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Agence labélisée et spécialiste des Alpes FR :
Tourisme / Expériences
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526 Route Des Gorges Du Sierroz
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A quick search of the internet for the 1786 will show you in an instant what every resident of the Alps as well as those who love the mountains already knows.
On August 8th 1786, two young men from Savoie succeeded in achieving the very first expedition to the summit of the Mont Blanc, 4810 meters high. Many, other experienced mountain climbers had attempted to do so before them, but with no success.
So, how did Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard manage to reach the summit of the Mont Blanc when so many before had failed? They simply seceded to try a new and different path, one that no one had ever tried. And no one had thought to do so before, because no one knew the mountain as well as them…
This decision led them right to the top of the mountain as well as an historical moment! These two young explorers left the beaten path and used their knowledge of the mountain to be the first to reach the top.