Bognor Regis Zen Judo Dojo

Bognor Regis Zen Judo Dojo Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club Is now the Hombu Dojo for The Zen Judo Family (after the closure of Petersfield Zen Judo Club in Love Lane, in 2015).

We practice Judo in a nurturing non-competitive environment. There is a syllabus of throws to learn, designed to ensure no-one gets hurt or is pushed to do anything they don't feel comfortable with and we like to have a fun family atmosphere. We aim to build ability and confidence, each individual progressing at their own speed, with an emphasis on relaxed co-operation. Judo, which means 'Gentle W

ay', should be about technique rather than strength, yielding to use the strength used against you, and that is what we try to learn. The Zen Judo syllabus is based upon traditional martial arts training where the focus is on mastering technique rather than focusing upon competition. Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club is a member of The Zen Judo Family (ZJF) and affiliated to The British Zen Judo Family Association (BZJFA) and Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai. The Chief Instructor of the Club is John Robertson 6th Dan (ZJF) and 6th Dan (BZJFA). John was talked into starting Judo by his daughter and son at the age of 36 and has now been a judoka (member) of the Zen Judo Family for over 30 years, 20+ of those as an assistant instructor in a number of Zen Judo clubs in West Sussex and Hampshire. The Bognor Club was started by John on the 1st March 2004 with only 4 students and rapidly expanded to 20 regular members. The Club meets at South Bersted Church Hall in Bognor Regis. All ages and abilities are catered for and beginners are always made welcome. Please take a look at the rest of the site for more information about the club and Zen Judo in general. Time: Sessions are held weekly on Monday Evenings,
All grades (Mixed 7+ to Adult) 7:00 to 9:00pm (19:00 - 21:00hrs). Bognor Regis Zen Judo Dojo
South Bersted Church Hall
Bersted Street
Bognor Regis
West Sussex. P022 9QE

At the A29/A259 (Bognor Hospital) round about take the A259 Chichester (Portsmouth) exit past the Ambulance
Station. At the next set of traffic lights turn right into Bersted Street. Follow the road round to the right, after the Church turn right just before The Art of Dance Studio. We are in the Church Hall behind The Art of Dance. Contacts:
- - Chief Instructor and Club Administration email:- [email protected]

- - or call 07506689314 or 07904081211 for more information.

-- Assistant Instructors:
Martin Robertson 5th Dan (ZJF) and 5th Dan(BZJFA). David Bennington 4th Dan (ZJF) and 1st Dan (BZJFA). Yvonne Robertson 5th Dan (ZJF) and 3rd Dan (BZJFA). Sharna Robertson 3rd Dan (ZJF) and 3rd Dan (BZJFA). Jon Taylor 2nd Dan (ZJF).

-- Or visit the club website:

- - Or visit the main Zen Judo website:

Affiliation: The Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club is at present the Hombu Dojo for The Zen Judo Family and is affiliated to both The Zen Judo Family (ZJF) ( A founding member of the International Gentle Arts Society) and The British Zen Judo Family Association (BZJFA) based in Nottingham. Both organisations have international links. Visit for more information and for links to other Judo clubs around the world. Kano Jigoro: (1860-1938), Japanese founder of judo. Due to a weak constitution, Kano began practicing the Japanese martial art jujitsu at the age of 20. He soon incorporated his philosophy of mental and physical training with aspects of jujitsu and other martial arts to develop what he called judo (Japanese for "gentle way"). In 1882 in Sh*taya, Tokyo, he founded Kodokan, his first dojo with only nine pupils. In 1885 Kano went to Great Britain to popularise judo in the West. By the time of his death in 1938, judo had over 100,000 black belt practitioners. Our Origins: the time line for the evolution of Judo and Zen Judo is ...

•Dr Jigoro Kano (1860-1938) founded Kodokan Judo in Tokyo in 1882.
•Kenshiro Abe (7th Dan) & Bill Woods (2nd Dan) founded the British Zen Judo Council in 1958.
•Kenshiro Abe (7th Dan) founded Kyu Shin Do
•Dominick McCarthy (8th Dan Zen) founded The Zen Judo Family in 1974 (Petersfield Zen Judo Club)
•Roger Lewis (4th Dan Zen) founded Chichester Zen Judo Club
•John Wingham (2nd Dan Zen) & Jo Winslow (4th Dan Zen) founded Felpham Zen Judo Club
•John Robertson (5th Dan Zen) founded Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club on 1st March 2004

Copyright © by The Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club Website
All rights reserved.


