#sundayski with @anneha____ and @chaletpecchio #saintefoyofficiel #skisafari #cateredskichalet #skichalet #februaryskiing #daughtermumtime
Skiing vs food = equality
The food is just as important in our eyes as the skiing.
#fully cateredchalet #allinclusivedrinks #skichalet #skiholiday #skisafari #villaroger #lesarcs #paradiski #saintefoy
I always say this week #prexmas is one of the best weeks to ski hence why we call it #millionaireskiing Empty pistes , well groomed pistes. #cateredskichalet #skichalet #selfcateredchalet #saintefoy #saintefoyofficiel #villaroger #lesarcs #paradiski #tignes #valdisere #larosiere
#skiholiday #villaroger #lesarcs #paradiski #saintefoy #valdisere #tignes #larosiere #cateredskichalet #selfcateredchalet #ski7resorts #tarentaisevalley #saintefoyofficiel
#fetedesgoyets #villaroger #lesarcs #paradiski #saintefoy #tarentaisevalley #summerchalet #summerinthemountains #frenchalps
Walk to the Refuge today to check out snow levels. Micro Spikes are advised and the quickest way to come down is on your bum. Scenery was stunning and lots of people already on the #TMB trail #beaufortain #tourdumontblanc #coldubonhomme #refuge #picnic #hiking