Destination Paris

Destination Paris Destination Paris is a program designed for North Americans to travel to Paris while learning French at Elfe, one of Paris' top language schools.

ELFE, located in the heart of Paris, has been a prime destination for individual students and groups wishing to learn French as a second language since 1984. It belongs to "College de Paris", a private university of French excellence which includes a Management school - Ascencia; a Fashion school - Fleuri Delaporte and an Art and Design School - Francoise Conte.
“Destination Paris” is a language p

rogram that aims to strengthen high school and university students' French proficiency while living the life of true Parisians. The program consists of morning lessons, conducted by our accredited and highly experienced teachers, and a rich and varied programme of afternoon activities such as guided visits and excursions in and around Paris. We have in the past been very successful working with students from all over the world. "Destination Paris" however, was specifically designed for North Americans, and thus we trust it will be even more successful. Please leave a message for more information on how to register for our incredible program, and have the change to travel to Paris while learning French!

La semaine de workshop à Françoise Conte a été une réussite. Les étudiants internationaux ont travaillé avec les étudian...

La semaine de workshop à Françoise Conte a été une réussite. Les étudiants internationaux ont travaillé avec les étudiants français. Grâce à leur créativité et à leurs efforts, tous les projets ont été menés à bien, puis présentés aux membres de l'école.


Want a chance to learn French in the heart of Paris? Sign up for "Destination Paris", a language program specifically designed for Canadians!


15, Rue Montmartre


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