Shadows Dancing

Shadows Dancing Randonnée a chevalTreking on horse back we aim to mould the time you have with us, around your particular needs or ideas.

welcome to Shadows Dancing, we are a trekking centre, catering exclusively for small groups, couples, or even one on one. our beautiful horses are ready to welcome our riders back to the saddle, so you can take in the rural French country side, we benefit from miles of quite back lanes, off road trails, stunning views, sleepy French villages, and sunny warm weather...
we can take an exclusive ride

or amble around our own land, just enjoying the company of kindred spirits, ending the day around a camp fire, with a refreshing drink and nibbles.


Just to let everyone know Shadows Dancing has moved, We are now in Deux Sevres



.....xox... :)


Hundreds of horses were stranded for three days on a tiny sliver of land surrounded by water and faced certain death until an amazing group of women came to their rescue. This true story took place in the Netherlands in 2006. The horses became trapped after a fierce storm caused the waters of the No…


Love Wild horses™!

Protect America's Native Free Roaming Wild Horses from government "removals": Release the 58,000 captives to freedom, to share the public land (245 million acres), fairly.

Wild horses play an important role to protect our lands from desertification and wildfires, in our Western States, the wild horses must be free to protect our land and water's wellness.

Wild horses are the spirit of "freedom" they are the wind...thunder that echoes within all hearts the ancient heart beat of Mother Earth.

Increase Protections to stop: stealing wild horse, lives, families, freedom and land...we are all connected, here.

Under 20,000 native wild horses remain free and many recently continue to be removed and are targeted for removal, or risky fertility control experimentation, by the very government agency, Congress assigned to protect our wild horses...known as "The BLM". The BLM recently was found to be selling wild horses to slaughter and is managing our wild horses to extinction.

Cattle out number wild horses approximately 30:1 on America's public lands.

Vast oil/fracking.. gas and solar field projects now occupy ..wild horse protected lands, after the BLM has made these lands: void of wild horses.

America is experiencing increased rise in deadly wildfires endangering range land, wildlife, surrounding people and water supply.

We are also experiencing desertification..a dangerous "drying up" of our public lands...

Please listen here to learn more, why it is important to protect wild horse freedom:

Thank You

Photo: By:



When your spouse says "No, we're not keeping him." but you find the 2 of them like this, I think it's safe to say you've won 'that' battle.


The Bluest Eye
Ronja Overgaard, Denmark



A nice little reminder that all 'behaviour is communication' and 'emotions drive behaviour’. So instead of getting upset or frustrated with your horse’s behaviour, stop, take a moment & breathe. And remember; ‘be the change you want to see’... Wishing you all a wonderful week :) x


A nurse mare foal is a foal that was born just so its mother would produce milk. The mother is shipped off to nurse a “more valuable” c**t, and these adorable foals are destroyed, even being considered mere “byproducts” of the industry.


This picture says it all! Thank you Jake Telford Training!!! Photo Credit: Primo Morales


This is SO true!

Aide on the back of my horse always made the troubles of the day, disappear!.


Fall is the BEST time to go trail riding! ..don't you agree?


Does this sound like you? Say "YES" if it does!

(and as always, feel free to share this or any of our posts)


Uh oh.
Very contraversial.

WE DO!!!!


Listen to your children when they are young. For there will come a day, when they will no longer want to talk and share, and at least you will have memories of a time when they did.


I'm sure you'd only ever have good dreams in this bed!

Custom made "Festive Lady" bed frame by Amber Jean. Check out more of Amber's art at


We love America.. but we hate the killing of wild protected lions and wild protected horses, that is happening...It is time for a New Police Force to be formed: to truly protect our wild ones, and our land and water's wellness and Mother Earth, before more harm and death comes.

The Bureau of Land Management, moves to eradicate West Douglas Herd, Colorado, in complete disregard for and of wild horse survival. WHERE IS JUSTICE FOR OUR WILD HORSES HERE IN AMERICA?

"BLM to gather wild horses in Northwest Colorado"
Read story here:

Feb 2015 Read Story here: "BLM plans to “zero-out” (completely remove) wild horses on West Douglas Herd Area and roundup wild horses on Piceance-East Douglas Herd Management Area"

THE BLM HAS been gunning for this herd for a long time in 2009:
aimed for complete removal:
Read story here:

What you can do, share this as far and wide, as is the great spirit of the wild horse...ask five of your friends to join you: in contacting the White House :
to request : IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT OF NEW AND TRUE PROTECTOR'S FOR OUR WILD HORSES...The Bureau Of Land Management has failed America's wild horses and the people of America.

RETURN the 58,000 ( "awaiting adoption" in BLM wasteland, in-humane, barred encampments) to our public land (245 mil acres) & stop all government & independent wild horse & b***o removals under 20,000 remain.

Solution: 1. SHARE THE LAND fairly, with our heritage mustangs!
2. Enact corporate responsibility for all "resources" welfare cattle/oil/gas/fracking and energy private interest/companies who operate and use and lease our public land (If they stay or have moved onto wild horse and b***o lands, then they must share the land with the horses and take care to protect their freedom and safety.
3. Not with our tax dollars! Stop stealing wild horse freedom, families and lives & stop stealing public land..enact good green stewardship and protection for our wild ones, land and water, now.

Thank You~

Love Wild Horses

Petition to sign and share:

Photo: By Robin Wadhams , Link to view Robin's beautiful wild horse photography:


If you can't do this ... than you shouldn't own a horse!


"Shhhhh! I iz hiding."



This is a warning!!

POTENTIAL DANGER OF HORSE HAIR~ In a press release today, the National Institute Of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses. This substance, called "amo-bacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in female humans: *reluctance to cook* reluctance to perform housework* reluctance to wear anything but boots* reluctance to work except in support of a horse* physical craving for contact with horses(may be an addiction) beware! *It's thought to believe the this substance may affect male humans as well*
If you come in contact with a female human affected by this substance be prepared to talk about horses for hours on end. This was a public service announcement...Surgeon General's Warning: Horses are expensive, addictive, and may impair one's ability to use common sense.

Photography: The Little Red House


Are you having a lazy Sunday like these two?


La Forêt-sur-Sèvre

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