Super proud of team Ultimate! This weeks task has been to add a new toilet drop to our yard, these men of ours haven’t half grafted!! Massive shout out to our driver Bill, who told me today that when he left school he became a bricky, and after many years have passed he’s still got it, it’s like he’s never been away from the tools 🧱 smashing job! #TeamWork
Goodbye old friend
Last of our pre Covid fleet leaving for pastures new, as our fleet upgrades continue.
New Coach on Tour
Driver Bill spotted by his group as they enjoy the London Eye.
Driver Tom spotted out and about in Edinburgh.
On tour after taking over from Chris in Liverpool earlier today. 🚌💨💨
As our major fleet upgrade continues another one of our old coaches leaves for pastures new.
Bought in 2017, K2UCL has served us well. Sadly it’s time has come to an end with us now, as she is replaced with newer and better specification coaches.
Onwards and upwards. 😎
We’ve been quiet on here as we’ve been mega busy since the holidays.
Our phone has not stopped with you lovely lot making bookings and filling our diary nicely for the year ahead.
Here’s a snippet of what we’ve been up to this week, with of course plenty of local trips too.
Don’t forget, you can secure your coach now with just £100 deposit.
Santa has been early at Ultimate Coaches! 🎅
We treated all the drivers and their partners to some drinks and a nice meal at the local Brazilian restaurant last night, so a few sore heads today.
However this was a welcome sight when it arrived this morning.
This coach has it all! 😎
Euro 6 - latest low emissions engine
Psvar - side mounted wheelchair lift ♿️
Full leather interior
Climate control
Toilet facility
It will also have all of our standard features such as usb charge points, Bluetooth music input, Dab radio, fridge and seat back tables.
Continuing on our vision to offer the very best quality in coach hire. This is the first of two additions to the fleet, with another due imminently.
When you’re the boss heading away for your **(40th)** birthday weekend and then you pass the lads still out grafting 🚌
We love having such an amazing team! 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! 😀
A rare sight of the fleet parked in numerical order just as the last one arrives back from an overnight in Liverpool
Thanks to driver Pete for the photo. 😎