visitors! Thank you so much! 🎉

⌛️Place now looks ahead to the 2025 season! The museum will reopen on Saturday 1 February at 10am-6pm.

🎤🎵The #5 edition of the Diptyque will take place over the weekend of 22 and 23 March, with master lecturer Elvire Guillaud and harmonica player Greg Zlap taking turns at the museum and Château de Sébeville respectively.

🇻🇳On April 10, the museum will open ‘French paratroopers during the Indochina War (1944-1954)’, its new temporary exhibition, bringing together a host of rare objects, often by name, and chronicling this conflict related to the Second World War in French history.

🕊 The 81st anniversary, which will certainly be more compact than the previous one, but will also have its own symbolism: the international ceremony will take place on Utah Beach, a relatively unusual event!

Training session in  !

Training session in !

Training session around Purple heart Lane!

Training session around Purple heart Lane!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year from the Bayeux Shuttle Team!May this year bring you exciting journeys, wonderful memor...

Wishing you all a Happy New Year from the Bayeux Shuttle Team!

May this year bring you exciting journeys, wonderful memories and unforgettable moments!

Mort de Jimmy Carter, la paix à vif

Mort de Jimmy Carter, la paix à vif

Après unique mandat entre 1977 et 1981, l'ex-président américain était devenu un grand militant de la paix, émissaire dans de nombreux conflits jusqu’à recevoir le prix Nobel en 2002. Il est mort ce 29 décembre à 100 ans.

Our team is currently visiting WW1 battlefields around Verdun1st stop Douaumont fort, ossuary and cemetery              ...

Our team is currently visiting WW1 battlefields around Verdun
1st stop Douaumont fort, ossuary and cemetery

Pearl Harbor: “December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberat...

Pearl Harbor: “December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” - President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Last week    was following the footpath of  .

Last week was following the footpath of .


always a solemn moment when mass begins..

Juliette as usual, leading the way!

Juliette as usual, leading the way!



Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09:00 - 12:00
14:15 - 18:00
Mardi 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Mercredi 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Jeudi 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Vendredi 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00




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