IUGB 2017 - the 33rd International Union of Game Biologists

IUGB 2017 - the 33rd International Union of Game Biologists All the latest information about the 33rd International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB 2017) ! Conference will be followed by field excursions on the last day.

The International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) is aimed at promoting the improvement of knowledge about game biology and any other skill related to wildlife. This year, the Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (French National Agency for Hunting an Wildlife Management, ONCFS) will organized and held the 33rd edition of this conference. The IUGB 2017 Congress will present works at

the cutting edge of science tackling topics related to agriculture, forestry, hunting, tourism, urbanization, economic development, ecosystem evolutions, climate change, and their relationships with wildlife. Practical tools, field methods, statistics, as well as conceptual breakthroughs will be shared. The IUGB 2017 Congress will take place at Montpellier in August 21-25th, 2017. PROGRAM
The detailed program will be established by March 2017 but you canl download the preliminary program at this adress : http://iugb2017.com/scientific-program/
Keynote speaker will open each of these multidiciplinary themes with a lecture on a relevant topic. REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION
Registration and abstract submission are open. Deadline for abstract submission is on December 31st 2016. The submission process takes place on the following website : http://iugb2017.com/submit/
A scientific committee has been appointed and will review all the abstracts. VENUE AND TRAVEL
Please refer to: http://iugb2017.com/getting-to-montpellier/

We are ready to break the ice tonight !

We are ready to break the ice tonight !


❗Registration will close today at midnight (French time) !!

🐗📅Be aware that registration (full pass) will close on Sunday ! 🏃http://iugb2017.com/register/

🐗📅Be aware that registration (full pass) will close on Sunday ! 🏃

Welcome to the 2017 IUGB Congress! We’ll do our best to offer you a special moment in Montpellier, during which you’ll improve your knowledge on the main breakthroughs concerning wildlife management and expand your professional network.


Please find the detailed scientific program:http://iugb2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/DETAILED-PROGRAMME.pdf


Abstracts have been reviewed ! Have you check your mailboxes ? :)


The deadline for abstract submission has been postponed until Februrary, 28th. Don't miss your chance ! :)


A hardworking team would be delighted to receive your abstracts

The organizing committee and the PhD squad are looking forward to meet you in Montpellier

IUGB President 2015-2017 At the French National Hunting and Wildlife Agency (Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage - ONCFS), Murielle is responsible for the Research Unit in charge of studies on predators and depredators.


14th Perdix Symposium (Partridge workshop) :

How to release partridges for conservation and shooting in the 21st century

Led by Dr. Carlos Sánchez and Dr. Francis Buner

The workshop’s key objective is to promote a knowledge exchange between conservation scientists and practitioners about partridge releasing for conservation and shooting purposes, aiming to bring together experts and knowledge from different countries.

This workshop will examine the topic in the light of recent re-introduction publications and practical partridge recovery projects that aim to balance shooting with conservation interests. We aim to highlight and show-case good working examples based on scientific approaches and identify challenges and knowledge gaps.

Small gamebird experts are invited to share their scientific expertise and practical management experience through ‘Rapid fire talks’ (5-minutes), which will be followed by extensive plenary discussions.

If you are interested in participating as an expert, please contact Carlos Sánchez ([email protected]).



IUGB 2017 is also on twitter: https://twitter.com/iugb2017

The latest Tweets from IUGB 2017 (). Official feed of the 33rd IUGB and 14th Perdix Congress. 22-25 Aug 2017, Montpellier, France.



This year focus : "Wildlife under human influence: what can we do?"

This year focus : "Wildlife under human influence: what can we do?"



Le Corum Palais Des Congrès Esplanade Charles De Gaulle


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