Le Paris de Patrick- page

Le Paris de Patrick- page I will share both History with a capital H as little stories that make Paris this unique city.

You can also visit my website to discover all my visits or join the groups I have created for you: "history of Paris", "food and pastry in Paris".

Interception and TD fly fly eagles

Interception and TD fly fly eagles



Ready to fly to the Super Bowl 00:40 here in France

Ready to fly to the Super Bowl 00:40 here in France


Sur le chemin de la neige et du soleil

Sur le chemin de la neige et du soleil


Happy new year from   in  . I wish to all you a marvelous 2025 for your family and relatives

Happy new year from in . I wish to all you a marvelous 2025 for your family and relatives

HelloLast week we made the first of our 2 Christmas-themed visits to Notre Dame and its Christmas market, and it was so ...


Last week we made the first of our 2 Christmas-themed visits to Notre Dame and its Christmas market, and it was so nice to meet up with you again and see all your names on my screen.

Tomorrow is the second and final visit before next year.

we'll pick up where our adventure started at Heygo: Noel around the Galeries Lafayette, depending on the weather we'll either go from Place Vendome to the department stores

I've done the theme inside the shop several times this year, so I'm leaning more towards repeating the "historic" route from our first visit to Heygo. we'll see depending on the weather.
Here's the link for tomorrow



magical christmas at galerie lafayette to celebrate 130th anniversary I couldn't resist taking you on a visit like the one that brought us together a few yea...

Dear friendsIs it the magic of Christmas, I don't know, because it's been a while since I last published :) I'm also ple...

Dear friends

Is it the magic of Christmas, I don't know, because it's been a while since I last published :) I'm also pleased to offer you 2 live streaming visits so that even if you're not with me in Paris at Christmas, by the magic of Live you can still be there a little.
To do this, simply connect to my you tube channel:


BE CAREFUL: time of the tours are paris time :)

On the 11th I'll be taking you to Notre Dame and its Christmas market

and on the 19th we're all going back together to see the magic of the christmas windows and the big fir tree in the galerie lafayette
so a very happy christmas to you all and to your families and friends too
warm kiss


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

A foggy   but still sparkling

A foggy but still sparkling

Today I was at galerie Lafayette with Nani and I discover th Xmas 🎄 of 2025

Today I was at galerie Lafayette with Nani and I discover th Xmas 🎄 of 2025

Snow and wind yesterday in Paris

Snow and wind yesterday in Paris

  the 7th they put back the bell and for the first time in 5 years they rung preparing the ceremony of grand opening whi...

the 7th they put back the bell and for the first time in 5 years they rung preparing the ceremony of grand opening which will take place the 7th December 2024, check the video I upload to hear them

  in  ***de

in ***de


Last night before flying back Paris tomorrow

Last night before flying back Paris tomorrow

  with music and lights in Erevan

with music and lights in Erevan

Crossing the   bye bye  🇬🇪 and let’s go to  🇦🇲

Crossing the bye bye 🇬🇪 and let’s go to 🇦🇲


6 Rue Francois Millet


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