The root and the branches: Qi Laboratory
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- The root and the branches: Qi Laboratory
Taiji, Qigong, Tuina, Acupuncture | Lessons in Halandri, Ano Patissia, Thissio and Philothei park Body wisdom manifests through this connection.
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Our Story
Root and branches The root goes underground in search of water and minerals and is partly invisible. The branches develop in the open in order to absorb the sunlight. Their alignment forms an axis between earth and heaven and between water and fire… Qi Gong inner cultivation bridges the root and the branches, nurtures their relationship, promotes harmony, and helps build a stronger axis. Qi Gong inner cultivation is an active on-going meditative process that gives access to the source of creation within. Creation is expressed in all kinds of external branches but is always connected to the internal practice of alignment. Body wisdom manifests through this connection. If the root is activated, the tree will start to grow and the exchanges will take place in all directions. Inner cultivation is the root. The different practices are the branches, and the branches are the manifestation of the root. Cultivation of the root is the first thing to consider. It means to align oneself with the most fundamental principle we encounter when we introspect. This is the very principle that puts our being into motion or gives meaning to our life. To align personal life with its fundamental principle is a matter of sincerity and commitment. It will nurture the root and give start to a new life. Practices of Qi gong and Tai Ji, Acupuncture and Tuina, etc…are all branches coming from the same root. Their function is to reveal and manifest the body wisdom and the healing processes through reconnection and alignment. Branches grow and interconnect with the world, sharing information and bringing people together. These practices are alike and will tell us who we are through practice; everything we are will be manifested. First, we have to commit ourselves and the practice, and through practice, slowly the truth will unveil within. Everything we give to the practice will bear fruits. We choose Practice by affinity; it will be our mark and our vehicle to travel the world. Like branches expanding in the open sky; they will continue to expand their roots in the ground. Thus, true practice reinforces our axis and enables us to grow in all directions, becoming one with the world. This is “sharing the same axis”. However, Practice is not meant for personal achievement; it is about devotion; it is about belonging to the whole, and breaking the limits of the self in order to accomplish the whole.