Bringing you the very best of Bordeaux
Over the years, we have personally vetted dozens of hotels, restaurants, châteaux, and leisure activities to bring you the very best of Bordeaux and the surrounding region. Our carefully curated portfolio includes an eclectic variety of the region’s finest hotels and private accommodations, decadent Michelin starred restaurants, traditional bistros and unique luxury experiences. We have purposefully built this diverse portfolio to allow us to cater to the specific needs of each of our clients, no matter what their desires might be.
Our extensive network of relationships throughout the region means we can personally introduce you to chateau owners, oyster farmers, wine makers and caviar producers, so you can experience the region through their eyes.
Being on the ground here in Bordeaux allows us to continually refine and enhance our portfolio of experiences to ensure we are always bringing our clients the very best of this beautiful region.
In addition to Bordeaux, we also service the region of Cognac where we can introduce you to some of the region’s finest and most authentic cognac houses. We also have a number of exceptional hotel and dining partners in Paris to ensure your pit-stop en-route to Bordeaux is as perfect as the rest of your trip.