If you normally pay by bank transfer, there will be four training sessions this month (February). If you pay by bank transfer, the total due will be £28 (please let me know when you have paid).

If you are unable to attend regularly during the month (and pay up front), please try to pay by cash (£7) for each session when you are able to attend. It makes it easier for us to keep track of session payments.

We have room to take on new and returning students, if you know anyone who might be interested in giving Judo a go please let them know.

Sensei John Robertson 6th Dan
(Chief Instructor)


An interesting article for those about to take a grading:

(Published on the Blitz website)

How to Prepare for a Martial Arts Grading and Combat Nerves



1 May 2024

Martial Arts grading isn’t just a test of your physical prowess; it’s also a profound journey into the depths of your mind and spirit. Whether you’re a white belt stepping onto the mat for the first time or a seasoned black belt, the anticipation of grading can send a rush of adrenaline through your veins. Fear not, brave Martial Artist! Let’s embark on a quest to prepare and conquer those pre-grading jitters with a blend of wisdom and whimsy.

1. Master the Basics, Again and Again

The foundation of any Martial Arts discipline is rooted in the mastery of basic techniques. Begin your preparation by revisiting these core elements. Whether it’s your stances, kicks, punches or kata/forms, practice them until they feel like second nature. This repetition is not just about physical memory but also about building confidence. Remember, confidence comes not from doing something unique every day but, from doing the same thing in an exceptional way, every day.

2. Visualise Your Victory

Visualisation is a powerful tool used by athletes all around the world, and it works wonders in Martial Arts too. Spend a few minutes each day visualising your grading session. See yourself executing each move perfectly, handling corrections with grace, and even imagine bowing to receive your new belt. This mental rehearsal can make the actual experience feel more familiar, significantly reducing anxiety.

3. Simulate the Experience

If the grading room is your arena, why not train in it? Arrange to have a few practice sessions in the actual grading environment or simulate it as closely as possible. Wear your full uniform, have your instructor or a senior belt watch you, and run through your routines under their gaze. This ‘dress rehearsal’ helps acclimate your nerves to the real thing.

4. Stay Connected

Build a support network within your dojo or training hall. Connect with others who are also preparing for grading. Share tips, train together and maybe even have mock grading days. The camaraderie can turn the nerve-wracking preparation into a fun and collaborative effort.

5. Mind Over Matter

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your training sessions. Practices like deep breathing, meditation or even yoga can help soothe your mind and keep stress at bay. Not only do these techniques enhance mental clarity but, they also improve your physical flexibility and stamina – key components in Martial Arts.

6. Healthy Body, Focused Mind

What you put into your body affects how you perform, both mentally and physically. In the weeks leading up to your grading, be mindful of your diet. Opt for foods that fuel your body without weighing it down – think lean proteins, complex carbs and plenty of hydrating fluids. A well-nourished body supports a sharp mind.

7. Rest and Recuperate

Remember, while practice is crucial, so is rest. Ensure you get adequate sleep in the days leading up to your grading. A tired body and mind can amplify anxiety. Rest is your secret weapon; it allows your body to repair and your mind to assimilate all the hard work you’ve put in.

8. The Day Before D-Day

The day before your grading, try to keep things light. You might want to run through your routines slowly, focusing more on form and breathing rather than intensity. This is not the time for last-minute cramming. It’s the time to trust in the training you’ve done and allow your body to store up energy for the big day.

9. Embrace the Experience

Finally, on grading day, embrace the experience. Accept that nerves are a natural part of the process; they mean you care and you want to do well. Channel that energy positively, focusing on your determination and the joy of performing what you’ve practiced so hard to learn.

Remember, each grading is not just about the belt, it’s a celebration of your journey, growth and the warrior spirit within you. So, tie your belt a little tighter, take a deep breath and step forward with courage. You’ve got this!

Managed to make the trip upto Northampton for the Kenshindoryu New Year course. Nice to catch up with Sensei Jim Dart an...

Managed to make the trip upto Northampton for the Kenshindoryu New Year course. Nice to catch up with Sensei Jim Dart and the guys, lots of new faces and martial arts friends. Thanks to all the instructors for an enjoyable day. Now where did I put the arnica cream 🥴

Sensei John Robertson

Our last session of the year tonight, which has become the traditional 'games night', this usually involves a lot of rul...

