The Dalitso Project is a registered Scottish charity SC046514 The Dalitso Project is a Christian based charity working in partnership with Aquaid Lifeline to provide orphan care, education, vocational training, food programs and house building for the poorest of the poor in Malawi, the warm heart of Africa. Dalitso means ‘blessing’ in Chichewa, the language of Malawi. As a charity we aim to bless
the people of Malawi but have found that they bless us in return. The groups involvement in Malawi began in 2007 when a group of 7 young people visited Namisu orphan school and village in the south of Malawi and got to see the tough conditions children were living in. With this they decided to fund the building and running of 2 daycare centres and 2 residences for the most at risk young people. These are based in the Thyolo and Kambilonjo regions. Each of these centres are up and running and care for 300 plus children, providing nursery care, additional education (primary schools are only open in the mornings), food and training/further education for the older young people. Since then 2 further trips of 15 have visited the projects, 2 gap students and now a yearly trip ensures that developments of these projects continue. In Kambilonjo which is a very hard to reach, mountainous region of Malawi on the Mozambique border, a health clinic has been built in partnership with the local government. This will mean that the children in our centres and the local community have access to medical care on their doorstep instead of having to take the 1 hour journey on the back of a truck down a very bumpy and often dangerous road like before. To raise money to fund these main projects we run regular fundraisers and a Sponsor Child program. More information of upcoming events and how to get involved in the Sponsor program is available regularly on the main page.