Chateau Diodato Riviera near Monaco

Chateau Diodato Riviera near Monaco Chateau Diodato Riviera is a pristine private gated seaside and sea view castle along the Cote d'Azur with private beach access and close to Monaco.

Chateau Diodato Riviera is a gated property, ultra safely located behind an enclosed cul-de-sac, pieds-dans-l'eau at the Cote d'Azur, the French Riviera. Chateau Diodato Riviera is one of the most pristine private (gated) seaside and sea view vacation castles along the Côte d'Azur (the French Riviera), with a beautiful private garden, a private swimming pool and a private beach access. Chateau

Diodato is ultra safely located behind a closed gate, and has a private road to the underground private and reserved parking spaces. At walking distance from Monaco, Chateau Diodato Riviera is located on the "pointe de Cabbé", between two enchanting beaches: the "Plage de Buse" and the "Plage du Golfe Bleu”. Now accepting bookings :
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Le 18 juillet 2024


Chers copropriétaires,

Conformément à la récente modification législative (loi n°2024 - 322 du 9 avril 2024 - article 38 modifiant l'article 42 -1 de la loi du 10 juillet 1965 qui fixe le statut de la copropriété), LA LRE (lettre recommandée électronique) devient la norme pour les envois.

IMPORTANT : En plus clair, les notifications (convocations, procès-verbaux d'assemblées générales) et les mises en demeure seront dorénavant valablement et par défaut, faites par voie électronique. (Dès lors qu'une adresse mail et un numéro de téléphone portable valides sont connus par le syndic)
En résumé, sans une demande expresse du copropriétaire auprès du syndic afin de recevoir les convocations, procès-verbaux d'assemblée générale et mises en demeure par voie postale, ces documents seront automatiquement transmis par voie dématérialisée (système LETRECO - dont logo ci-dessous), sur l'adresse courriel connue par le syndic.

Pour tout changement d'adresse mail ou numéro de téléphone, vous devrez en informer le syndic par écrit.

Veuillez agréer, Chers copropriétaires, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués.


The sights and sounds of vacation @ Diodato …

CALA PULPO, sur la Plage du Golfe Bleu.

CALA PULPO, sur la Plage du Golfe Bleu.

To my respected Friends, Co-Owners of Diodato @ Roquebrune Cap-MartinDear Friends,I love Diodato. My Heart is in Diodato...

To my respected Friends, Co-Owners of Diodato @ Roquebrune Cap-Martin

Dear Friends,

I love Diodato. My Heart is in Diodato. It is a Magic Place with a unique surrounding.

I have decided to buy my place in the project because I wanted a quality place to stay and spend quality time for myself.

If not all of us, I believe most of us feel the same way too. We are all hard working people and deserve a quality place we can call Home.

Coming Home also means to enjoy our Privacy and feel Safe. The growing challenges of our World, not only from terrorism but also from the recent pandemic,
show us clearly the real value of Privacy and Safety.

I would love to see our Diodato upgraded again to the Quality Home for Owners it was before.

I am shocked to see Diodato advertised on short-term vacation rental websites like and others as a place to stay for 1 or 2 days at disgusting discount prices. Access codes for the gate and the buildings are shared on the internet for everyone to use. What about our Security … ?

Short-term rentals are destroying our quality time. They are downgrading Diodato and they are depreciating our shared investments in the complex.

The attitude of short-term renters who believe paying 80 Euros for a night is a fortune and gives them all rights to stay with 6-8 people in one apartment and invite all their friends to the pool to party, gives them the right to use the keys for private access to the Beach and gives them the right to use the Fitness and the Sauna.
And they fight for their rights …

I believe this challenge can easily and quickly be solved.

At the upcoming General Meeting of Co-Owners, I will ask all of You to vote for a new rule to prevent short-time rentals and only permit long-term rental (30 days or hopefully longer).

I expect strong wording of this new rule to make it clear to everyone. Although legally not easy to enforce, I am convinced that with a clear common goal and a positive approach, we can all work together with each other, not against each other.

I guess we all want the Owners to be in charge at Diodato, not the renters.

I hope You are all with me on this, and adopt this new rule. We can stop the downgrade of Diodato and bring it back to our Dream Home again and start to grow the future value of our property investment.

Should one of You have a problem with this new rule, I will be available to sit together privately and offer You to buy your property.

Finally, in the unlikely event that the General Meeting should not adopt this new rule, I will find a new place for myself to stay privately and safely, and consider my place at Diodato as a vacation rental too, also offering one-day rents on booking, AirBnB and others at 80 euros per day to people without money …

I hope You are all with me.

