Scenes of Frenchness at the Fete du Cassoulet
We were a little shocked to see Lac St. Ferreol still so low last Sunday. This brings the lack of rain we’ve had into perspective - it would take months of rain to fill this up 😢
#wirefoxterrier, #wirefoxterrierlovers, #wirefoxterriersofinstagram,#woodburner
Max enjoying some re-runs of Crufts! 🐶🐶🐶
truffle fair at Castelnaudry ❤️🎶
#truffle, #truffe, #domainesaladry, #occitanietourisme. #occitanie, #castelnaudary, #castelnaudarytourism, #canaldumidi, #carcassonne, #carcassonnetourisme, #swfrance, #languedocroussillon, #gitesforsalefrance, #gitesnrcarcassonne, #gitesnrcanaldumidi, #collinescathares, #officetourismecollinescathares
The squirrel is now becoming very confident. L'écureuil devient maintenant très confiant 🐿🐿🐿
#squirrel, #l’ecureuil,
#gitesnearcarcassonne, #giteswithapool, #gitesinSWfrance, #giteslanguedoc, #gitesoccitanie, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #carcassonne, #castelnaudary, #montaignenoire, #gitesaude, #canaldumidi, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #accomodationcarcassonne, #pyreneesviews, #SWFrance, #languedocroussilion, #sunflowers, #tournesol,
Noise pollution at Domaine Saladry! - not a bad problem to have! nuisances sonores au Domaine Salary Pas un mauvais problème à avoir!
#cicadas, #gitesnearcarcassonne, #giteswithapool, #gitesinSWfrance, #giteslanguedoc, #gitesoccitanie, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #carcassonne, #castelnaudary, #montaignenoire, #gitesaude, #canaldumidi, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #accomodationcarcassonne, #pyreneesviews, #SWFrance, #languedocroussilion, #sunflowers, #tournesol,
The rest of the hangar space. A lovely sunny morning spot for a relax and a game of table tennis but nice and shady late afternoon
After a lot of hard work since January 2020, we’ve finally come to the end of our lockdown project and are hoping we and our guests can get to enjoy this lovely space this summer!
At the foot of the Dam at Lac St Ferreol. The start of the Rigole that feeds the Canal du Midi. Stunning and a 350yr old engineering marvel. Au pied du barrage du lac St Ferreol. Le départ de la Rigole qui alimente le Canal du Midi. Superbe et une merveille d'ingénierie vieille de 350 ans. #gitesnearcarcassonne, #giteswithapool, #gitesinSWfrance, #giteslanguedoc, #gitesoccitanie, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #carcassonne, #castelnaudary, #montaignenoire, #gitesaude, #canaldumidi, #gitesnearcanaldumidi, #accomodationcarcassonne, #pyreneesviews, #SWFrance, #languedocroussilion, #sunflowers, #tournesol,