Speed Bonnie boat like a bird on a wing, over the sea to … Mull 😊
Not at all Viking like but did you know our tour guide and performer Rob is quite well known for his moves in the party city of Newcastle? 🕺Here’s a sneak peek at our upcoming Christmas trips to York, Edinburgh and Alnwick 🎄🎄🎄
A noisy warrior shouting from Bamburgh Castle’s gatehouse 😃
Meet me at the Real Bebbanburg every Wednesday and Sunday throughout August to fulfil your destiny ⚔️ #bamburghcastle#TheLastkingdom#uhtredofbebbanburg#tours
When the wind is your enemy 🌬️💨
A busy week for all things Viking related ⚔️
Providing my Follow in the Footsteps of Uhtred tour tomorrow at the amazing Bamburgh Castle followed by some filming for tv 🤫(I’m sworn to secrecy), dropping into The Northumberland Tourism Fair in Alnwick on Thursday as Ragnar - should be fun! On Friday, I have the honour of providing a special tour at Bamburgh on behalf of NGI (Newcastle Gateshead Initiative).
Back to Bamburgh on Sunday for another tour!
Destiny really is ALL! ⚔️⚔️⚔️
A bit of fun in between tours at Bebbanburg Bamburgh Castle 🤣🫢⚔️
We had a real descendant of Lord Uhtred at Bamburgh Castle yesterday 😀 He came all the way to hear about the history of Uhtred the bold of Bebbanburg and showed me his Family Tree to prove his lineage.
Such an interesting part of my job to meet amazing people like this.
Destiny is all! ⚔️⚔️⚔️
I promise not to trick people into thinking this is a good idea on our Christmas Trip to the Alnwick Garden Light Show this Saturday 😋
Last tour of our student trip Programme this semester 🥳🎄