Let’s make Diodato Great Again 😉


Chateau Diodato Riviera near Monaco

Chateau Diodato Riviera near Monaco


The Sordid Saga of Eileen Gray’s Iconic E-1027 House

Designed by Irish architect and designer Eileen Gray, the 1929 French Riviera villa was an obsession of Le Corbusier and fell into ruins before being bought by conservationists in 1999.

[ By: Jason Sayer]

It’s fair to say Eileen Gray’s E-1027 French villa hasn’t lived a charmed life: It has survived desecration by Le Corbusier, target practice by the N***s, a stint as drug den and o**y destination, and near dereliction. However, of late, the infamous house’s future is looking more optimistic: Cap Moderne, a non-profit dedicated to rehabbing and opening the building as a cultural destination, recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to continue the building’s restoration. Over the last few years, the conservationists’ work had focused on the recreation of the building’s Eileen Gray–designed furniture. The latest efforts focus on a particular dining alcove. How that alcove—and the entire house—lost its furniture and fell into disrepair is a long story, with many twists and turns.

The house certainly had optimistic—and idealistic—beginnings. “One must build for the human being, that he might rediscover in the architectural construction the joys of self-fulfillment in a whole that extends and completes him,” Gray wrote in the 1929 issue of L’Architecture Vivante. “Even the furnishings should lose their individuality by blending in with the architectural ensemble.” The villa was intended as a peaceful retreat for Gray and her then lover, Romanian architect, critic, and editor of L’Architecture Vivante, Jean Badovici, who had partially contributed to the project’s design.

The villa—essentially a white rectangle perched upon the Cap-Martin cliff face—is clearly a Modernist building. It adopts some aspects of Le Corbusier’s five points of new architecture (concrete piles, open plan rooms, a roof garden, horizontal windows and a “free” facade) which the Swiss-French architect had published in his seminal 1923 book Vers Une Architecture.

However, despite Corbusier’s call for openness within and without, privacy is a main objective of E-1027. On the exterior, floor-to-ceiling concertina windows open to the Mediterranean Sea, providing light and views, yet rolling shutters and two strips of canvas shield the villa’s interiors from being seen, thereby also blocking harsh afternoon sunlight and framing the seaside vista.

Inside, the house refrains from using an open plan. Its interior spaces aren’t immediately revealed: Rooms are private places waiting to be discovered. Entering either the bedroom or living room-cum-boudoir, for example, requires walking around a series of corners. Furthermore, given the house’s compact size (1,400 square feet) and many rooms, Gray was meticulously efficient with space. Such constraints, as is commonly the case, led to delightfully innovative workarounds: Wardrobes open to become walls, the living room sofa turns into a bed, and a whole host of cupboards and other bespoke furnishings are either embedded or intrinsically in tune with the rest of the house.

The most prominent example of this ingenuity is the “E-1027 table.” Designed for Gray’s sister so she could eat breakfast in bed without getting crumbs in the sheets, it is a classic piece of Modernist furniture. The table comprises two steel tube circles whose open base fits around a bed post; the design’s height is also adjustable so the table can hover over the bed.

For all the work done by Gray, however, it took an essay by Joseph Rykwert in 1967 to bring her deserved recognition. By that time, the house had been credited as entirely the work of Badovici and even Le Corbusier.

In fact, Le Corbusier was a good friend of Badovici’s and was obsessed with E-1027. After Gray and Badovici split in 1932, Badovici inherited the house and often stayed there with his wife. Against Gray’s wishes, Le Corbusier, as Bodovici’s guest, painted murals on the walls. The French-Swiss architect even tried to buy the house but failed, instead purchasing property nearby where he built a small cabin, the Cabanon de vacances.

The degradation continued during World War II when German soldiers practiced their aim against E-1027’s walls. Actual death came next. On August 27, 1965, Le Corbusier’s body washed up on the shores below, having drowned after going swimming against his doctor’s orders. After that, the house and surrounding area were declared a “Site Moderne” due to their international significance. Even that, however, didn’t halt the villa’s plight.

More death was to follow. In 1980, E-1027’s then-owner, Marie-Louise Schelbert was found dead in her flat in Zurich. Three days prior, her physician, Dr. Peter Kägi had secretly snuck almost all of Gray’s original furniture out and auctioned it off in Zurich. When Schelbert died, Kägi inherited the house, using it host an array of hedonistic affairs, notably drug-fueled or**es. In 1996, this came to an end when he was murdered in the living room.

