Celia SO Paris guide & Travel planner 樂遙

Celia SO Paris guide & Travel planner 樂遙 Travel planning, Paris private licence guide. Guide in English and Chinese Cantonese.

Different people has different interests and different needs. That is why all my tours are tailor-made according to your interests and priorities. Classic : Discover Paris city tour
Museum tour : Louvre, Versailles, Orsay Museum,...
Sportive : Babizon Village and hiking in the Fontainebeau Forest
Gourmand : Eastern Paris Marais area, food market
Nostalgic :

Montmartre artists
Special tour for family with children upon request

Private guide and travel planner for groups, family or individuals for ALL FRANCE
Interpreter (French, English, Cantonese) for business travelers for ALL FRANCE

⚠️ 巴黎扒手出沒!一星期內兩次親眼目睹 ⚠️最近短短一星期內,我和我老公分別目擊了兩宗扒竊案件,提醒大家來巴黎一定要提高警覺!📍案例 1:地鐵 Iéna 站(我親眼目睹)那天我正準備搭地鐵,列車剛到站,我看到一男一女站在車廂門口,女生低頭...

⚠️ 巴黎扒手出沒!一星期內兩次親眼目睹 ⚠️


📍案例 1:地鐵 Iéna 站(我親眼目睹)


🔺 注意:地鐵車廂門口是扒手高危區,關門前的一瞬間是他們常用的作案時機!

📍案例 2:Opera 附近地鐵站(我老公目擊)


🔺 注意:旅客拖著行李、找路時容易分心,往往成為扒手目標!

🛑 巴黎防盜小貼士:

✅ 手機、錢包請緊握或放內袋,避免隨手拿著或放在外衣口袋。
✅ 地鐵車廂門口是扒手熱點,能往裡面站就不要站在門口。
✅ 遇到可疑情況請大聲呼救,引起周圍注意往往能嚇退扒手。


Imagine a day that whisks you away into the grand opulence of French history and the gentle beauty of Impressionist art ...

Imagine a day that whisks you away into the grand opulence of French history and the gentle beauty of Impressionist art of Claude Monet. Our excursion to the Château de Versailles and Giverny’s Monet Garden captures the essence of both, blending regal architecture with serene landscapes....

Imagine a day that whisks you away into the grand opulence of French history and the gentle beauty of Impressionist art of Claude Monet. Our excursion to the Château de Versailles and Giverny’s Mon…



Djerba 是個四季各有特色的地方,如果你想遠離煩囂,擁抱平靜與陽光,冬天的 Djerba 或許會是你理想的旅行選擇!...

Djerba 是個四季各有特色的地方,如果你想遠離煩囂,擁抱平靜與陽光,冬天的 Djerba 或許會是你理想的旅行選擇!...

Djerba 是個四季各有特色的地方,如果你想遠離煩囂,擁抱平靜與陽光,冬天的 Djerba 或許會是你理想的旅行選擇!

巴黎素食餐廳推介:Bonnard 🍷🌱上星期同朋友去咗一家素食餐廳 Bonnard,雖然我哋四個人有三個唔係素食主義者,但完全唔覺得犧牲咗口味!✨ 菜式非常有創意,唔係得沙律,真係做到「bistronomic」嘅水平。🍷 推介佢哋酒單上嘅生...

巴黎素食餐廳推介:Bonnard 🍷🌱
上星期同朋友去咗一家素食餐廳 Bonnard,雖然我哋四個人有三個唔係素食主義者,但完全唔覺得犧牲咗口味!

✨ 菜式非常有創意,唔係得沙律,真係做到「bistronomic」嘅水平。
🍷 推介佢哋酒單上嘅生物動力紅酒 (€44),同啲菜完美配搭!
🏡 餐廳裝修溫暖舒服,服務好周到,連洗手間都係地面層,乾淨又方便!

4個人食咗2份頭盤、2份甜品、每人一份主菜,加埋一支紅酒,一共 €203。以咁高質嘅用餐體驗嚟講,絕對值得!素食都可以咁精彩!

À bistronomic vegetarian restaurant in Paris!

À bistronomic vegetarian restaurant in Paris!

Bonnard’s approach is truly “bistronomic”—a mix of bistro comfort and gastronomic sophistication. The menu goes far beyond the usual salads, offering incredibly creative and flavorful dishes that h…


“600 crocodiles at Djerba Explore! The oldest ones are 27 years old. They are currently in hibernation and have stopped eating since November. However, the baby crocodiles are still being fed every day.

Did you know crocodiles are much faster in water than on land? In water, they can swim up to 40km/h thanks to their powerful tails. So, avoid venturing into rivers where crocodiles might be present!”

Chez Ali ( Adel) restaurant is small and simple, with most of the seating directly on the beach. The decoration is the s...

Chez Ali ( Adel) restaurant is small and simple, with most of the seating directly on the beach. The decoration is the sea and the bay—completely natural and picturesque....

Chez Ali ( Adel) restaurant is small and simple, with most of the seating directly on the beach. The decoration is the sea and the bay—completely natural and picturesque.

猜猜看,這兩個十八世紀的瓷器有什麼用途?小的那個是奶瓶,當時還沒有塑膠,奶嘴的設計像茶壺的壺嘴。至於大的那個,叫 Bourdaloue,是宮廷女士們使用的尿壺。為什麼需要這個?因為路易十四每天早上十點會到禮拜堂參加彌撒,所有宮廷成員都得隨行...