Our last session of the year tonight, which has become the traditional 'games night', this usually involves a lot of rule bending (usually by the senior black belts) 🤔

Various certificates for the highest attendance and demonstrating judo values were awarded.

To those members that couldn't make it for various reasons, you missed a great night.

Its been an interesting year for the club, with the Zen Judo Familys 50th anniversary and 20 year since the Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club was formed. We have been lucky to have attracted back a number of old and new students to the club which has helped to grow the club again.

With a grading day planned for February next year we have much to look forward to.

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year. See you back on the 6th January 2025.

Sensei John Robertson

If you normally pay by bank transfer, there will be three training sessions this month (December). The total due will be...

If you normally pay by bank transfer, there will be three training sessions this month (December). The total due will be £21 (please let me know when you have paid). If anyone is having issues with paying for sessions please talk to Sensei Yvonne.

Our last session for the year will be 16th December and numbers allowing will be the traditional games night.

Our first training session in the New Year will be Monday 6th January. We will be concentrating on preparation for those hoping to grade on 22nd February, if you have misplaced your grading syllabus sheets please let me know.

We have room to take on new and returning students, if you know anyone who might be interested in giving Judo a go please let them know.

I would like to wish all our instructors and students a happy Christmas and New Year.

Sensei John Robertson 6th Dan
(Chief Instructor)

As I have had a number of enquiries recently I thought I would post some more info for beginners.Training day Monday 7 t...

As I have had a number of enquiries recently I thought I would post some more info for beginners.

Training day Monday 7 to 9pm. Mixed session children and adults £7 pay as you go.

If you stay then after a few sessions there will be a membership fee which includes the mat insurance (normally £15 per year renewed in September ).
Clothing can be any loose fitting jogging bottoms and a t-shirt to start with.

As visitors seem to have problems finding the dojo (hall) if you are coming in from Chichester Road the hall is at the back of The Art Of Dance (old village school buildings) studio, entrance to hall and car park is between the Church grave yard and the school buildings on the right. A bit dark in winter but plenty of parking. If you have problems finding us please let me know.

For more info visit

(chief instructor)

Welcome to the Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club website.


Busy session tonight. Good to have Martin back on the mat after his op and welcome to Martin (number 3 🙂 ) who seemed to pick up the ukemi very quickly.

We still have room for some new or returning students.

Sensei John Robertson
(Chief Instructor)


Well done everyone at tonight’s session. That was a tough workout and it was great to see everyone putting in maximum effort.

Sensei Martin


ZJF Membership Fees For 2024/25 Are Now Due (September 1st 2024).

If you wish to remain a Zen Judo Family member and train in ZJF Clubs your membership fees of £15 need to be paid and membership cards (both ZJF blue grading card and Kenshindoryu licence book) supplied for signing by your Chief Instructor.

The membership fee includes mat insurance for the year. Please note that due to the finacial climate we are not increasing our fees at present, this might unfortunately have to change if costs for hall hire increase later this year.

NB: Also note that New first-time licences or replacements will incure an additional £2 fee to cover printing costs.


Please see your Club Sensei for more information or contact me direct.

Sensei John Robertson
(On behalf of the Zen Judo Family)

Professor Kano formulated Judo to be more than just a martial art, he wished for his students to also be useful members ...

Professor Kano formulated Judo to be more than just a martial art, he wished for his students to also be useful members of society.


Another quiet and very hot session last night. Looked at no gi variations on techniques and some basic self defence. Good to have Jon back on the mat again and thanks to Sensei Dave for making the trip over from Portsmouth again.

Remember to pack a t-shirt with your gi in case the next few weeks are as hot.

Sensei John


Kuzushi é um conceito central no judô, referindo-se ao ato de desequilibrar o oponente para facilitar a aplicação de técnicas de projeção (nage-waza). O termo "kuzushi" deriva do verbo japonês "kuzusu", que significa "derrubar" ou "destruir". No contexto do judô, kuzushi é a arte de romper o equilíbrio do adversário, tornando-o vulnerável a uma técnica de projeção.

''Importância do Kuzushi''
Kuzushi é fundamental porque sem desequilibrar o oponente, a aplicação de uma técnica de projeção seria ineficaz ou impossível. A técnica deve ser aplicada em um momento em que o oponente está fora de equilíbrio, o que reduz a capacidade dele de resistir ou contra-atacar.

