France by Marina

France by Marina Unforgettable Travel Experience in France

Visit Paris or France for a few days and take advantage o

FrancebyMarina offers great opportunity to have unforgettable travel experience during your visit to France and Paris. During sightseeing we will share with you little secrets of Paris and show its fabulous places. As in famous French kitchen – there are always certain necessary components, but what makes a dish unforgettable is the personal touch of the Chef. That is how we prepare Your trip – al

ways keeping in mind your desires, adding our experience, knowledge and passion. All these components will make your visit to Paris and France really special and entertaining. We sincerely hope that our clients will love France as we do!

While it’s calm and sunny in a Corsican beach resort, the wind can be fierce in a mountain village. We tried not to get ...

While it’s calm and sunny in a Corsican beach resort, the wind can be fierce in a mountain village.
We tried not to get carried away today. We drove on from Ospedale towards Zonza and did not turn into Bavella but instead towards Cuccuruzzu. 4,000 years ago, people built their villages there among the rocks and on terraces with beautiful views. They made axes and tools of copper, even ornate oil lamps.
The stones here are large and a little intimidating, but they provide good protection from wind and rain. This walk is easy and exciting and ends with good memories of a nice day.

There’s so much that surprise and intrigue in the “Isle of Beauty” - Corsica. Combined with its natural beauty and super...

There’s so much that surprise and intrigue in the “Isle of Beauty” - Corsica. Combined with its natural beauty and superb cuisine Corsica become an alluring destination for travelers. Corsica has been inhabited for 5,000 years, it is part of France since the 18th century. Corsica has its own language and its own flag.
While French is the most widely spoken language on the island, around 150,000 people still speak the native language of Corsican. They said that Coca Cola has ties to Corsica. It was actually a Corsican chemist Angelo Mariani who first invented the drink who came up with a tonic drink known as “Vin Mariani” in 1863. Corsicans love polyphonic music when group of people singing acapella, with songs that are either spiritual or secular. Corsica has known for its good wines.
The island is covered by maquis
- it is aromatic scrubland known as “maquis”, which has given Corsica the nickname of the “Scented Isle”.
And there is much more. The BEST mediterranen kitchen for example in the restaurant Playa Baggia in Palombaggio beach.



Kummardan noorkunstniku ees  . Tänan ilusa Prantsusmaa reisi mälestuse eest! Väga suur tänu!Tõde see on, et Prantsusmaa ...

Kummardan noorkunstniku ees . Tänan ilusa Prantsusmaa reisi mälestuse eest! Väga suur tänu!
Tõde see on, et Prantsusmaa inspireerib andekaid!

Täna, 21.02 on Rahvusvaheline Giidide* päev ja sel puhul soovime koos Päikesekuningaga õnne kõikidele kolleegidele!*Giid...

Täna, 21.02 on Rahvusvaheline Giidide* päev ja sel puhul soovime koos Päikesekuningaga õnne kõikidele kolleegidele!

*Giidi ülesanne on inimesi juhendada, aidata mõista, huvi tekitada. Giid on kogenud ja teadmisi omav professionaal, kes on läbinud eksamid ja saanud ametliku loa jagada ajaloolist, kultuurilist või muud asjakohast teavet külalistele. Kõik selleks, et inimesed saaksid elamusi ja positiivseid emotsioone.
Olen õnnelik, et minu hobist on saanud armastatud töö.

Meie aastalõpureis Londonisse oli täis ainult rõõmsaid hetki! Seda suuresti tänu Hendrixi ettevalmistusele. Käisime film...

Meie aastalõpureis Londonisse oli täis ainult rõõmsaid hetki! Seda suuresti tänu Hendrixi ettevalmistusele. Käisime filmi “Paddington” 1 ja 2 radadel. Voldikraamat ja pisike Paddington tulid ka koju kaasa, mina sain oma õndsuse National Gallery’s kätte ja käisin ka Frans Halsi näitusel. Järjekorrad olid pikad, aga (turismi)kogemusega vanaema ostis kõik piletid ette ja me ei pidanudki kusagil ootama. Punase bussi ja musta taksoga sõitsime ka! Oli väga tore aastat lõpetav perepuhkus! Minu soovitus kõigile alati ka Pariisis- ostke võimalusel kõik piletid ette, siis ei pea järjekordades aega raiskama. Ja käige kunsti vaatamas, ükskõik kus, see teeb hingele head! Head Uut Aastat!



Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 09:00 - 20:00
Mardi 09:00 - 20:00
Mercredi 09:00 - 20:00
Jeudi 09:00 - 20:00
Vendredi 09:00 - 20:00
Samedi 11:00 - 17:00




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