If they tell you Africa is a sh!th0le, remind them that Africa is the cradle of humanity, where the story of every person on this planet began. It is the home of the world’s oldest university, Al-Karaouine, established in 859 AD in Morocco, a testament to Africa’s ancient thirst for knowledge and learning. It is the land where steel was first forged in Tanzania over 2,000 years ago, long before industrial revolutions elsewhere.
Tell them about the pyramids of Giza, monuments to engineering and determination that have stood tall for millennia. Speak of the breathtaking rock-hewn churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia, carved from solid stone with precision and devotion. Mention the walls of Benin, an extraordinary system of earthworks that were four times longer than the Great Wall of China, constructed by the Edo people to protect the ancient Benin Kingdom. Highlight Great Zimbabwe, a marvel of stone architecture, where massive granite walls were built without mortar, showcasing the ingenuity of its builders.
Remind them of the empires of Mali, Ghana, and Songhai, which built civilizations rich in gold, trade, and knowledge. Ghana’s wealth was so legendary that it was referred to as the "Land of Gold," fueling the prosperity of ancient trade routes. Timbuktu, in Mali, was a beacon of learning, its libraries preserving thousands of manuscripts covering medicine, law, and philosophy.
Africa is where mathematics was born, with tools like the Ishango bone from the Congo predating modern calculations by tens of thousands of years. It is the continent that gave the world coffee from Ethiopia, and medicinal practices that became the foundation of healing across civilizations. Its vibrant cultures have shaped global art, music, and literature, from the intricate bronze work of Benin to the dynamic rhythms of African drumming that influenced music worldwide.
Remind them that Africa laid the foundations for global trade and commerce, from the bustling markets of ancient Carthage to the gold that once financed European economies. It is a land of resilience, where the people continue to thrive and innovate despite centuries of exploitation and colonization.
If they tell you Africa is a $h!th0le, tell them to learn their history, for it is a history that shaped the world. Africa is not a continent of despair—it is a continent of brilliance, beauty, and boundless contributions to humanity.
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