''Princípios do Kuzushi''
Existem três fases principais na execução de uma técnica de projeção no judô:

1ºKuzushi (Desequilíbrio)
O primeiro passo é romper o equilíbrio do oponente em uma das oito direções.

2ºTsukuri (Preparação ou Entrada)
O segundo passo é a entrada na posição adequada para aplicar a técnica de projeção.

3ºKake (Execução ou Projeção)
O terceiro passo é a execução da técnica, projetando o oponente ao chão.

''As Oito Direções do Kuzushi''
As oito direções de desequilíbrio são baseadas nos pontos cardeais e intermediários, oferecendo uma abordagem completa para controlar o equilíbrio do oponente:

1º Mae Kuzushi (Puxando para frente)
Desequilibrar o oponente para a frente.

2º Ushiro Kuzushi (Empurrando para trás)
Desequilibrar o oponente para trás.

3º Migi Kuzushi (Puxando a direita)
Desequilibrar o oponente para a direita.

4º Hidari Kuzushi (Puxando a esquerda)
Desequilibrar o oponente para a esquerda.

5ºMae-migi Kuzushi (Puxando de frente a direita)
Desequilibrar o oponente para a frente e para a direita.

6º Mae-hidari Kuzushi (Puxando de frente a esquerda)
Desequilibrar o oponente para a frente e para a esquerda.

7º Ushiro-migi Kuzushi (Empurrando para trás a direita)
Desequilibrar o oponente para trás e para a direita.

8º Ushiro-hidari Kuzushi (Empurrando para trás a esquerda)
Desequilibrar o oponente para trás e para a esquerda.

''Aplicação Prática do Kuzushi''
Para aplicar kuzushi de forma eficaz, o judoca deve entender como usar o corpo e a força de maneira coordenada. Aqui estão alguns pontos chave para a aplicação prática:

1º Postura e Movimento
Mantenha uma postura sólida e estável. Use movimentos sutis para desequilibrar o oponente sem comprometer seu próprio equilíbrio.

2º Coordenação de Mãos e Pés
Use suas mãos para puxar ou empurrar o oponente enquanto coordena seus pés para posicionar-se corretamente.

3º Timing e Oportunidade
O timing é crucial. Observe os movimentos do oponente e aplique kuzushi no momento em que ele está mais vulnerável.

4º Uso do Quadril e do Centro de Gravidade
Mova seu centro de gravidade de maneira que influencie diretamente o equilíbrio do oponente. O uso adequado do quadril pode aumentar significativamente a eficácia do kuzushi.

''Exemplos de Técnicas com Kuzushi''
Algumas técnicas de projeção que dependem fortemente de kuzushi incluem:

1ºSeoi Nage
O kuzushi é aplicado puxando o oponente para a frente antes de entrar e projetá-lo sobre o ombro.

2º O Goshi
O kuzushi envolve puxar o oponente para a frente e girar o quadril para executar a projeção.

3º Harai Goshi
O kuzushi é aplicado puxando o oponente para a frente e usando a perna para varrer.

Kuzushi é uma habilidade fundamental e refinada no judô. Sem desequilibrar o oponente, as técnicas de projeção seriam muito menos eficazes. Praticar e dominar kuzushi envolve um entendimento profundo de postura, movimento, timing e a coordenação do corpo. Com prática consistente, um judoca pode aprender a aplicar kuzushi de maneira quase instintiva, melhorando significativamente sua eficácia no tatame.


Very quiet session tonight, just two of us, can only assume that everyone was very tired after watching the football last night.

Seniors having a warm down at end of session last week to help George and Radu celebrate their birthdays. 🥳🥳🎂🎈

Seniors having a warm down at end of session last week to help George and Radu celebrate their birthdays. 🥳🥳🎂🎈

Congratulations to George tonight on successfully grading to Orange belt.He has worked very hard to gain this promotion ...

Congratulations to George tonight on successfully grading to Orange belt.

He has worked very hard to gain this promotion and it is well deserved.

Thanks to Jon for carrying out the grading and also acting as Uki.

Sensei John Robertson
(Chief Instructor)


Posted on the International Freestyle Judo Alliance.


