
60iah2016 43th IAH Congress
Groundwater and Society

26-28 September 2016
Montpellier, France

60 years of IAH


The preliminary congress programme is available !


Eventime Group Le Corum Esplanade Charles de Gaulle 34000 Montpellier- France Phone: +33 4 67 61 66 65 Fax : +33 4 67 61 66 84


43rd IAH congress: don't forget the dead line for EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION-June 15th!


43rd IAH congress: E-posters instructions are available !

During the Congress, we intend to enhance poster presentations through electronic poster sessions, EPOSTER, which will be hosted in the principal exhibition room with 15 large interactive screens (width 132 cm/ 75 com height). The dedicated e-poster sessions will be hosted by big screens, where each...

Are you an early career hydrogeologist?What's your favorite paper published in 2015?Vote for the IAH-ECHN COOLEST PAPER ...

Are you an early career hydrogeologist?
What's your favorite paper published in 2015?

Vote for the IAH-ECHN COOLEST PAPER AWARD of 2015 !


Click here to vote for the ‘Coolest Paper’ of 2015! Voting period is open from April 1st to May 31st. Any early career hydrogeologist can vote for the ‘coolest’ of the nominations. All voters will automatic enter the chance to win a FREE book from the IAH series of his/her choice. The first author o…

DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONhas now been extended to March 31st 2016http://www.60iah2016.org/en/programme/main-topic...

has now been extended to March 31st 2016


The eight topics of the Congress are completed with "provisional sessions" that aim at favoring the submission of abstracts focused on a specific aspect of the topic. These "provisional sessions" are animated by specialists of the field during the abstract submission process.


The IAH2016 newsletter is available on


On behalf of the French and German hydrogeologist communities, the French and the German National Chapters of the IAH are proud to host the 43rd IAH International Congress, and at the same time celebrate the existence of 60 years of IAH, in Montpellier, France, from 25th to 29th September 2016.


Dear Colleagues,

The conference website is open! You can download the first circular.


Guidelines submission are also available with a submission on line.

Registration on line will be available in January.


Key dates
The committees are hard at work preparing an excellent congress. Abstract submission is open from 15 December 2015 and the deadline for early registration will be 30 June 2016. Further information will be provided on the IAH website and the congress website (http://www.60iah2016.org). We look forward to seeing you in Montpellier to celebrate our 60th birthday!


Field visits
A programme of field visits is being prepared, it may include:

-History of water fountains, squares and anecdotes about the history of Montpellier’s water supply during the past millennium
-Karstic spring of L*z. Active management, drinking water supply for 340000 inhabitants, origin, tracing, new boreholes, water quality and biodiversity
-Corbières area: karstic geology, Roussillon Pliocene multilayer aquifer, hydrothermal springs in Tet River valley, Messinian Crisis of Salinity, Astian multilayer aquifer
-Larzac plateau: karst, geomorphology and groundwater protection. Millau viaduct
-Lozère granitic basement and mineral springs of Salvetat and Avène
-Fontaine de Vaucluse spring
-Etang de Thau, Balaruc, Messinian Crisis of Salinity
-Pyrénées: origin of groundwater, economic issues, tourism and thermalism in a pyrenean valley


43rd IAH Congress
26-28 September 2016
Montpellier, France.

Main topics:
What part can hydrogeologists play in civil society?
Hydrogeologists in development projects
Development of an ecosystem services approach for groundwater
Groundwater and agriculture
Groundwater and energy (storage, geothermal energy)
Education and training: hydrogeologists for the future
What part can hydrogeologists play in regulation?
Evolution in tools and methods
Development of new research areas




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