The owls france

The owls france A renovated Mill in beautiful rural Normandy. Perfect for couples or families who want to visit the Holiday Rental


Hello All !! I’m very sorry that our FB page has been seriously neglected in recent times. We have been preoccupied with all sorts of time consuming but not serious issues recently not least our decision after over 20 years in Normandy to hand over our home and gite in Fontenay to new owners. We have had such wonderful times at Le Moulin and can’t think where all those years have disappeared to ? Time for us to start a new chapter and enjoy fresh pastures ahead. Alec & Muriel Taylor will be at the helm before long and will be accepting reservations for the gite from 1st July. Until they are fully up and running please don’t hesitate in contacting us with any enquiries you may have.
a bientot !! Cliff & Linda


A wonderful Easter at Le Moulin and lovely guests from England for the week before replaced by a delightful young family from Belgium on Easter Saturday, Mum,Dad a lively 3 year old and a babe in arms. Spring definitely in the air with lovely weather and the thought of new life and resurrection, blossom on the fruit trees, buds and fresh growth on all the other greenery. Little chance of frost so all the plant pots out and fresh geraniums planted in the cottage wall pots. All the lawn and field (well most of it) mowed and looking good. Travel restrictions virtually gone and tourism in France back up and running means the awful Covid pandemic can hopefully recede into a memory without forgetting those who were loved but lost. A different story for the people of Ukraine we know but let’s all hope the 2022 can be a new beginning for most of us.

January > February 2022 👍A Ride on Mower and a petrol Hedgetrimmer 👍 Two of the best bits of kit I ever bought 😀😀😀👍🇫🇷

January > February 2022 👍
A Ride on Mower and a petrol Hedgetrimmer 👍 Two of the best bits of kit I ever bought 😀😀😀👍🇫🇷


Hi All !! Well 2021 has been and gone and probably most will be happy to see the end of another trying year dealing with the consequences of Covid and all it brought with it. Happy to say we had managed to stay Covid free until very recently when hit with the milder form despite being fully vaccinated and boosted. All is well in Fontenay with a few trips over to keep an eye on things over winter, cutting grass, sawing logs, trimming the hedge and generally “doing”. The complications of travel and ferry services ⛴ are easing and we’re looking forward to spending a lot more time at Le Moulin. Our first guests arrive at Easter and feeling enthusiastic about that, beginning to feel like old times 👍. Winter is passing and spring is in the air so looking forward to a positive 2022 shared with family and friends wherever they are 😀🇫🇷🇬🇧 !! Hope all is well with everyone and hoping we can get together some time soon 👍


What a year 2021 has turned out to be for those of us that have avoided the awful Covid pandemic. Feeling sympathy for anyone whose life has been affected by Covid and hoping that the future brings some peace and a return to what we all thought was normal life. Happily we have managed to get to Fontenay several times since the very strict lockdown rules were relaxed and enjoyed time there with family, friends our lovely neighbours. The travel and health restrictions have been both onerous and expensive but compared to so many others we consider ourselves very very lucky. No guests from U.K. this year which is no surprise but welcomed visitors from Switzerland, France and Belgium during the summer. We will be back in Normandy before Christmas and are looking forward to 2022 with a huge amount of optimism. All the best to all !! Cliff & Linda

Today is the last day of April and we are now getting closer to our first visit to Le Moulin this year. The lockdown on ...

Today is the last day of April and we are now getting closer to our first visit to Le Moulin this year. The lockdown on foreign travel eases on 17th May so no guesses on when we are booked on a ferry (4th amendment since December). We will have such a lot to do when we arrive after not being able to do our regular maintenance visits and with no guests to welcome. Really looking forward to our trip for a labour of love and a catch up with our circle of friends in the village who have been keeping their eyes on Le Moulin in our absence. Our neighbour Ian kindly sent us some photos taken last week which set our minds at rest showing that perhaps our task will not be as onerous as we thought and will give us plenty of time to enjoy Normandie (Carolles Plage, Bagnoles de la Orne, Dinard, St Malo already on the list). We will not be in a hurry to return to Upholland much as we love it and as the U.K. lockdown doesn’t end until 21st June we haven’t booked a return crossing yet. Looking forward to enjoying our time in Fontenay and later welcoming guests wanting a holiday in lovely rural Normandy after the awful time we have all endured as a result of Covid. Planning to post another update this time next month showing what we have been up to, all the best everyone and be sure to Stay Safe !! 😀🇫🇷🇪🇺


Le Moulin Des Hiboux, 17 Route Du Moulin


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