Yoga Valley- vegan catered chalets- Chamonix

Yoga Valley- vegan catered chalets- Chamonix Yoga Valley. Vegan Catered yoga retreats in Chamonix. Luxury catered chalets in Chamonix. Vegan cooking classes, Yoga and Meditation classes

Yoga Herz zu HerzHerbst Retreat mit Katjimina Mina Wir begeben uns auf 5 Tage in den Urlaub zu Dir! Deinem Herzen und Le...

Yoga Herz zu Herz
Herbst Retreat mit Katjimina Mina
Wir begeben uns auf 5 Tage in den Urlaub zu Dir! Deinem Herzen und Leuchten wieder mehr Raum zu geben, sich Zeit geben um das Innerste wieder zu fühlen und diese stille wundervolle Kraft neu zu erwecken.
Wann ?
Mittwoch, 9. Oktober bis Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024 im Strandhotel am Weissensee Details zum Hotel unter

Schwerpunkte der Retreats sind:

Meditatives Hatha Yoga mit Fokus aufs spirituelle Herz (Hridaya)
Waldbaden am Kraftplatz
Osho Tanz Meditation fürs Herz im Wald
Wandern und Herbstsonne genießen
Gong Klang Bad mit symphonischen Gong N4-Friedens Gong, Klangschalen, Koshis, Regenmacher, Buffalo Drum
Thai Nuad Massage (eine Mischung aus Yoga, Akupressur und Meditation)
Wir werden uns in der Gemeinschaft unterstützen und uns gegenseitig inspirieren. Wir werden uns Raum geben, um frei und wild zu sein und das Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

Von Herz zu Herz von Seele zu Seele, Katji.

Wishing you all the best for this coming year ♥️don’t forget you have made an immense progress this year your self aware...

Wishing you all the best for this coming year ♥️don’t forget you have made an immense progress this year your self awareness has reached new levels - your healing has made your made less reactive and now you are emotionally prepared for deeper connection ❤️storms and challenges came but you are still standing strong 💪 keep doing what is right for you 🇨🇭 ❤️

Winter salad with sweet potatoes nuture your body - soul- after a ice bath between forest walks and seeing old friends -...

Winter salad with sweet potatoes nuture your body - soul- after a ice bath between forest walks and seeing old friends -life always meet your expectations 💚 🇦🇹 ❤️ #

Early shaktis for sunrise -recognize what happen Allow life to be just as it is Investigate with a gentle curious attent...

Early shaktis for sunrise -recognize what happen Allow life to be just as it is Investigate with a gentle curious attention Nuture with loving presence 😊

Vegan Banana Cake in x - mas mood - normally I should be already in France following my biggest love ❤️ snowboarding but...

Vegan Banana Cake in x - mas mood - normally I should be already in France following my biggest love ❤️ snowboarding but lock down came in between and I do feel very safe here at home in austria and keep on baking -staying outside -taking a deep breath and enjoy 😊 See life as a poetry look closely we are gifted this precious time on eart .For our own sacred sakes and for our grandchildren .Lets never take it for granted ❤️ ☯️

Healthy lunch on a beautiful Mountain-enjoy the silence in the forest and start slowly healing because what you heal in ...

Healthy lunch on a beautiful Mountain-enjoy the silence in the forest and start slowly healing because what you heal in yourself becomes the blue print that others can use #

Sage !!! Whenever you feel like clearing the space it’s a ritual I do every day as soon as I wake up and it feels / smel...

Sage !!! Whenever you feel like clearing the space it’s a ritual I do every day as soon as I wake up and it feels / smells so good 😊 no matter how this whole things swings tomorrow ,we will still need to show up for each other ,sharpen our tools /plant our gardens ,sing more songs ,resist oppressive systems ,teach our children well , learn from people who think different then us ,take care of our elders ,speak kindly to one another ,protect this wild beautiful earth and find collective solutions -this world will not end in an election - it will not end with an icon - it is a lifetime -rest well -rise bright eyes -and prebare to keep going - just keep going 🌲🌲🌲

How was the summer for you  beeing in our team ? For me this was the Yoga off the Matt !!! Stay in your center-  observe...

How was the summer for you beeing in our team ? For me this was the Yoga off the Matt !!! Stay in your center- observe act feel and realize you don’t build a business you build people and then people build the business ❤️ #

Last days at the lake enjoying the beautiful sunset in uncertain times ! What do you think about triggers ? People don’t...

Last days at the lake enjoying the beautiful sunset in uncertain times ! What do you think about triggers ? People don’t trigger you -they trigger your trigger -you are triggered by your trigger - you are not your trigger - your trigger points towards healing - the only person who is responsible for your healing is you !!! So now as Gabor mate would say : put that into your pipe and smoke it #

Nature I’m speechless how beautiful you are - there is just presence that fills up my body mind soul - presence is an in...

Nature I’m speechless how beautiful you are - there is just presence that fills up my body mind soul - presence is an internal state -it’s the inclusive awarded of stillness of possibilities and immediacy - how do you feel with the lock down #

When we flee our vulnerability- we lose our full capacity for feeling emotion- people have 2 needs attachment and authen...

When we flee our vulnerability- we lose our full capacity for feeling emotion- people have 2 needs attachment and authenticity - how does the lock down feel for you ? Do you take time for yourself go outside do yoga or bake a vegan raspberry banana cake #

Last days of cooking before lock down - crazy times - how do you digest this ??? It’s damm hard for me but saying how yo...

Last days of cooking before lock down - crazy times - how do you digest this ??? It’s damm hard for me but saying how you feel never ruins a real connection 🇦🇹

Grounding warming soup for cold days !!! Carrying for the earth isn’t a weird “hippie thing “ it’s more of a badass surv...

Grounding warming soup for cold days !!! Carrying for the earth isn’t a weird “hippie thing “ it’s more of a badass survival thing !!! If we don’t have a healthy planet there won’t be a healthy anything 🇦🇹 #

Back for another retreat at Neusacherhof weisensee

Back for another retreat at Neusacherhof weisensee

Power Soup for cold days on the Mountain :)

Power Soup for cold days on the Mountain :)



Chalat Passon, Chamonix


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