To date, the company has produced 186 half-hour TV programs and has exported them all around the world. SAMKA Productions regularly teams up with TV channels such as the BBC, ZDF, France Télévisions, TF1, SUPER RTL, ABC Australia, the Disney and Warner groups. As a result to many successes, based on both its own experience and the confidence of broadcasters it has gained over the years, Samka has
now come to develop live-action fiction projects (series, pilotes). SAMKA produced:
- Eliot Kid (104x11'), (BAFTA nominee) in co-production with Safari de Ville ;
- Marsupilami : Hooba Hooba Hop ! (52x24'), in coproduction with Marsu productions and France 3 ;
- I.N.K. (Invisible Network of Kids) (26x24'), in coproduction with France Télévisions;
- Our Neighbors the Marsupilamis (26x24'), with the collaboration of France Télévisions, ZDFE Enterprises and Canal J ;
- Jamie’s Got Tentacles ! (52x11'), with the collaboration of France Télévisions, Canal + and ABC Australia. SAMKA is now developing:
- The Sisters (52x11');
- The Wolf (65x5');
- Ray and Ruby (52x11'), in coproduction with Eyeworks and Creative Conspiracy;
- Steve (65x5') and Organopolis (78x2’30) both in coproduction with Autour de Minuit;
All SAMKA’s projects are now cross media (TV, video, multimedia, music and book publishing, etc.). To extend its activities, SAMKA also formed a book publishing company, les Editions de la Balle.
©2014 SAMKA Productions