Development Pathways brings together a group of Partners – and an expanding network of consultants – with extensive international experience of working on social protection, social development, gender and social exclusion. Development Pathways brings together a group of Partners – and an expanding network of consultants – with extensive experience of working on social protection, social developmen
t, gender and social exclusion, and livelihoods across Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean. UNICEF, UNDP, UNCDF, ILO, WFP), ADB, the World Bank, and bilateral donors (including AusAID, DFID and Irish Aid). We believe that policy and programming must be evidence-based and tailored to the unique political realities of each country in which we work. In many contexts this will mean challenging conventional thinking while proposing innovative solutions. We combine country-specific social and political analysis with lessons learnt from our collective international experience in order to ensure that policies and programmes are robust and benefit the most vulnerable, including women and girls. We also have a strong track record in designing cost-effective, appropriate technology for the implementation of social protection programmes, with significant experience in designing management information systems.