Wine Tasting in Nice

Wine Tasting in Nice Wine tasting in Nice France,

Our 'Tour de France of Organic Wine' will help you get better knowledge about French wine, all the while having fun enjoying Champagne and 5 carefully selected French wines (generously served)!

At this confused time we need to hear from our heros!

At this confused time we need to hear from our heros!

Professor Dame Elizabeth Anionwu shares the soundtrack of her life with Lauren Laverne.


Environmentalists in the south of France find masks and gloves littering the seabed.


To mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, we're honoring one of the most famous Mighty Girls of the period, Anne Frank. Since her father Otto Frank published the diary in 1947 that she had written during her time concealed in a hidden space called the Annex, hiding from N**i arrest, Anne has been a source of inspiration to the world. For many children, Anne Frank's diary is the first time they confront the reality that, behind the facts and figures of war -- dates of invasions, locations of camps, and huge death tolls -- there were real people, including children like them, each with their own story, living through these events. And yet, Anne's writing makes it clear to even young readers that she believed in hope and in the best nature of humanity, and that she never doubted that good people could make the world a better place.

In our new blog post, "Hope in a Hidden Room: A Mighty Girl Salutes Anne Frank," we present a selection of resources for exploring Anne's life, writings, and lasting impact. Included are books -- including picture books, biographies, photographic collections, and even a graphic biography -- movies, and a poster featuring Anne's image and a quote from her diary. It is a testament to her legacy that this is just a small percentage of the amazing titles out there that celebrate her life.

To read our "Hope in a Hidden Room" tribute to Anne Frank and browse our reading recommendations for children and teens, visit

To learn more about her famous "Diary of a Young Girl," visit

For many books for children and teens about girls and women who lived during the Holocaust period, check out our new blog post, "Yom HaShoah / Days of Remembrance: 30 Mighty Girl Books About The Holocaust" at

If you are a operator you need to boost direct sales!

If you are a operator you need to boost direct sales!

Tour of the Week!
This week we are promoting a special event.. the Bookdirect Symposium; a special event for tourism and hospitality businesses to learn from marketing experts about how to attract more direct bookings. Many Cycle Cities bike tour partners will be attending this event in Athens in 2020, and it is open to anybody to come and join us!


We are looking for wine experts for our top-rated wine tastings in Nice and on the French Riviera.

We are looking for fun, outgoing people that all have a very good level of English (minimum C1).

Working as a tour guide and a wine expert is a perfect complement to other activities such as teaching or being a student. It’s a challenging, fun and rewarding job!

Information on our tours:,

Please only apply via our website:

Looking forward to your application!

Gustav Ljungars, Gerant/Director
SIRET: 790 298 145 au RCS de Nice
[email protected]


England , Scotland , Japan , Sweden all playing in the soccer world cup finals this year in nice!

 Saturday afternoon wine-tasting... Why not!! 😁

Saturday afternoon wine-tasting...
Why not!! 😁

Service with a smile from the BagGuys!

Service with a smile from the BagGuys!


Brits wine tasting!

  it just takes one person to make a difference

it just takes one person to make a difference

In Real Life is a social experiment that shows what happens when online bullying is taken offline. Download the anti-bullying ...

October in Nice!

October in Nice!

October on a beach 🌞


When you travel on a budget it is tempting to join a free walking tour of the city. My thoughs on free walking tour vs paid tour of Prague to...



Parenting is hard. We all know that, and no-one knows it better than Chris Taylor, who’s never had kids. How does he juggle the demands of a high-pressure job with being a dad? Chris doesn’t have to.


Look at this plastic packaging for 2 limes. Wherever we are in the world we can just say NO to ridiculously over-packaged products.

Thanks to Probearoundtheglobe

Thanks to Probearoundtheglobe

Do you look for an unique local experience in Nice? Try the food tour around Nice: You learn about the city AND get a taste of Nice on the Nice food tour.

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory...

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival -
Winston Churchill

France will never give up ..!


After last night's tragic attack on the Bastille Day celebrations at the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, our tasting is cancelled today. We hope you and your family and friends are all safe.

New opening times for the castle hill park / parc de château!  8pm until the end of September

New opening times for the castle hill park / parc de château! 8pm until the end of September


This is one way to organically look after your vines!

Bus and Tram Strike in Nice on Thursday 31st March! Spread the word!

Bus and Tram Strike in Nice on Thursday 31st March! Spread the word!


1 Rue Du Pontin


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