accendo groupe

accendo groupe We ignite ideas from dreams to reality

In latin, accendo / ah-chen-doh

to illuminate, ignite and



A Living Legacy of Giving
Our mission is to give back and transmit acquired wisdom from each of our 30+ years of business lessons. We seek to ignite positive change and to be active contributors and not just consumers in this world. Creating Jobs, Giving back to the Ecosystem
The four partners are entrepreneurial team builders who believe in the spirit of coll

aboration and inclusion. As we provide individualized solutions our spark comes from building human connectivity. HOW WE DO IT

Integrity and Trust
We actively listen to understand and assess your needs and strategic plans to “shape the engagement � together with you. Benevolence, Humility and Respect
Our foundation is humility, not telling you what to do but exploring possibilities with you. We are deeply committed to accompanying you and passing-on what we’ve learned by experience. Right Effort / Right-Pricing
We pledge to maximize your time and investment with the intention of "working ourselves out of a job" rather than becoming ingrained within your organization. Flexible pricing for your mission critical requirements is our mantra. Small Team
Rather than stay in the big global corporate world we are building a small entity to accompany small and mid-sized companies in your mission critical growth requirements.


Chemin Du Vallon De Barla


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