South Bersted Church Hall, Bersted Street
Bognor Regis

Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9pm


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Our Story

We practice Judo in a nurturing non-competitive environment. There is a syllabus of throws to learn, designed to ensure no-one gets hurt or is pushed to do anything they don't feel comfortable with and we like to have a fun family atmosphere. We aim to build ability and confidence, each individual progressing at their own speed, with an emphasis on relaxed co-operation. Judo, which means 'Gentle Way', should be about technique rather than strength, yielding to use the strength used against you, and that is what we try to learn. The Zen Judo syllabus is based upon traditional martial arts training where the focus is on mastering technique rather than focusing upon competition. Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club is a member of The Zen Judo Family (ZJF) and affiliated to The British Zen Judo Family Association (BZJFA) and Kenshindoryu Nippon Budo Kyokai. The Chief Instructor of the Club is John Robertson 5th Dan (ZJF) and 2nd Dan (BZJFA). John was talked into starting Judo by his daughter and son at the age of 36 and has now been a judoka (member) of the Zen Judo Family for over 25 years, 15+ of those as an assistant instructor in a number of Zen Judo clubs in West Sussex and Hampshire. The Bognor Club was started by John on the 1st March 2004 with only 4 students and has rapidly expanded to 20 regular members. The Club meets at South Bersted Church Hall in Bognor Regis. All ages and abilities are catered for and beginners are always made welcome. Please take a look at the rest of the site for more information about the club and Zen Judo in general. Time: Sessions are held weekly on Monday Evenings, All grades (Mixed 7+ to Adult) 7:00 to 9:00pm (19:00 - 21:00hrs). Bognor Regis Zen Judo Dojo South Bersted Church Hall Bersted Street Bognor Regis West Sussex. P022 9QE Directions: At the A29/A259 (Bognor Hospital) round about take the A259 Chichester (Portsmouth) exit past the Ambulance Station. At the next set of traffic lights (by the White Horse Public House) turn right into Bersted Street. Follow the road round to the right, after the Church turn right just before The Art of Dance Studio. We are in the Church Hall behind The Art of Dance. Contacts: - - Chief Instructor and Club Administration email:- [email protected] - - or call 07506689314 or 07904081211 for more information. -- Assistant Instructors: Martin Robertson 5th Dan (ZJF) and 2nd Dan(BZJFA). David Bennington 4th Dan (ZJF) and 1st Dan (BZJFA) (Sensei Havant Zen Judo Club). Yvonne Robertson 4th Dan (ZJF) and 1st Dan (BZJFA). Sharna Robertson 3rd Dan (ZJF) and 1st Dan (BZJFA). Alex Barnes 2nd Dan (ZJF). Jon Taylor 1st Dan (ZJF). -- Or visit the club wedsite: - - Or visit the main Zen Judo website: Affiliation: The Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club is at present the Hombu Dojo for The Zen Judo Family and is affiliated to both The Zen Judo Family (ZJF) ( A founding member of the International Gental Arts Society) and The British Zen Judo Family Association (BZJFA) based in Nottingham. Both organisations have international links. Visit for more information and for links to other Judo clubs around the world. Kano Jigoro: (1860-1938), Japanese founder of judo. Due to a weak constitution, Kano began practicing the Japanese martial art jujitsu at the age of 20. He soon incorporated his philosophy of mental and physical training with aspects of jujitsu and other martial arts to develop what he called judo (Japanese for "gentle way"). In 1882 in Sh*taya, Tokyo, he founded Kodokan, his first dojo with only nine pupils. In 1885 Kano went to Great Britain to popularise judo in the West. By the time of his death in 1938, judo had over 100,000 black belt practitioners. Our Origins: the time line for the evolution of Judo and Zen Judo is ... •Dr Jigoro Kano (1860-1938) founded Kodokan Judo in Tokyo in 1882. •Kenshiro Abe (7th Dan) & Bill Woods (2nd Dan) founded the British Zen Judo Council in 1958. •Kenshiro Abe (7th Dan) founded Kyu Shin Do •Dominick McCarthy (8th Dan Zen) founded The Zen Judo Family in 1974 (Petersfield Zen Judo Club) •Roger Lewis (4th Dan Zen) founded Chichester Zen Judo Club •John Wingham (2nd Dan Zen) & Jo Winslow (4th Dan Zen) founded Felpham Zen Judo Club •John Robertson (4th Dan Zen) founded Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club on 1st March 2004 Copyright © by The Bognor Regis Zen Judo Club Website All rights reserved.