Link to Well Dressing list see below :)
It’s almost the start of well dressing season here in the beautiful Derbyshire Dales and we begin with Tissington Well Dressing which runs from 18 to 24 May.
The well dressers and inhabitants of the village are thrilled that once again they will be able to show off their skills to create these magnificent collages from flowers, petals and other natural materials in themes that are usually of a Christian nature although celebrations and commemorations are featured on the side boards.
The village has six teams of twenty to thirty volunteers that combine to contribute to each well which are dotted around the 17th century village. The process starts with the digging of clay ten days before Ascension Day, moving onto the ‘puddling’ of the clay to remove all impurities before it is then laid on the large oak boards before the picture is etched onto the damp clay. The outline is then edged out using coffee beans and alder cones before the petals and other natural substances are carefully stuck into the clay to create the image. Each creation can take 300 hours of precision and care and they are then transported to each Well on the Wednesday evening (May 17th) before the village opens on Ascension Day to welcome over 35,000 visitors during the week.
You can find a list of well dressings in Derbyshire at www.visitpeakdistrict.com/events/category/well-dressings
📷 Well Dressers working on the creation of Hall Well, Tissington