🎬 Sigourney Weaver, the most iconic action heroine
📺The mystery of the Nazca lines
⛰️ Nature in symbiosis: The mountain
🐑 Nature in symbiosis: The moor
🍃Nature in symbiosis: The Scrubland
What future for Venice ?
⚓ What future for Venice ?
A few months apart, Venice has lived through two dramas that have brought it to its knees.
On November 12, 2019, a phenomenon of Aqua Alta of a historical level strikes the city of Doges, causing terrible damages to its secular heritage.
A few months later, in the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic pushes the authorities to close the city, causing a sudden and lasting halt to mass tourism, on which the city had become economically dependent.
After these two major traumas, the Venetians are questioning the future of their city and are mobilized more than ever to save their jewel from rising waters, but also to invent a new form of tourism, less invasive and more sustainable.
They are restorers, craftsmen, fishermen, heritage managers, or tourism professionals, and are fighting to invent the new future of the city of the Doges.
Since its foundation 1600 years ago, the Serenissima has always been resilient and wishes to make from these events a chance to be reborn stronger.
Director: Nadia Cleitman & Jacques Plaisant
Producer: Tournez S’il Vous Plait
Country of production: France
Format: HD
The ultimate passage
🎥 The ultimate passage
They were all declared clinically dead by doctors.
After decades of silence, they decide to share their unforgettable and life-changing experiences for the very first time.
In this investigation on the afterlife, scientists try to find answers to these unexplainable experiences…
which could shake up 400 years of traditional medicine...
Director: Pierre Barnérias
Producer: TPROD
Country of production: France
Format: HD
The Ox and the conquest of the plains.
🐮 Moo! The epic horns 🐮
The Ox and the conquest of the plains
They were domesticated 10,500 years ago in Mesopotamia, but the wild Aurochs has since disappeared from the face of the earth. Yet, its descendants, oxen, cows and bulls, continue to accompany humans on five continents. In Turkey, at the archaeological site of Çatal Höyük we discovered the first evidence of the taming of Aurochs and a veritable "civilization of the bull" for people of the Neolithic era. In the north of the country, a nomadic people continues to migrate each summer with their herds, a lasting element of cohesion between peoples. In Portugal, the land is still worked with cows. In the United States, the cowboys of Oklahoma breed both the old Longhorns breed, testimony to the conquest of the wild west, and more modern breeds, the stars of an intensive breeding that accelerates global warming. In France, primitive and less known cattle varieties are coming back to the fore with a promise of sustainable breeding and reconnection to nature.
Director: Xavier Lefebvre
Producer: Grand Angle Productions
Coproducer: ARTE, TV5 Monde, RSI, Ushuaia TV
Country of production: France
Format: 4K
And there was music
🎵And there was music
Music is everywhere: in bars, churches, shops, ritual ceremonies, in the headphones of our smartphones, in both public places and private places...
It adopts an infinite number of different forms, as varied as the forms of the living world. Everything around us happens as if music had proliferated over time, transforming itself through a series of mutations.
How to explain this universality and diversity? Would it be possible to go back to a source? To an origin? Let's try to jump back in time, to the sources of music.
To answer these questions, we will go in search of archaeological traces, trying to reconstruct what the music of our ancestors could have been. We will start with the oldest known instrument: a bone flute whose age is now estimated at more than 40,000 years old! We will then explore other traces of music in prehistory: archaeological remains that we interpret today as instruments, engravings and paintings, and all that we can deduce from the Cro-Magnon’s relationship to music.
Through the story of this journey, through image and sound, this film will seek to show how music, ultimately, is inseparable from our humanity
Director: Pascal Goblot
Producer: Grand Angle Productions
Coproducer: ARTE
Country of production: France
Format: HD
Nicotine, an addictive drug
🚬 Nicotine, an addictive drug
Smoking is completely prohibited in public spaces and in most restaurants at least in the western world. Despite the decrease in the number of smokers in the west, the tobacco industry has not given up! New electronic products like the e-cigarette and the tobacco heater are thrown on the market. Colorful advertising campaigns sell the illusion of the new smoking: It is cool, it doesn't stink and it doesn't make you sick. But are these promises of the industry true? Or is it doing what it has always done: pulling wool over consumers' eyes? Because it is anything but certain that the new electronic products are healthier: just like the tobacco cigarette, they contain the nerve poison nicotine - and that makes you addicted and, above all, sick like a new study seems to prove. Also new lung diseases like Evali cloud the picture of healthy smoking.
The products are evolving but the strategies remain the same; how does this industry continue to make profits without any consideration for health?
Director: Bärbel Merseburger-Sill
Producer: Berlin Producers
Coproducer: ZDF/ARTE, RTL Belgium, RSI
Country of production: Germany
Format: HD
Canoe in the Snow
❄️Canoe in the Snow
Living on the fringe of mainstream society, a million miles from the “eat, sleep, work, repeat” of modern times, one man ventures deep into the northern forest each winter to answer the call of the outdoors. For a decade, Clément has followed the same ritual: travelling to the middle of nowhere on the hunt for peace, quiet and beauty. From his camp, he spends the winter hunting, trapping and living as one with the nature surrounding him. This documentary film follows in the footsteps of this modern-day coureur de bois as he attempts to distance himself from the extremes of our society and reconnect with the essential. It’s journey to the very depths of what it means to be human in the wildest, most authentic environment conceivable.
Director: Eli Laliberté
Producer: Groupe PVP
Coproducer: TV5 Québec Canada
Country of production: Canada
Format: HD