至於大的那個,叫 Bourdaloue,是宮廷女士們使用的尿壺。為什麼需要這個?因為路易十四每天早上十點會到禮拜堂參加彌撒,所有宮廷成員都得隨行,然而彌撒經常很長。女士們如果人有三急,又不能隨意離場怎麼辦?當時的女士並沒有穿內褲,只需將尿壺藏在裙子裡,解決後自有侍從處理。


Haroun Restaurant provided a wonderful dining experience , highly recommended to anyone visiting Djerba, especially seaf...

Haroun Restaurant provided a wonderful dining experience , highly recommended to anyone visiting Djerba, especially seafood lovers...

Haroun Restaurant provided a wonderful dining experience , highly recommended to anyone visiting Djerba, especially seafood lovers

🚆 Travel Tip for Tourists Taking the RER C to Versailles 🚆When waiting on the platform for the RER C train, remember:🔹 C...

🚆 Travel Tip for Tourists Taking the RER C to Versailles 🚆

When waiting on the platform for the RER C train, remember:

🔹 Check the display boards: Trains on the same platform can head to different destinations. Make sure you're boarding the train marked "Versailles Château Rive Gauche" (or "VICK" line).

🔹 Stay alert for last-minute changes: Sometimes, platforms or train destinations change at the last moment. Keep an eye on the screens and listen to announcements.

🔹 Confirm direction: The RER C platforms in Paris often have trains on both sides. Double-check the signs before boarding.

Happy travels, and enjoy your visit to the stunning Château de Versailles! 🌟

The Perelachaise cemetery is an incroyable place. It is an opened air museum of funeral art. I totally agreed with Cher.

The Perelachaise cemetery is an incroyable place. It is an opened air museum of funeral art. I totally agreed with Cher.




Restaurant Iranien Toranj - 巴黎五區伊朗餐館的驚喜美味初進餐廳時,因為一個客人都沒有,心裡有點忐忑,但這次體驗卻大大超乎預期!我們一行十人,大部分選了午餐套餐:兩道菜20€,三道菜25€。主菜有茄子牛肉和串燒雞,...

Restaurant Iranien Toranj - 巴黎五區伊朗餐館的驚喜美味




伊西多爾 (Isidore) 在童年時曾經失明,但在十歲時參觀沙特爾 (Chartres) 大教堂時突然恢復了視力。他恢復視覺後看到的第一個景象,就是大教堂內絢麗的彩色玻璃,這深深影響了他的一生。...

伊西多爾 (Isidore) 在童年時曾經失明,但在十歲時參觀沙特爾 (Chartres) 大教堂時突然恢復了視力。他恢復視覺後看到的第一個景象,就是大教堂內絢麗的彩色玻璃,這深深影響了他的一生。...

伊西多爾 (Isidore) 在童年時曾經失明,但在十歲時參觀沙特爾 (Chartres) 大教堂時突然恢復了視力。他恢復視覺後看到的第一個景象,就是大教堂內絢麗的彩色玻璃,這深深影響了他的一生。…

看了奧賽博物館的 Gustave Caillebotte 展覽,真的非常喜歡他的畫作!他選取的角度和題材都非常特別,不僅捕捉了19世紀巴黎的日常生活,還展現出獨特的視覺效果和構圖技巧。每一幅畫都像在講述一個故事,讓人不禁想像畫中人物的心情與...

看了奧賽博物館的 Gustave Caillebotte 展覽,真的非常喜歡他的畫作!他選取的角度和題材都非常特別,不僅捕捉了19世紀巴黎的日常生活,還展現出獨特的視覺效果和構圖技巧。每一幅畫都像在講述一個故事,讓人不禁想像畫中人物的心情與生活。


14.5€ 越南河粉不是平宜,不過是在巴黎十七區Hyatt Regency 附近,味道也不錯,我去了兩次。

14.5€ 越南河粉不是平宜,不過是在巴黎十七區Hyatt Regency 附近,味道也不錯,我去了兩次。

Good morning Paris

Good morning Paris




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Our Story

Bonjour et bienvenue! Whether you’re a first-time visitor to Paris or a seasoned Francophile already familiar with the country’s highlights – Paris, Bordeaux, Reims, Loire Valley, Provence, the Cote d’Azur or elsewhere – I’d like to welcome you and make your stay in France a pleasure!

A little bit about me - I was born and grew up in Hong Kong, and my passion for people led me to study hotel management. After travelling around the world and working for a French hospitality group in global sales , I fell in love with Paris and a Frenchman over 20 years ago. The twin love affairs continue, and even today – over two decades later - Paris still surprises and charms me.

France is a beautiful country with so much to see and discover – not to mention revisit! – and so I spend my vacations with my family travelling around the country to learn as much as I can about French culture and traditions.

Following my earlier career in hospitality industry, I then re-trained as a French government-certified Guide-Conférencier so I could share my love of my adopted country with others. The course takes over one year full-time studying French culture and heritage, and only fully qualified Guide-Conférenciers can take guests inside museums and monuments. I’m also one of only a small number of tour guides who hold a further qualification to take guests around the privat apartments of kings in the stunning Chateau of Versailles.