50 Mile Mountain Ultra Marathon 18 Week Training Plan 👇
A 18 week plan tailored for the unique demands of mountain ultra marathons - 50 mile up to 100km distance, designed for Advanced runners with multiple years of training experience, training for mountainous trail races, such as mountain ultra marathons events up to c.100km distance.
◾️ 18 Week plan
◾️ 3 build weeks, followed by a recovery week
◾️ 3 week taper
◾️ Time based rather than distance
◾️ Race day advice provided throughout the plan.
◾️ Access to hills or a treadmill for certain workouts
◾️ HR Monitor
ink 👉 www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/running/ultra/tp-193123/mountain-ultra-marathon-50-mile-100km-18-week-plan-advanced