JFT Cycling Travel

JFT Cycling Travel JFT Cycling Travel is a friendly cycling tour organisation where members are riding around Asia and E

JFT CYCLING is about riding on French quiet road, in a very friendly and caring atmosphere. We love to live, we love to eat, and like to share the culture. Cycling tours are organised according to events and custom requirements. We can speak many languages, English, French, Italian, Indonesian, Malay..... to guide you around and provide best cycling advice. JFT Cycling Tours are a cyclist's life changing experience !!!

From my heart, a BIG THANK YOU to your help around the wold. Jean has won the preselection, and is going to Final….. I m...

From my heart, a BIG THANK YOU to your help around the wold. Jean has won the preselection, and is going to Final…..

I must beyond the happiness of seeing my son success, it is also very warm to my heart to see the effort, support from you my dear friends.

It brings a lot of emotion to me.

I sincerely love you all ! ❤️

Merci, thank you, terima kasi, grazie, vielen dank 🥰




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