
Safetravels196 Our tourism consultancy is founded on developing the connection between the responsible traveller and tourism operators/organisations globally.

We share experiences to expand awareness of protecting the social and environmental fabric of our hosts.




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The Responsible Traveller

Our tourism consultancy is founded on developing the connection between the responsible traveller and tourism operators/organisations around the world. We actively promote responsible tourism practice in our own travel journeys, and share those experiences to expand the knowledge of what can be done to protect the social and environmental fabric of the communities we visit. Additionally, we are establishing the Safetravels Network to create a digital network to provide a platform able to connect responsible travellers, tourism operators offering sustainable tourism services, and location specific organisations promoting responsible tourism in their part of the world.

We have created the concept of the responsible traveller, representing travellers who actively seek ways to contribute to protecting the environment and communities in the destinations they visit.

The digital platform of Safetravels Network, will provide an effective way for all those involved in tourism to influence how we travel, and how we manage the global and local benefits/impacts of that travel. There is significant opportunity in developing the management concept of local solutions and global change.

The Safetravels Network is a digital tourism information and marketing platform. Based on the principle of shared and collective action, we believe managing tourism globally requires collaboration between travellers, operators and tourism organisations.