Delighted to tell you that National Historic Ships UK have awarded us a grant of £500 towards docking, surveying, mapping the hull planks, prioritising which need replacing first + some caulking and hull work.
Docking is booked for April 3rd - 5th: watch out for more details about an open day, new opportunities for volunteers etc.
But first, like all grants we need to raise some match funding! I this video Jacob explains what we're going to do and where we're going to do it.
To help out...
Go to:
Where you can pop a bit of loose change into the virtual piggy bank, about the equivalent of a cup of coffee would be just perfect!
If you’d like to make a donation of more than £20 and you are a UK taxpayer, please message or email us as we can claim gift aid which will increase your donation by 20%. Email [email protected]
We covered Hardy's cabin some time ago and, to be honest, it's been looking rather untidy for a while. So today is Makeover Day.
2025 has started for Hardy with some work on plates to make keeping her dry (I think I've got that right, I don't understand half the technical stuff that goes on!) and discovering the bilge pump battery is a bit poorly...
Hardy's final check up before Christmas. Craig checking the pump supervised by Chloe (out of shot).
Happy Christmas to all our supporters. Look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Now that winter is upon us we have a weekly checklist to keep Hardy safe and well till spring. Bilge pumps and mud were the key topic on Saturday! Here's one of our volunteers, Chloie Green, who has a lot of boat working experience running through the workings of the main pump and why we need to keep it clear of mud.
And apologies - bit of a noisy background that afternoon :-)
This week's exciting news is that we've reached the half way mark with our crowdfunding prize draw to support the restoration of Hardy. In fact we're a bit ahead of that at 60% as we have had some cash donations from visitors to Hardy and the boatyard.
However... Crowdfunder is predicting we'll only reach about £500 if entries and donations continue at the current rate, so we need a bit of a burst to reach that £600 (or even better £800)!
So if you haven't already taken a punt on winning one of our great prizes then now is the moment - we welcome anything from £3, less than a coffee in Castle Quay these days!
And to cheer you on, here is a short video made for us by the talented Ollie of Banbury BID with incidental music by Dom Prag
Tooleys Boatyard and Historic Narrowboat Hardy under restoration.
Created by Banbury BID
Incidental music by Dom Prag
The leaks are found! And mostly stopped so a thoroughly successful session. Big thank you to the Tooley's Boatyard volunteer boat restoration team #historicnarrowboat #Banbury #canals #inlandwaterways #woodenboatsarebetter #woodenboat
The team hunting down a possibly leak: we're really looking forward to buying those power tools and being able to start replacing planks! And we might need a few more brooms as well..
So, @followers, please take a look at our prize draw fundraiser, enter to win a forge experience and share the Hardy love (and possibly the mud)
Rounding off our videos of hemp rolling and caulking at canal weekend - Nathan and Jacob weighing with the (yes we know it's not a caulking...) hammer and caulking iron!
And heads up - we'll be launching a fundraising prize draw at the weekend with some very nice prizes aiming to raise funds towards increasing our stock of both traditional and modern tools.
Nathan and Jacob practising caulking under the watchful eye of Ian Staples