The origins : a woman with a unique vision of beauty
Maria Galland, a Parisian with an undeniable charisma and vibrant personality, had an ultimate dream: to reveal the beauty in every woman, at every age.
Throughout her career, her life was influenced by important people, in particular her mother, a timeless beauty whom she loved unconditionally and who would become the source of inspiration for creating the Maria Galland Paris brand.
For her and for all women, Maria Galland combined cutting-edge dermatological research with the greatest of cosmetics expertise to create her laboratory, with the specific aim of discovering the greatest secrets about how the skin functions and evolves.
Animated by her passion for classical dance, and in her constant search for balance, she put all the energies that surrounded her into developing a unique beauty method to fulfill her dream: to reveal in all women the singular and extraordinary energy that would make them simply beautiful and radiant.