Now, finally, the house is being looked after. In 1999, the villa was bought by the Conservatoire du littoral (a cultural conservatory) and since then several efforts have been made to restore the house. The latest is by Cap Moderne, which was set up in 2014 to manage E-1027 as well as Le Corbusier’s adjacent cabin. “We have taken the position, which is not fashionable in many conservation courses, to reconstruct [that] which had been destroyed to more or less the 1929 situation,” says Tim Benton, a trustee of Cap Moderne and art history professor specializing in 20th century architecture. As recently as 2006, the villa was in a dilapidated state, the living room-boudoir screen wall was in tatters.

“Almost everything has, or is being, or will be redone,” Benton adds, pointing to the furniture. Cap Moderne aims to raise up to $50,000, with the French government matching donations dollar-for-dollar. The money will go towards refurnishing the villa’s dining alcove, including a dining table with an in-built electric light and cork top designed to protect plates and glasses, and a specially made lemon container (Menton lemons were once a regional specialty). Furthermore, the association has its eyes on recreating Gray’s Non Conformist chair and a fold-able table within the dining alcove that opens up to turn the corridor into a bar.

“Left empty, this is one of 100 important houses of the late Modern period,” says Benton. “But the interior is one of [the] four most important modern interiors in the world. This why we are remaking the furniture with the same tools, the same materials, the same processes as the originals.”


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Diner “Pieds dans l’eau” chez les voisins en bas sur la Plage du Buse @ Le Cabanon RoqueBrune-Cap-Martin. Le Cabanon Pla...

Diner “Pieds dans l’eau” chez les voisins en bas sur la Plage du Buse @ Le Cabanon RoqueBrune-Cap-Martin.

Le Cabanon Plage du Buse


Qui n’est pas déjà passé devant une gare désaffectée, rêvant de la voir rouverte au public? Qui des voyageurs sur le TER qui relie Nice à Vintimille ne s’est pas un jour demandé ce que pourrait devenir la gare de Cap-d’Ail, avec un peu d’imagination? D’ici peu, la question pourrait...


The sounds of Diodato … 😱

Every day from morning to evening.
No holiday, no peace, no quiet.

Only heavy construction noise, to go on during the summer vacation, and apparently for years …


Walking ‘Le Sentier des Douaniers’ around ‘le Cap Martin’ from Chateau Diodato to Carnoles (RoqueBrune-Cap-Martin), alon...

Walking ‘Le Sentier des Douaniers’ around ‘le Cap Martin’ from Chateau Diodato to Carnoles (RoqueBrune-Cap-Martin), along Eileen Gray’s Villa E-1027 [] and Architect Le Corbusier’s ‘Le Cabanon’

[Un cabanon détruit par les flammes et huit personnes évacuées à Roquebrune-Cap-MartinLe feu qui s'est déclenché au nive...

[Un cabanon détruit par les flammes et huit personnes évacuées à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin

Le feu qui s'est déclenché au niveau du sentier des Douaniers, en contre-bas des voies de chemin de fer, à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin est actuellement maîtrisé sur ses flancs, par les sapeurs-pompiers. Il continue sur sa partie basse. Il a brûlé un cabanon et nécessité des évacuations. Les voies de chemin de fer restent bloquées dans les deux sens.

L'incendie qui s'est déclaré vers 15h30, quartier du Cabbé, à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, est actuellement maîtrisé sur son flanc gauche et son flanc droit. La trentaine de sapeurs-pompiers mobilisée, avec dix véhicules, a été renforcée par des professionnels de Monaco, de La Turbie, de Peille et de Nice.
A cette heure le dispositif est toujours en place et le feu reste sous surveillance active. D'autant que sur le secteur "bas", il reste en cours de traitement. Même s'il est "peu virulent", selon les pompiers.

Les flammes ont démarré en contre-bas de la voie ferrée, au-dessus de la plage du Buse, contraignant la SNCF à stopper la circulation des trains dans les deux sens.
Les habitations, nombreuses sur cette zone, ont été mises en sécurité par les pompiers et les forces de police. Elles ont subit quelques dégâts matériels et huit personnes ont été évacuées. Heureusement, aucun blessé n'est à déplorer. Un "cabanon" a tout de même été détruit par le feu.


L'incendie qui s'est déclaré vers 15h30, quartier du Cabbé, à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, est actuellement maîtrisé sur son flanc gauche et son flanc droit. La trentaine de sapeurs-pompiers mobilisée, avec dix véhicules, a été renforcée par des professionnels de Monaco, de La Turbie, de Peille...

Dangerously close …

Dangerously close …

Cet après-midi, vers 15h30, un feu de broussailles a démarré dans le quartier de Cabbé, à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Au niveau du sentier des Douaniers, particulièrement fréquenté au printemps et par beau temps. La fumée, épaisse, en contre-bas de la voie ferrée, a immédiatement interpellé ...


16, Avenue Le Corbusier

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