Thinking about booking with us?
We have the following booking options:
Dovedale Manor - Exclusive use of The Manor, 13 en-suite bedrooms.
Lower Dovedale Manor - The ground floor only of The Manor with the upstairs closed off and empty, 8 en-suite bedrooms.
The Coach House - Private detached house, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
Combined - Dovedale Manor and The Coach House together, 17 bedrooms.
All prices can be found on our website availability calendar here -
Book Dovedale Manor, the Coach House, or the two properties combined. Book Dovedale Manor Exclusive use of Dovedale Manor. 13 ensuite bedrooms over 2 floors. Book Lower Dovedale Manor Exclusive use of the ground floor of Dovedale Manor with upstairs closed off and empty. 8