Moulin SAGE

Moulin SAGE SAGE = serenity, arts, gites, ecology
SAGE is a beautiful old water mill with two airbnb apartments, Learn more at

The Dream: Our plan is to create a training center focused on Sustainability & Climate Education through Arts Integrated teaching. Our mission is to bring together artists, teachers, scientists, and other visionaries from across the globe to inspire students to think critically, solve real-world problems, and DREAM BIG! You can help us create a beautiful space for learning and practicing a sustainable lifestyle.

Have you tried Home Exchange? It is a fantastic way to live like a local when you travel! Use my link and we both get fr...

Have you tried Home Exchange? It is a fantastic way to live like a local when you travel! Use my link and we both get free points to use towards an exchange. ;)

HomeExchange - #1 home exchange community

Our first zoom YOGA class with Samantha Taylor of L'Arbre de Vie YOGA.

Our first zoom YOGA class with Samantha Taylor of L'Arbre de Vie YOGA.

FREE CONCERT! Please RSVP so we know how many to expect. Beverages, beer, wine available for sale. :)

FREE CONCERT! Please RSVP so we know how many to expect. Beverages, beer, wine available for sale. :)

Due to a scheduling snafu our studio apartment (1 double bed and 2 single beds (or a king size bed made from 2 singles) ...

Due to a scheduling snafu our studio apartment (1 double bed and 2 single beds (or a king size bed made from 2 singles) is available Aug 3 to 7 in case you know anyone looking for accommodation :)
They need to contact us directly because booking dot com app sucks and I cannot remove the booking on Aug 4 that has switched to our other apartment.

Great place to live

Great place to live

After a fabulously successful series of workshops with teachers in Italy, John is heading to Treignac today to conduct h...

After a fabulously successful series of workshops with teachers in Italy, John is heading to Treignac today to conduct his Write a Play in a Day with International Playwright, John Morogiello Monday at 2pm!
We will be finished way before 7pm! Just wanted to include time for talking and drinks ;)
Come on over and join us! Free spots available if needed courtesy of Moulin des Arts Vivants association. ❤


Bit late to the party, but here we go...


So happy to have the wonderful Sangeeta here for a few days! We are raising funds for the Transcontinental Educator Artist Collective for Humanity Scholarship Fund - supporting artists in India and Ghana who do important social work in high poverty communities!


One of those hidden gems in woodworking, the French cleat is so simple, (but so wonderful) that if you're not familiar with it, once you learn you'll be look...


Samedi 13 juillet à partir de 19 heures 30 à la Salle des fêtes

Faites-moi savoir si vous souhaitez être inscrit sur la liste d'attente.  Et si vous avez réservé, n'hésitez pas à me fa...

Faites-moi savoir si vous souhaitez être inscrit sur la liste d'attente. Et si vous avez réservé, n'hésitez pas à me faire savoir si vous ne pouvez pas venir !
Let me know if you'd like to be placed on the waiting list. And if you booked - please let me know if you can't make it!

Sign up today! For a 1 day or 2 day creative retreat to rejuvenate, relax, and have some fun!

Sign up today! For a 1 day or 2 day creative retreat to rejuvenate, relax, and have some fun!


Voici le menu unique pour le dimanche 26 pour la fête des mères.
Nous vous conseillons fortement de réserver car il reste peu de tables en vue de la mauvaise météo encore prévue 🌧️.
En espérant vous retrouver nombreuses et nombreux pour cette célébration.

See Moulin des Arts Vivants website for more info on our events!

See Moulin des Arts Vivants website for more info on our events!


Amoureux de fruits de mer et crustacés ? 🥰
Laissez-vous tenter par notre dîner spécial fruits de mer ! 🦞🦀
📌Vous êtes attendus le Vendredi 24 Mai 2024 à partir de 19h30 pour profiter d'une délicieuse soirée autour d'un menu composé de fruits de mer et crustacés.
Pour l’occasion nous retrouvons Auteure-compositrice-interprète, elle fabrique de ses mots une Pop-Française tendre et remplie d’émotions.
N’attendez pas pour réserver ! 😉 ☎️

Help us reach our goal! 10 more RSVPs for next Sunday's concert to ensure our artist is paid for her time and talent! Me...

Help us reach our goal! 10 more RSVPs for next Sunday's concert to ensure our artist is paid for her time and talent! Merci!
Aidez-nous à atteindre notre objectif ! 10 RSVP supplémentaires pour le concert de dimanche prochain afin de garantir que notre artiste soit payée pour son temps et son talent ! Merci🙏

Comfy spot to watch   in   and grab a delicious lunch by La Popote Mobile TODAY! Moulin SAGE

Comfy spot to watch in and grab a delicious lunch by La Popote Mobile TODAY! Moulin SAGE


6 Route De Gueret


Soyez le premier à savoir et laissez-nous vous envoyer un courriel lorsque Moulin SAGE publie des nouvelles et des promotions. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas utilisée à d'autres fins, et vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.

Contacter L'entreprise

Envoyer un message à Moulin SAGE:



Agences De Voyages á proximité

Autres Location de maisons de vacances à Treignac

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